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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 10,755 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Interpretation of Airborne Gravity Gradiometry Data for Bahrain; #90319 (2018)
Ali Shehab, Raffaela Sabetian, Peter Kovac, Marianne Parsons
Search and Discovery.com
... exploration. The interpretation of the airborne gravity gradient and magnetic anomaly data included 2D and 3D gravity and magnetic modelling...
Magnetic and Electrical Study of a Roll-Front URanium Deposit in the Denver Basin, Colorado
Louis J. O'Connor, Bruce D. Smith
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... to the local base station, a low-order trend surface was fitted to the data and subtracted from it to remove the regional variations of the magnetic field...
Abstract: Effects of Hydrocarbon Microseepage on Magnetic Susceptibility of Soils, by D. J. Fruit, J. Delaughter, R. D. Elmore, and M. Stupavasky; #90987 (1993).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Basement Inhomogeneities and Crustal Setting in the Barents Sea from a Combined 3-D Gravity and Magnetic Model, by Laura Marello; #90177 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
Interpretation of Gravity and Magnetic Data at the Krishna-Godavari Basin, East Coast India; #10390 (2012)
John Alfred Protacio, Naina Gupta, Abhishek Chandra, Raj Yadav, Rabi Bastia, and Pranaya Sangvai
Search and Discovery.com
... for gravity data and magnetic susceptibility variations for magnetic data), the combined interpretation of the two datasets gave less ambiguous results. Prior...
Chemostratigraphy and Magnetic Susceptibility Characterization of Rock Cuttings from a Well With Oil-Bearing Intervals: Upper Pennsylvanian Series, North Central Kansas
Search and Discovery.com
Some Results of Ground Magnetometric Work in Tataria
V. P. Stepanov, N. S. Yevgrafov, V. B. Andreyev
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... bodies from narrow local anomalies: Izv. AN SSSR, ser. geofiz., no. 9 5. Roze, T. N. (Simonenko), 1956, Approximate depth estimation of magnetic...
Aeromagnetic Techniques and Interpretation Applied to Fold Belt Exploration - Bara Aeromagnetic Survey, Papua New Guinea
G. L. Scotford, D. A. Pratt, Z. Shi
Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings
... of the aircraft in the earth’s magnetic field. Severe topographic variations in the survey area meant that it was im possible to guarantee that adjacent...
High Information Content of Magnetic Exploration in the Study of Salt-Dome Areas of the Peri-Caspian Depression
I. N. Shcherbakova, B. M. Pchelintsev, Yu. S. Sakhnovskiy
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... 4. Local anomalies of ΔZa above faults, profile 3. 1, 2, and 3-numbers of the anomalies. Combining magnetic and gravity surveys yields additional...
Havent I Seen That Somewhere Before?
David Sagi, Simon Campbell, Peter Webb
GEO ExPro Magazine
... are directly related to geology, as opposed to variations in survey specification and processing parameters. Terrestrial magnetic data are patchier...
Magnetic Susceptibility of Sedimentary Rocks of Eastern Azerbaydzhan
A. O. Martirosova
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... sediments. Magnetic susceptibility: 6-from 0 to 50 × 10−6; 7-from 50 to 100; 8-100 and greater. In conclusion, the following systematic variations...
Mapping Basement Structures in the Peace River Arch of Alberta Using Monogenic Signal Decomposition of Magnetic Data; #41498 (2014)
Hassan H. Hassan
Search and Discovery.com
... variations in magnetic basements. The monogenic signal decomposition was first introduced in 2001 by Felsberg and Sommer to decompose a 2D signal...
Magnetic Vector Study of Regional and Local Geologic Structure in Principal Oil States
W. P. Jenny
AAPG Bulletin
...Magnetic Vector Study of Regional and Local Geologic Structure in Principal Oil States W. P. Jenny 1932 1177 1203 16 12. (December) The local...
Tilt-Depth: A Simple Depth-Estimation Method Using First Order Magnetic Derivatives, by James D. Fairhead, Ahmed Salem, and Simon E. Williams; #40390 (2009).
Search and Discovery.com
Magnetic Bright Spots Can Identify the Most Prospective Deep-Water Areas and Prospects; #41871 (2016)
Robert S. Foote, Dietmar Schumacher
Search and Discovery.com
... (diurnal) magnetic field variations, which correct the data. Salt domes and changing salt lens thickness modulate the magnetic field, creating intensity...
Understanding Basement Controls on Basin Development: Constraints from Gravity and Magnetic Data.
Duncan R. Cowan, Linda A. Tompkins, Terry Tyler
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... comparison of reduced-to-the-pole magnetic data and gravity gradient data, including global correlation, local window correlation and coherency analysis...
Geophysics Is Here to Stay: REPLY TO N. C. STEENLAND
W. P. Jenny
AAPG Bulletin
... and experience. He knows that in a virgin area local and regional velocity variations and other considerations may change materially the configuration...
Abstract: Crustal Scale Gravity and Magnetic Models Along a Transect Across the Central Appalachians of West Virginia, by J. F. Morgan and T. H. Wilson; #90950 (1996).
Search and Discovery.com
The Antarctic Continental Margin Magnetic Gradiometer Data: Suppression of Time Variations
R. O. Hansen, J. R. Childs
Circum Pacific Council Publications
...The Antarctic Continental Margin Magnetic Gradiometer Data: Suppression of Time Variations R. O. Hansen, J. R. Childs © CircumPacific Council...
Magnetics and Fractures in Coal and Shale
Irena Kivior, Francis Vaughan, Stephen Markham
GEO ExPro Magazine
... Magnetic surveys can provide an economic alternative to seismic in the search for coal seam and shale gas, and do not impinge on the environment...
Gravity and Magnetic Expression of the Tectonic Framework of the Mid-Continent
P. L. Lyons
Tulsa Geological Society
... the regional gradient (Ferris, 1987). The magnetic map shows variations in the magnetite content of the basement rocks and some sediments. Because...
ABSTRACT: Use of Gravity and Magnetics for Low-Cost Exploration and Development in Mature Areas Such as Kansas
Joseph M. Kruger, W. Lynn Watney, Ricardo A. Olea
Kansas Geological Society
..., Ricardo A. Olea 1999 51 51 New Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology allows us to combine rapidly the traditional color gravity and magnetic...
Abstract: Use of Vertical-Gradient Aeromagnetic Data for Geologic Mapping on North Slope, by Jeffrey L. Friedberg; #90963 (1978).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Near Surface Characterization Using TDEM Over Marmul Area, South Oman, by A. Al-Shukeili, H.M. El-Kaliouby, S. Mahrooqi, and A.S. Al-Ismaily, #90188 (2014)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Short-wave Length Gravity and Magnetic Anomalies Related to Shallow Sedimentary Structures, North Slope, Alaska (Examples from USGS Work Under Overall Direction of Ken Bird); #90125 (2011)
Saltus, Richard, Phillips, Jeffrey D.
Search and Discovery.com
... and faulted strata. Layered variations in density and magnetic properties of these strata produce short-wavelength gravity and magnetic anomalies...