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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 10,755 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Magnetic Characteristics of the Rock Formations on Mount Kinabalu, Sabah

Woo Chaw Hong, Chow Yor Chun, Teng King Kuen, Mazshurraiezal Nasir

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... variations of total magnetic total field from 39400nT to 41700 nT (magnetic variation range of 2300nT) were observed within the serpentinised ultrabasic...


Experimental Low-Altitude Aeromagnetic Reconnaissance for Petroleum in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, Using Horizontal Gradients--A Progress Report: ABSTRACT

Terrence J. Donovan, John D. Hendricks, Alan A. Roberts, Patricia T. Eliason

AAPG Bulletin

... related to diurnal variations and solar storms at high magnetic latitude are largely overcome because changes in the total magnetic field do...


Test of Hydrocarbon-Induced Magnetic Patterns in Soils: The Sanitary Landfill as Laboratory

Brooks B. Ellwood and Burke Burkart

AAPG Special Volumes

...Test of Hydrocarbon-Induced Magnetic Patterns in Soils: The Sanitary Landfill as Laboratory Brooks B. Ellwood and Burke Burkart 1996 91 98 M 66...


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.... These contrasts often generate gravity and magnetic signatures. However, due to density and magnetic variations of the rocks these structural...


ABSTRACT: Application of High-Resolution Aeromagnetic Data for Sedimentary Cover Studies in Hydrocarbon Exploration; #90007 (2002)

Vsevolod I. Egorov, Yuri P. Goryachev

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... It is well known that the sources of airborne magnetic anomalies are nearly always from local relief on the basement surface or from inhomogeneities...


Abstract: 3D Aeromagnetic Mapping of the Williston Basin Basement; #90211 (2015)

Jiakang Li and Igor Morozov

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... University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada Abstract Regional magnetic anomalies are sensitive to the variations of the structure...


Magnetic Susceptibility Studies of Shales from Northern Anthracite Field of Pennsylvania: ABSTRACT

M. T. El-Ashry, U. R. Nejib

AAPG Bulletin

...Magnetic Susceptibility Studies of Shales from Northern Anthracite Field of Pennsylvania: ABSTRACT M. T. El-Ashry, U. R. Nejib 1972 616 617 56 3...


Some Basic Similarities and Differences of Micromagnetics and Conventional Magnetic Surveys

J. P. Land

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

..., magnetic surveying, in its present stage of development, can play a more strategic role through surveys designed to emphasize anomalies from local...


Two-step filtering of ground magnetic data for archaeological investigation at Sungai Batu, Kedah, Malaysia

Sabiu Bala Muhammad, Rosli Saad, Mokhtar Saidin, Rais Yusoh, Mustapha Adejo Mohammed, Yakubu Mingyi Samuel

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

...Two-step filtering of ground magnetic data for archaeological investigation at Sungai Batu, Kedah, Malaysia Sabiu Bala Muhammad, Rosli Saad, Mokhtar...


A New Global Sediment Thickness Map of the World

Sam Cheyney, Simon Campbell, Ian Somerton

GEO ExPro Magazine

... magnetic data where there is a high confidence. This depth-to-basement database is then used to identify largescale regional variations across the area so...


Abstract: Interpretation of High Resolution Gravity and Magnetic Surveys for Oil and Gas Exploration

Clive Foss

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... that have been the traditional objects of investigation by gravity and magnetic methods are now far better imaged. The novel resolution of field variations...


Using Drone-Mounted Geophysical Sensors to Map Legacy Oil and Gas Infrastructure

Richard Hammack, Garret Veloski, Mark Schlagenhauf, Robert Lowe, Andrew Zorn, Luke Wylie

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... throughout the surveys to correct drone magnetic data for diurnal variations. Positional data were corrected using PPK GPS. Drone magnetic surveys...


Magnetics: Part 7. Geophysical Methods

Michael S. Reford

AAPG Special Volumes

... important contributors to local variations in the magnetic field. Aeromagnetic surveys have been enormously successful in mineral exploration as an aid...


Magnetometer Study of the Caddo-Shreveport Uplift, Louisiana

William M. Barret

AAPG Bulletin

... 179------------------------------ element by the local influences previously mentioned. Little drilling has been done in the area of the magnetic "high...


ABSTRACT: Predicting Magnetic Resonance Permeability and Porosities from Triple Combo Data for Cost Effective Field Development; #90061 (2006)

John A. Quirein, Jeff Grable, and Tegwyn Perkins

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...ABSTRACT: Predicting Magnetic Resonance Permeability and Porosities from Triple Combo Data for Cost Effective Field Development; #90061 (2006) John...


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