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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 36,888 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Relationship Between Fluvial Architecture and Remaining Oil in the Gudong Oilfield, Bohai Basin, China, by Xiangyun Jiang, Shenghe Wu, and Diyun Yu; #90078 (2008)
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Abstract: A Tectonic Context for Basement Linears in Northeast Wyoming, by G. S. Dodson; #90092 (2009)
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High Resolution Seismic Inversion for Characterization of Reservoir Lateral Heterogeneity
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Kinematics And Timing Of Deformation Of Nellis Dunes Recreational Area, Nellis, Nevada
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Complex Depositional History of a Sinuous, Conglomeratic Submarine Slope Channel
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Lateral Mobility of Minibasins During Shortening: Insights From the SE Precaspian Basin, Kazakhstan
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Applicability of Bentonites to Early Development Areas, TOC Prediction and Quantification of Lateral Facies Variation: A Case in Vaca Muerta Formation (Argentina)
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Fitting the Facies Mosaic Together: Controls on Lateral Heterogeneity of Microbial Reefs
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Quantification of sedimentation patterns in late Paleozoic mixed deep-water carbonate and siliciclastic deposits, Argus Mountains, east-central California, USA
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ABSTRACT: Contrasting Lateral and Oblique Frontal Submarine Fan Pinch-outs from the Tanqua Basin, South Africa; #90007 (2002)
David Hodgson, Wietze van der Werff, Nick Drinkwater, David Hodgetts, John Howell, John Kavanagh, Kevin Keogh, Erik P. Johannessen, De Ville Wickens, Alexei Petrov, Stephen Flint
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Contrasting Lateral and Oblique Frontal Submarine Fan Pinch-outs from the Tanqua Basin, South Africa; #90007 (2002) David Hodgson, Wietze...
ABSTRACT: Waveform Lateral Classification for Regional Facies Prediction; #90051 (2006)
Ahmad A. BenMahfooz, Fernando A. Neves, Roger J. Price
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Waveform Lateral Classification for Regional Facies Prediction; #90051 (2006) Ahmad A. BenMahfooz, Fernando A. Neves, Roger J. Price AAPG...
Abstract: Application of Real Time Wellsite Tool for Enhanced Geosteering and Reservoir Characterization; #90187 (2014)
Tom Ashton, Chi Vinh Ly, and Graham Spence
Search and Discovery.com
... for better reservoir characterization to assist both during the drilling program for geosteering of long lateral wells and, for better frac placement...
Abstract: Hydro-Mechanical Modelling of Mudstone Compaction in a Salt Bounded Mini-Basin Subjected to Lateral Deformation; #90255 (2017)
Joshua Obradors Prats, Mohamed Rouainia, Andrew Aplin, Anthony Crook
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Hydro-Mechanical Modelling of Mudstone Compaction in a Salt Bounded Mini-Basin Subjected to Lateral Deformation; #90255 (2017) Joshua...
Abstract: A Global Review of Stratigraphic and Subtle Combination Traps; #90317 (2018)
Paul Binns, James Faroppa, Shaoqing Sun
Search and Discovery.com
... initially in place (STOIIP) cannot be calculated using a depth structure map alone e.g. a sand body that has lateral pinch out onto a high. We suggest...
Abstract: A Global Review of Stratigraphic and Subtle Combination Traps; #90319 (2018)
James Faroppa, Shaoqing Sun, Paul Binns
Search and Discovery.com
... lateral pinch out onto a high. We suggest these are a sub-class of the broader stratigraphic trap. Trap classifications is further complicated...
Stike-slip kinematics for pop-ups and pull-apaarts
Molly Turko
GEO ExPro Magazine
... for determining if a strike-slip fault is left-lateral (sinistral) or right-lateral (dextral), which can often be difficult to decipher with subsurface data...
Evidence Supporting Lateral Migration of Oil, San Joaquin Valley, California: ABSTRACT
Glenn C. Ferguson
AAPG Bulletin
...Evidence Supporting Lateral Migration of Oil, San Joaquin Valley, California: ABSTRACT Glenn C. Ferguson 1946 2090 2090 30 12. (December...
Huntington Beach Field--Townlot Extension: ABSTRACT
Robin B. Willis
AAPG Bulletin
... into the mechanics of the Inglewood fault, which in this case is a lateral-slip fault with associated vertical-slip "feather" faults, and a small fold related...
Reservoir Studies and Inversion of Seismic Traces: ABSTRACT
E. Rainon
AAPG Bulletin
... to the sonic log. Prediction of lateral changes affecting the formations intersected by the well is the most direct application. Provided the original...
Use of Optical Axis of Vitrinite as an Indicator of Paleo- and In-Situ Stresses in Coal and Coal-Bearing Strata: ABSTRACT
Francis T.C. Ting
AAPG Bulletin
... with the direction of the maximum compressive stress, either vertical load stress or the resultant of vertical load stress and lateral tectonic stress. Measurable...
Abstract: Meandering Fluvial Facies Architecture: Insights from the Ferron Sandstone of Utah, by Anderson, Sloan T.; Kerr, Dennis R.; #90163 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
Impact of Lateral Placement on Well Performance in the Bakken Play
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The Importance of Grain Size and Grain Size Distribution on Deep-Marine Channel Evolution
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