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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 36,888 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Lateral Heterogeneity of Basin-Plain Turbidites of the Cloridorme Formation, Quebec, Canada: Implications for Horizontal Well Prediction;
Chance Seckinger
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Lateral Heterogeneity of Basin-Plain Turbidites of the Cloridorme Formation, Quebec, Canada: Implications for Horizontal Well Prediction...
Old Electrical Log Interpretation [Pre-1958], Chapter 2: The Lateral Curve
Hilchie, D.W.
AAPG Special Volumes
...Old Electrical Log Interpretation [Pre-1958], Chapter 2: The Lateral Curve Hilchie, D.W. 1979 9 20 Old Electrical Log Interpretation, [Pre-1958...
ABSTRACT: Evidence from a Miocene Reaction Front (Netherland Antilles) Demonstrates Formation of Lateral Cyclic Patterns in Rock Properties by Dolomitization, by Mathias, Whitney; Budd, David; #90142 (2012)
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Characterization and Modeling of Multiple Scales of Lateral Petrophysical Heterogeneity within Dolomite Rock Fabrics as Determined from Outcrop Analogs, by Colette B. Hirstius, Matthew J. Pranter, David A. Budd; #90029 (2004)
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ABSTRACT: Polyphase Deformation of Lateral Ramps in Appalachian Foreland Fold and Thrust Belt and Talladega Slate Belt in Alabama, by W. Edward Osborne and Gregory M. Guthrie; #91043 (2011)
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Abstract: A Strike-Slip Margin of the Block 31 Field, West Texas, by B. W. Krantz and D. Yarwood; #90960 (1995).
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ABSTRACT: Quantifying One and Two Dimensional Lateral Heterogeneities in Fluvio- Deltaic Reservoirs Using 3-D Seismic Data, by Anil Deshpande, Peter B. Flemings, and Jie Huang; #91019 (1996)
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Abstract: Tertiary Fluvial Hydrocarbon Reservoirs in the Kenai Peninsula Cook Inlet Basin, Alaska, by G. D. Stricker and R. M. Flores; #90937 (1998).
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Abstract: Physical Modeling of an Irregular Strike-Slip Fault System and Similarities to the South American-Caribbean Plate Boundary, by K. Jagiello and J. Hornbeck; #90933 (1998).
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ABSTRACT: Improved Characterization of Fractured Formations Using Array Lateral Log Technology, by Frenkel, Michael A., Michael Walker; #90026 (2004)
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Abstract: Reservoir Compartmentalisation and Lateral Drainage from Multiple-Scales: Evidence from Pressure Datasets, by Stephen A. O'Connor, Richard Swarbrick, Phillip Clegg, and David Scott; #90082 (2008)
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Eagle Ford Lateral Wellbore Analysis Using Drill Cuttings
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Ryan Thomas Coppersmith
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... Ranges of California, is a 420 km long right-lateral strand of the San Andreas fault system. The SSFZ is a segment of the SGH that crosscuts...
ABSTRACT: Lateral Variations within the Moine Thrust Zone, NW Scotland and Somiedo-Correcillas Unit, Cantabria, Northern Spain: Comparisons with Appalachian Transverse Structures; #90132 (2011)
Michael Kelly
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Lateral Variations within the Moine Thrust Zone, NW Scotland and Somiedo-Correcillas Unit, Cantabria, Northern Spain: Comparisons...
Diagenetic Origins of Lateral Periodic Variations in the Properties of Dolomite – Evidence of Self-Organizing Phenomena? by David A. Budd, Matthew J. Pranter, Zulfiquar A. Reza, and Anthony J. Park; #90052 (2006)
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Waveform Lateral Classification for Regional Facies Prediction
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Plates to Accompany Haller manuscript
C. R. Haller
AAPG Special Volumes
.... Brady. Hypotype 47718, U.C. loc. D-1301. x 33. Fig. 5. Cyclammina cancellata H. B. Brady. a, lateral view; b, apertural view. Hypotype 47666, U.C....
Abstract: Petrographic Assessment of Lateral Patterns in the Petrophysics and Geochemistry of Madison (Mississippian, USA) Dolograinstones, by D. A. Budd; #90090 (2009).
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Lateral Variability of Turbidite-Debrite Couplets in Submarine-Lobe Fringes: Example From the Maastrichtian Lewis Shale, Washakie Basin
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Abstract: Strike-Slip Faults vs Lateral Ramps in the Zagros Thrust Belt (NE Iraq): Impacts on HC Potentials; #90297 (2017)
R. Di Cuia, P. Pace
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Strike-Slip Faults vs Lateral Ramps in the Zagros Thrust Belt (NE Iraq): Impacts on HC Potentials; #90297 (2017) R. Di Cuia, P. Pace AAPG...
Abstract: The Murau Formation: Murau Structures and Their Significance to Regional Geology
Ibrahim Abdullah, Ahmad Jantan, Uyop Said
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... by a right lateral fault possibly passing along Sungai Mersing. The Murau rocks have been folded into open and slightly asymmetrical folds. Based on the fold...
Extended Abstract: Improving Production While Minimizing Completion Costs in the STACK
Rick Schrynemeeckers
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... depth. The orange bars show possible lateral landing points with a hundred foot drainage above and below the lateral. The DGL data shows the Upper...
Lateral Gradation in Seven Rivers Formation, Rocky Arroyo, Eddy County, New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Robert L. Bates
AAPG Bulletin
...Lateral Gradation in Seven Rivers Formation, Rocky Arroyo, Eddy County, New Mexico: ABSTRACT Robert L. Bates 1941 935 935 25 5. (May) The paper...