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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 36,888 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
The Correction of Lateral Phase Variations
B. Link, D. Hutchinson
CSPG Special Publications
...The Correction of Lateral Phase Variations B. Link, D. Hutchinson 1994 118 119...
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Lateral numerical dispersion with wave equation migration II
Wen-Jing Wu
CSPG Special Publications
...EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Lateral numerical dispersion with wave equation migration II Wen-Jing Wu 1998 248 251...
ABSTRACT: Complex structural configurations at linkages between frontal and lateral/oblique ramps in the Alberta Foothills
Peter Fermor
CSPG Special Publications
...ABSTRACT: Complex structural configurations at linkages between frontal and lateral/oblique ramps in the Alberta Foothills Peter Fermor 1998 341 341...
ABSTRACT: Characterization of lateral petrophysical heterogeneity within Paleozoic dolomite reservoir facies using outcrop analogs; #90018 (2003)
Colette B. Hirstius
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Characterization of lateral petrophysical heterogeneity within Paleozoic dolomite reservoir facies using outcrop analogs; #90018 (2003...
Abstract: Characterization and Geochemistry of Carbonate Caprock Associated with the Gypsum Valley and Castle Valley Salt Walls, Paradox Basin, CO & UT: Implications for Understanding Lateral Caprock Emplacement; #90321 (2018)
Piper Poe
Search and Discovery.com
... & UT: Implications for Understanding Lateral Caprock Emplacement; #90321 (2018) Piper Poe Characterization and Geochemistry of Carbonate Caprock...
ABSTRACT: River Response to Lateral Ground Tilting, by Jeff Peakall, Mike Leeder, Jim Best, and Phil Ashworth; #90906(2001)
Search and Discovery.com
The lateral extent of the Pakowki transgression into the southern Alberta Foothills. A signpost for the Belly River stratigraphy and the emerging paleotopography of the mountain front in late Campanian time
T. Jerzykiewicz
CSPG Special Publications
...The lateral extent of the Pakowki transgression into the southern Alberta Foothills. A signpost for the Belly River stratigraphy and the emerging...
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Facies sequences and lateral relationships in Ostracod (Glauconitic?) cores - channel, estuary or incised valley fill, does it matter?
G. E. Reinson
CSPG Special Publications
...EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Facies sequences and lateral relationships in Ostracod (Glauconitic?) cores - channel, estuary or incised valley fill, does...
Interpretation of a Sub-Surface Lateral Ramp in the Southern Canadian Rocky Mountains of Southwest Alberta by 3D seismic interpretation: Preliminary Report
D. W. Deline
CSPG Special Publications
...Interpretation of a Sub-Surface Lateral Ramp in the Southern Canadian Rocky Mountains of Southwest Alberta by 3D seismic interpretation: Preliminary...
Lateral Ramps, Basement Block Faults, and Igneous Intrusions in Central Appalachian Valley and Ridge Province: ABSTRACT
Howard A. Pohn
AAPG Bulletin
...Lateral Ramps, Basement Block Faults, and Igneous Intrusions in Central Appalachian Valley and Ridge Province: ABSTRACT Howard A. Pohn 1984 1926 1926...
Abstract: Surface Expressions of Vertical Migration Containing Moderate Lateral Components, by Gary K. Rice; #90078 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
Late Neogene Structural Inversion Around the Northern Gulf of Tonkin, Vietnam: Effects From Right-Lateral Displacement Across the Red River Fault Zone
Search and Discovery.com
Lateral Heterogeneity of Distal Submarine Lobe Deposits, Point Loma Formation, California: Implications for Lateral Facies Prediction in Horizontal Wells
Search and Discovery.com
Lateral Heterogeneity of Distal Submarine Lobe Deposits, Point Loma Formation, California: Implications for Lateral Facies Prediction in Horizontal Wells
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Smart Entry into Multilateral Wells with Coiled Tubing Fiber Optic Telemetry; #90319 (2018)
Syed M. Danish, Bruno Hardegger
Search and Discovery.com
..., Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia. ABSTRACT Verifying that conventional coiled tubing (CT) has entered the correct lateral of a multilateral well can...
Lateral Faults of Southern California: ABSTRACT
Mason L. Hill
AAPG Bulletin
...Lateral Faults of Southern California: ABSTRACT Mason L. Hill 1953 184 184 37 1. (January) The northwest-trending San Andreas is the principal right...
Abstract: Lateral Components of Vertical Migration (What Happens When Things Go Sideways), by Gary Rice; #90164 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
Fluvial Lateral Accretion Deposits, Scroll Bars and Stacking. How Much Do We Know?
Search and Discovery.com
The Diminishing Returns of Lateral Length Across Different Basins
Alexander Cui, Ted Cross
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...The Diminishing Returns of Lateral Length Across Different Basins Alexander Cui, Ted Cross URTeC: 3723784 The Diminishing Returns of Extending...
Abstract: Structure of a Sub-Surface Lateral Ramp in the Southern Canadian Rockies (Crowsnest Pass Area, S.W. Alberta): 3-D Seismic Interpretation and Analog Modelling; #90225 (2015)
David W. Deline and Joe Stuhec
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Structure of a Sub-Surface Lateral Ramp in the Southern Canadian Rockies (Crowsnest Pass Area, S.W. Alberta): 3-D Seismic Interpretation...
Abstract: Estimation of seismic anisotropy parameters in the presence of lateral heterogeneity using WAVSP; #90254 (2016)
Ali A. Shaiban, Carlos Planchart
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Estimation of seismic anisotropy parameters in the presence of lateral heterogeneity using WAVSP; #90254 (2016) Ali A. Shaiban, Carlos...
Abstract: Integrating Legacy Core and Cuttings with New Well Data to Identify Lateral Drilling and Vertical Recompletion Potential of a Conventional Carbonate Reservoir, Central Basin Platform, Texas;
Rachel Williams, David Bell, G. Nunes, J. Schulz
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Integrating Legacy Core and Cuttings with New Well Data to Identify Lateral Drilling and Vertical Recompletion Potential of a Conventional...
Abstract: Reservoir Architecture Characteristics and their Control on the Remaining Oil of a Shallow Water Delta Plain;
Min Li, Xiongqi Pang, Zhidong Bao, Dongsheng Zang, Bo Niu
Search and Discovery.com
... channels because single distributary channels are mainly lateral and vertical tangency and superposition. Along channel are several point bars with spans...