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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 1,462 Results. Searched 196,209 documents.

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Application of Fractal Method for Quantifying Fault Geometry

Sigit Sukmono, Lilik Hendrajaya, Djoko Santoso

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... in Figure 3. Fractal dimension D of the Semangka fault is estimated from the slopes of straight-line least squares fit to these data and found to be D = 1.58...


Delineation of Leachate Plumes at Two Waste Disposal Sites, Selangor

Abdul Rahim Samsudin, Bahaa-eldin Elwali A. Rahim, Wan Zuhairi Wan Yaacob

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

.... Rapid least-squares inversion of apparent resistivity pseudosections by a quasi-Newton method. Geophysical Prospecting, 44:131-152. DAWSON, C.B....


An Estimate of the Conventional Crude-Oil Potential in Alberta

J. T. Ryan

CSPG Bulletin

... with a nonlinear least-squares technique to the oil-in-place and recoverable oil reserves and the parameters determined. Tables 2 and 3 give the values...


A Gravity and Magnetic Survey of the Ute Mountain Ute Indian Reservation, Colorado and New Mexico

Michael W. Webring, Gerda A. Abrams

Utah Geological Association

... Geometrics. Basic corrections consisted of diurnal field removal, heading and maneuver corrections, and least-squares adjustment using tie lines...


Induced Gamma Ray Spectroscopy (IGS) Log Application in the Java Sea

Cholid Mas, Anna Maria, Mark Schneider, Bambang Hari Setiyawan

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... yield, can be determined by weighted least squares spectral fitting. Figure 3 summarizes the process of obtaining elemental yield. This process...


Role of Organic Species Dissolved in Formation Waters from Sedimentary Basins in Mineral Diagenesis

Yousif K. Kharaka, Leroy M. Law, William W. Carothers, Donald F. Goerlitz

Special Publications of SEPM

...). The boundary of Zone 3, where no acid anions are present, is placed at about 200" C and is obtained by extrapolation of the least-squares line of Figure 1...


Structure of Albertite from New Brunswick, Canada

Ganjavar Khavari-Khorasani

CSPG Bulletin

... curves were fitted to the experimental data by means of a least-squares curve-fit computer program. CARBONIZATION The bitumen sample was carbonized...


Innovation for Conventional Hydrocarbon Exploration with Audio Magnetotelluric Method

Widodo, Durra Handri Saputera, Iqbal Fauzi Aditama, Andriyan Saputra

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... for petroleum exploration in West Siberia. Russian Geology and Geophysics 55 (2014) 763-774. Marquardt, D., 1963, An algorithm for least squares estimation of non...


Magnetic Stratigraphy and Tectonic Rotation of the Oligocene Alsea, Yaquina, and Nye Formations, Lincoln County, Oregon

Donald R. Prothero, Clio Z. Bitboul, George W. Moore, Alan R. Niem

Pacific Section SEPM

... component was estimated using the least squares method of Kirschvink (1980), and averaged using Fisher (1953) statistics. Each site was then ranked...


Magnetic Stratigraphy and Tectonic Rotation of the Lower Miocene (Type Saucesian) Rincon Formation, Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties, California

Donald R. Prothero, Stacey G. Rapp

Pacific Section SEPM

... in single-domain or pseudo-single-domain grains. This main component of remanence was summarized using the least squares method of Kirschvink (1980). Site...


Geology and Geophysics of South Central Zavala and Adjoining Parts of Dimmit Counties, Texas

James A. Noel

GCAGS Transactions

.... The Elaine field is included in the study area. Gravity and magnetic residuals were calculated using the least squares method, and the magnetics...


Amplitude Versus Offset Gradient Modeling Over a Minnelusa Field

W.E. Johnson

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... an amplitude versus offset gradient analysis might be performed. A least squares fit is made t o the amplitude versus offset for each time sample interval...


Multiscale Characterization of Spatial Heterogeneity of Petroleum Source Rocks via Near-Infrared Spectroscopy

Yashar Mehmani, Alan K. Burnham, Michael D. Vanden Berg, Hamdi A. Tchelepi

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... for sophisticated mathematical analyses to extract useful information from measured spectra. These include, but are not limited to, partial least...


