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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

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William A. Thomas

Alabama Geological Society

...LATERAL RAMPS OF THE DOUBLY PLUNGING COOSA SYNCLINORIUM William A. Thomas ©Alabama Geological Society 2010 - Geology of the Coosa coalfield. (1997...


EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Sedimentary features, reservoir characteristics and seismic signature of an Aptian incised valley and its lateral equivalent, in the North Ben Nevis field of the Jeanne d’Arc Basin

P. J. Meehan, J. Hodder, S. Harding, L. Zanussi, G. Plint

CSPG Special Publications

...EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Sedimentary features, reservoir characteristics and seismic signature of an Aptian incised valley and its lateral equivalent...


Stratigraphic Evidence of Post-Early Late Miocene Right-Lateral Displacement Along Central Part of San Andreas Fault Zone, California: ABSTRACT

Gerald Fletcher

AAPG Bulletin

...Stratigraphic Evidence of Post-Early Late Miocene Right-Lateral Displacement Along Central Part of San Andreas Fault Zone, California: ABSTRACT...


Texas Lineament: Pleistocene-Holocene Movement?: ABSTRACT

Corwin C. Reeves, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

... lineament on the north. Pleistocene to Holocene stresses along the Texas lineament have been right-lateral, but the Llano Estacado of West Texas...


Understanding Well Performance of Unconventional Extended Laterals in New Mexico, Delaware Basin

Mei Han, Spencer McKone, Michael Harty, Xueying Xie

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... by drilling longer and longer horizontal wells in the Permian Basin. Lateral lengths in the New Mexico Delaware Basin have increased by 60% in the last 5 years...


Production Improvement From Naturally Fractured Oil Reservoir Using Multilateral Wells

Sri Feni Maulindani, Dedi Irawan, Doddy Abddasah

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... in the wells. By analyzing few branches and length of lateral section of the well can predict the optimum oil productivity in the X field. The result...


"Evolution of the Beaufort Sea Fold and Thrust Belt, Northwestern Canada [Abstract]"

Root, K.G.

CSPG Bulletin

... reflection seismic data by analyzing lateral thickness changes in stratigraphic sequences of known ages, and onlap and truncation relationships...


Lateral Accretion Channel Deposits in Athabasca Delta: Potential Modern Analog to McMurray Formation: ABSTRACT

Anne Calverley

AAPG Bulletin

...Lateral Accretion Channel Deposits in Athabasca Delta: Potential Modern Analog to McMurray Formation: ABSTRACT Anne Calverley 1984 934 934 68 7...


ABSTRACT: Imbricated Channel Systems in the Molasse Foreland Thrust Belt: The Effect of Lateral Orogenic Float of the Eastern Alps; #90013 (2003)

Hans-Gert Linzer

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...ABSTRACT: Imbricated Channel Systems in the Molasse Foreland Thrust Belt: The Effect of Lateral Orogenic Float of the Eastern Alps; #90013 (2003...


Abstract: Characterization Of Complex Lateral Heterogeneity Using MWD, XRF And Seismic Inversion; #90301 (2017)

Chantel Lines, Samuel Fluckiger, Shane Mogensen

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...Abstract: Characterization Of Complex Lateral Heterogeneity Using MWD, XRF And Seismic Inversion; #90301 (2017) Chantel Lines, Samuel Fluckiger...


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