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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 2,246 Results. Searched 197,740 documents.
ABSTRACT: Multi-Spatial Resolution Digital Elevation Models for Studying the Evolution of Complex Drainage System: The Gorge of the Nile, Ethiopia, by Sultana, D. Nahid, Mohamed G. Abdelsalam; #90026 (2004)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: New Intra-Channel Architecture Within Sinuous Amazon Slope Channel Revealed by a 3-D Seismic Study, by Takeshi Nakajima, Jeffrey Peakall, William D. McCaffrey, and Philip Thompson; #90078 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Kern River Field: Framework and Future of an Old Giant, by Jim Swartz, Larry Knauer, Jim Eacmen, Al Hunter, and Jerry McNaboe; #90076 (2008)
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ABSTRACT: QC and Update of Reservoir Grids with Back Loops on Seismic Data, by Pivot, Frédérik; Forge, Aurèle; #90155 (2012)
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Abstract: Spatially Constrained Inversion of Transient Electromagnetic Data for Near Surface Characterization, by D. Rovetta, D. Colombo, G. McNeice, and T. Yousuf, #90188 (2014)
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Metaheuristic Rock Property Determination Driven by Rock Type Constrained Global N-Dimensional Analysis
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CarbonSAFE Rocky Mountain Phase I : Seismic Characterization of the Navajo Reservoir, San Rafael Swell, Utah
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Anatomy and Evolution of Deep-Water Channels: Case studies from Nigeria and the Gulf of Mexico; #90007 (2002)
Henry W. Posamentier, Ven Kolla
Search and Discovery.com
... and contrasted using 3D seismic data. They range in width from <300 m up to 4 km and display a broad range of sinuosities. Three aspects of channel...
ABSTRACT: Pre-Drill Depositional Facies Characterization of Sinuous Submarine Channels, Deepwater West Africa; #90017 (2003)
Roland H. Kirschner, T. A. McGilvery
Search and Discovery.com
... on analysis of complex reservoir geometries inherent to sinuous channel systems based on amplitude extractions from 3D seismic data. Paleogeographic...
ABSTRACT: Quantitative Use of 4-D Seismic to Monitor Saturation and Pressure Changes in a Producing Reservoir; #90115 (2010)
Temitope Fehintola
Search and Discovery.com
... changes and time-shifts, the baseline seismic data and reservoir static model are first brought into close agreement through a “Close-the-Loop” seismic 3D...
Abstract: Derived Seismic Attributes Underpin Reservoir Characterization in Data-Driven Methodologies; #90255 (2017)
Keith Holdaway
Search and Discovery.com
... amplitude. 3D pre-stack attributes have only become available recently with the advent of affordable pre-stack time migrations. This article explores...
Abstract: Funny Things Meanders Do: Process and Variability in Modern and Ancient Point Bars; #90289 (2017)
John Holbrook
Search and Discovery.com
... exceeds the stability of sustained meandering. The loop is characterized by rapid point-bar accretion that generates complexly compound forms. After...
Efficient Identification of Reservoir Flow Connections
Martin Haege, Jarle Haukås, Aicha Bounaim
GEO ExPro Magazine
... between the data in time and space. For example, a seismic survey is associated with the portion of the subsurface it covers, and the time interval over...
Log Resistivity Measuring Devices Compared to S-waves from a Vertical-Force Source VSV / VSH Ratio in Identification of Fracture Sweet Spots in Densely Fractured Reservoirs
John M. Robinson, Bob Van Nieuwenhuise
GCAGS Transactions
... field around the coil. This alternating field creates a current in conductors such as the horizontal ground loop shown in Figure 2 and thus...
Log Resistivity Measuring Devices Compared to S-waves from a Vertical-Force Source, #41377 (2014)
John M. Robinson
Search and Discovery.com
.... This alternating field creates a current in conductors such as the horizontal ground loop shown in Figure 2 and thus, the horizontal ground loop has...
Abstract: Successful Imaging Below Salt: Technique and 2 Case Histories, by R. Marschall, H.-J. Zoch, C. Henke, M. Krieger, and F. Kockel; #90923 (1999)
Search and Discovery.com
Electromagnetic Survey of Permafrost Thickness in Northern Alaska in 1969 and 1970
George V. Keller
Pacific Section SEPM
...Electromagnetic Survey of Permafrost Thickness in Northern Alaska in 1969 and 1970 George V. Keller ELECTROMAGNETIC SURVEY OF PERMAFROST THICKNESS...
Update on the geophysical expression of the Abra sedimentary replacement Pb-Ag-Cu-Au deposit, Western Australia
David Stannard, Jayson Meyers, Ed Turner, Angelo Scopel
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... 1980s from SIROTEM moving loop EM (MLEM), fixed loop EM (FLEM) and downhole EM (DHEM). The results of these EM surveys, and another MLEM survey program...
3D Seismic Proves its Value in Bakken Geosteering
Angie Southcott, Harold Harper
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...3D Seismic Proves its Value in Bakken Geosteering Angie Southcott, Harold Harper URTeC: 1922656 3-D Seismic Proves Its Value in Bakken Geosteering...
Integrated Workflows for Drilling Optimization and Enhanced Production
Jakob Heller, Venkatesh Anantharamu, Andrew Lewis, Bruce Karr, Ron Bianco
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... parameters of this HTD 3D survey collect a dense sampling of the full offset range at all azimuths, with a focus on collecting near offsets (Figure 2...
Integrating advanced azimuthal tomography and FWI to improve complicated carbonate fracture-cavity reservoirs in ShunBei oil fields, Tarim Basin
Lanlan Yan, Jiashun Yao, Hao Zheng, Kai Guo, Yong Zhang, Feiluo Peng, Yan Wang
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... using 3D survey acquired in SunBei oil field nearby #8 ShunBei-West, an area with two high angle faults crossing through each other at 87 degree...
Abstract: Introduction to Reservoir Uncertainty Modeling; #90171 (2013)
Alister MacDonald, Kevin Zhang, Jan Inge Tollefsrud, Sasan Ghanbari, and Robert Chelak
Search and Discovery.com
... forecasts and risk-free decisions. Fortunately, using 3D models as the basis for reservoir uncertainty quantification is now feasible due to advances...
Uncertainty Assessment Using 3D Modeling; #120025 (2009)
Emmanuel Gringarten
Search and Discovery.com
...Uncertainty Assessment Using 3D Modeling; #120025 (2009) Emmanuel Gringarten Uncertainty Assessment Using 3D Modeling* Emmanuel Gringarten1 Search...
Highlights of 3D Surveys, Offshore Sarawak
H. J. E. Schmidt
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
...Highlights of 3D Surveys, Offshore Sarawak H. J. E. Schmidt 1988 1 16 This paper highlights some of the beneficial aspects of 3-D seismic surveys...