Integrated Full Waveform Inversion and Dip Constrained Tomography for Complex Carbonate Imaging - Case Study from Indonesia

Yonghe Guo, Jun Wang, Pongga Wardaya, Riaz Alai, M Afiq B Mokhtar, Rizki Krishna Pratama, Haryono Haryanto

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... with least-squares reverse time migration: Interpretation, Vol. 5, No. 3. Zhou, H., Gray, S.H., Young, J., Pham, D. and Zhang, Y., 2003, Tomographic...


Quantitative Determination of Calcite-dolomite-apatite Mixtures by X-ray Diffraction

S. H. Bromberger, John B. Hayes

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... computer using a least-squares program designed by J. Hurt of the Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Iowa. FIG. 2. Curve for determination...


High-End Model Building Techniques for Revealing a Pre-Carbonate Reservoir Offshore East Natuna Basin, Indonesia

Jun Wang, Yonghe Guo, Yitao Chen, Muhammad Nauvall Juliansyah, Nick Crabtree

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... robust against cycle-skipping than conventional least-squares FWI (Wang et al., 2019). The flow proposed for this case study is shown in Figure 5...


Application of Machine Learning to Predict Cementation Factor along Well Intervals and its Implications for Sand Problem, Study Case: Wanda Complex Field, Indonesia

Aditya Wicaksono, Alfigo Tryozi S. Z., Bhaskara Aji, Leonardus Gilang Ginting P., Arif Yondo

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... Prediction: International Petroleum Technology Conference. Chin, W. W., 1998, The Partial Least Squares Approach to Structural Equation Modeling. Modern...


210Pb and 137CS Geochronology of the Lake Fausse Pointe Region of the Lower Atchafalaya Basin

Luke J. Patterson, Zahid Muhammad, Samuel J. Bentley, L. Del Britsch, Douglas L. Dillon

GCAGS Transactions

... be estimated by a least-squares fit End_Page 669------------------------ to:      (1) where ? = decay constant for the radionuclide of interest...


Broad bandwidths reveal double the expected sediment depth in the Northern Carnarvon Basin

Jo Firth, Mark Stanley

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... are also addressed, although this technique is not so effective for shallow water bottom multiples, near offsets and outer cables. Least-squares...


AAPG Memoir 76, Chapter 16: Pore Pressure ahead of the Bit: An Integrated Approach

Nader C. Dutta, William H. Borland, W. Scott Leaney, Richard Meehan, and W. Les Nutt

AAPG Special Volumes

..., the hazard depth is predicted to be at 2707 m (using a least-squares extrapolation). As drilling progresses, more time to depth information becomes...


Moment and Graphic Size Parameters in the Sediments of Lake Geneva (Switzerland)

J.-M. Jaquet, J.-P. Vernet

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... between moment mean and graphic mean, with least-squares regression equation. Straight line indicates 1:1 relationship. TABLE 1. Formulas...


The Behavior of ZN2+ and MN2+ during Carbonate Diagenesis: Theory and Application: DISCUSSION

D. W. Morrow, I. R. Mayers

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... diagenesis with the 0.05 and 0.14 coefficients, respectively. The range of strontium values is for the low-magnesian calcite of Barbados, and the least squares...


The Sequence and Mechanism of Low-Temperature Dolomite Formation: Calcian Dolomites in a Pennsylvanian Echinoderm

David F. Blake, Donald R. Peacor, Bruce H. Wilkinson

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... for the phases by least squares refinement using 11 of the most intense diffraction peaks for each phase. Refined a and c values for the phases were...


Application of Multivariate Statistics in Crude Quality Characterization and Regional Distribution in Orinoco Oil Belt: Section II. Characterization, Maturation, and Degradation

M. Taheri, N. M. de Audemard

AAPG Special Volumes

... coefficients, obtained by the least squares method of best fit, were applied to every pair of 14 crude characteristics (API gravity; kinematic viscosity...


Statistical Analysis of Regional Facies Change in Ordovician Cobourg Limestone in Northwestern New York and Southern Ontario

L. Lippitt

AAPG Bulletin

... to be linear and a best fit made to the observational data by the method of least squares. The resulting equation for the regression line (best fit trend...


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