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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 36,888 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Continuity of Pliocene Turbidite Sandstones, Ventura Area, California, with Applications to Supplemental Recovery: ABSTRACT

Alan F. Thomson

AAPG Bulletin

.... Thick, composite Type A sandstones have good lateral continuity because they are amalgamated. Type B sandstones have poorer lateral continuity because...


Applied Biostratigraphy in Gulf Coast Tertiary: ABSTRACT

Edward B. Picou, Jr., Doris M. Curtis

AAPG Bulletin

... studies of microfaunal successions and paleoecology (biofacies) together with vertical and lateral sediment-distribution patterns (lithofacies) can...


Middle Tertiary Laumontite Isograd Offset 37 Km by Left-Lateral Strike-Slip on Santa Ynez Fault, California: ABSTRACT

Thane H. McCulloh

AAPG Bulletin

...Middle Tertiary Laumontite Isograd Offset 37 Km by Left-Lateral Strike-Slip on Santa Ynez Fault, California: ABSTRACT Thane H. McCulloh 1981 956 956...


Prediction of Lateral Seal Capacity from Core Data: ABSTRACT

Tim T. Schowalter

AAPG Bulletin

...Prediction of Lateral Seal Capacity from Core Data: ABSTRACT Tim T. Schowalter 1981 988 988 65 5. (May) Mystery Reef field produces oil from a porous...


Thermal and Mechanical Evolution of U.S. Atlantic Continental Margin: ABSTRACT

M. S. Steckler, A. B. Watts

AAPG Bulletin

... the margin and lateral conduction of heat has been included. The equivalent elastic thickness of the lithosphere has been approximated as the depth...


Model Presentation for Displacements Between Western North America, Eastern Eurasia, and Adjacent Oceanic Plates for the Past 180 Million Years: ABSTRACT

David Engebretson

AAPG Bulletin

... subduction beneath Eurasia and right lateral oblique subduction with respect to North America. In contrast, the Farallon plate swept from west...


Wrench Faulting in Selected Areas of Permian Basin: ABSTRACT

G. Pat Bolden

AAPG Bulletin

...-lateral wrench faults by definition. Wrench faults, transcurrent faults, and strike-slip faults are basically synonymous; all are shear faults...


Petrographic, Geochemical, and Paleohydrologic Evidence of Nature of Petroleum Migration in Illinois Basin: ABSTRACT

Craig M. Bethke, J. D. Pruitt, Mary H. Barrows

AAPG Bulletin

... of regional groundwater flow. Petrographic analyses of samples of the New Albany Shale group (Devonian/Mississippian) were used to define lateral...


Penecontemporaneous Facies Relations in Pennsylvanian (Desmoinesian) Deltas of Southwestern Indiana: ABSTRACT

Christopher G. Maples, Allen W. Archer

AAPG Bulletin

... 1985 283 283 69 2. (February) Lateral and vertical sedimentologic and paleoecologic analyses of rocks and fossils of the lower part of the Dugger...


Significance of Great Lateral Extent of Thin Units in Newark Supergroup (Lower Mesozoic, Eastern North America): ABSTRACT

Paul E. Olsen

AAPG Bulletin

...Significance of Great Lateral Extent of Thin Units in Newark Supergroup (Lower Mesozoic, Eastern North America): ABSTRACT Paul E. Olsen 1985 1444...


ABSTRACT: Use of Pressure Data to indicate Vertical and Lateral Compartmentalisation in the Chirag Culmination of the ACG Oil Field, South Caspian; #90007 (2002)

Antony David Reynolds

Search and

...ABSTRACT: Use of Pressure Data to indicate Vertical and Lateral Compartmentalisation in the Chirag Culmination of the ACG Oil Field, South Caspian...


ABSTRACT: Coeval Shortening on Synsedimentary Thrust Systems and Diapirs, Deepwater Gabon; #90013 (2003)

Martin P. A. Jackson, Michael R. Hudec

Search and

... of the massive Neogene Congo Fan. The thrust system is dominated by forethrusts, which curve into lateral structures trending southwest. Because they are oblique...


ABSTRACT: Crosswell Seismic in Carbonate Reservoirs - Examples of High-Resolution Reservoir Delineation; #90017 (2003)

Paul (Mitch) Harris

Search and

... suggest lateral discontinuities but details are ambiguous due to the poor resolution. Crosswell data defines the nature of some of the reservoir...


ABSTRACT: Carbonate Reservoir Delineation from Seismic Data … Examples of Crosswell Seismic; #90061 (2006)

Paul Harris

Search and

.... 3-D seismic and downhole log data suggest lateral discontinuities but details are ambiguous due to the poor resolution. Crosswell data defines...


ABSTRACT: Geomorphic Evidence for Lateral Propagation of The Caspian Fault in West-Central Alborz Mountains, Iran; #90109 (2010)

Baharak Vahdati Daneshmand, Mohammad Reza Ghassemi, Ghassem Heidarzadeh

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...ABSTRACT: Geomorphic Evidence for Lateral Propagation of The Caspian Fault in West-Central Alborz Mountains, Iran; #90109 (2010) Baharak Vahdati...


Abstract: Forensic Chemostratigraphy: A Tool to Determine Lateral Well Bore Placement; #90187 (2014)

Gemma V. Hildred, Nahysa Martinez-Kulikowski, and Brian A. Zaitlin

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...Abstract: Forensic Chemostratigraphy: A Tool to Determine Lateral Well Bore Placement; #90187 (2014) Gemma V. Hildred, Nahysa Martinez-Kulikowski...


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