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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 36,888 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
ABSTRACT: Kinematic Characteristics of Reactivated Versus Newly Formed Strike-Slip Zones in Frontal Fold-Thrust Belts: Examples from the Alps, by G. Schoenborn; #91021 (2010)
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ABSTRACT: Lateral Variability within High Frequency Sequences in a Distal Foreland Basin Setting, by Russell R. Kelly and Gregory C. Nadon; #90906(2001)
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Abstract: Reverse Fault Earthquake Pairs: San Fernando Valley 1971 and 1994 and Nelson, New Zealand 1929 and 1968, by R. S. Yeats; #90904 (2001)
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Abstract: Multi-lateral Coiled Tubing Drilling Provides Economic Access to Alaska’s Viscous Oil, by L. J. Vendl and M. O. Johnson; #90008 (2002).
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Abstract: Lateral Variabilities of Carbonate Cycle Patterns in the Latemàr Lagoon, Triassic, Italian Dolomites, by Sven O. Egenhoff and Arndt Peterhaensel; #90039 (2005)
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Abstract: Influence of Structural Deformation on Temperature Distribution through Time, by Fausto Mosca, Ana Krueger, and Ed Gilbert; #90072 (2007)
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Abstract: The Ubiquity of Wrench Faults in the USA, William McBee, Jr, #90097 (2009)
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Abstract: Evidence for Punctuated Lateral Fault Growth In Response to Structural Inheritance: Camarillo Fold Belt, by D. E. De Vecchio; #90088 (2009)
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ABSTRACT: Numerical Simulations of the Formation and Destruction of Fluvial Terraces: Implications for Fluvial Sediment Inputs to Continental-Margin Depositional Basins, by Limaye, Ajay B.; Lamb, Michael P.; #90142 (2012)
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ABSTRACT: Correlation between Specific Horizontal Lateral Placement and Gas Production in the Devonian Age Lower Huron Shale Formation in the Big Sandy Field, Kentucky, by Katie Pankowski-Heckman; #90154 (2012)
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Abstract: Application of Real Time Wellsite Tool for Enhanced Geosteering and Reservoir Characterization, by Chi Vinh Ly and Graham Spence; #90167 (2013)
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Abstract: Identifying Porosity Sweet Spots in an Eagle Ford Vertical and Lateral Well, by Rick Schrynemeeckers; #90205 (2014)
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Lateral Variation Of Siliceous Sedimentary Lithofacies In The Upper Monterey Formation, South Belridge-Lost Hills Fields, Kern County, California
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Measuring the Ratio of Storm Deposited Gutter Casts in a Shallow Marine Environment of the Cretaceous Gallup Sandstone, Shiprock, New Mexico
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Production Metric Analytics in the Wolfcamp Formation
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Quantitative Analysis of the Bed-Scale Facies Architecture of Submarine Lobe Deposits
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Application of Magnetic Techniques to Lateral Hydrocarbon Migration – Lower Tertiary Reservoir Systems, UK North Sea
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Building a Predictive Model for Stratigraphic Transitions and Lateral Facies Changes in the Cretaceous Almond Formation, Wyoming
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ABSTRACT: Segmentation of Extensional Structures in the Lower Congo/ Kwanza Basins: an Effect of Lateral Boundary Conditions; #90017 (2003)
X. Fort, J.-P. Brun, O. Frey, T. Fristad, C. Zwach, H. Oines, K. Jongepier
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...ABSTRACT: Segmentation of Extensional Structures in the Lower Congo/ Kwanza Basins: an Effect of Lateral Boundary Conditions; #90017 (2003) X. Fort...
ABSTRACT: Detailed Rock Evaluation and Strategic Reservoir Stimulation Planning For Optimal Production in Horizontal Gas Shale Wells; #90108 (2010)
Camron K. Miller, Erik I. Rylander, and Joel Le Calvez
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... in Horizontal Gas Shale Wells Camron K. Miller, Erik I. Rylander, and Joel Le Calvez Schlumberger, Addison, TX. Heterogeneity in lateral wellbores...