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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 10,755 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Saskatchewan Geological Society

... background magnetic field, the attitude dependent magnetic field of the aircraft and the time and spatially dependent diurnal variations. In recent...


Fusion of Airborne Gravity and Magnetic Images for Improved Detection of Structural Control; #41550 (2015)

Hassan Hassan, John Peirce

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.... However, due to density and magnetic variations of the rocks these structural discontinuities are partly detected on the gravity image and partly...


Abstract: Changes in Paleomagnetic, Rock Magnetic and Geochemical Properties in the Exshaw Formation: Evidence for Permeability Variations?; #90225 (2015)

M.T. Cioppa, I.S. Al-Aasm, M.R. Vernon, D.T.A. Symons, and J. Packard

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...Abstract: Changes in Paleomagnetic, Rock Magnetic and Geochemical Properties in the Exshaw Formation: Evidence for Permeability Variations?; #90225...


A Preliminary Assessment of the Hydrocarbon Potential of Kerio Valley Basin: Gravity and Magnetic Interpretation; #10910 (2017)

Abiud W. Masinde, Cleophas W. Simiyu, Innocent K. Murunga, George Muia, Aaron K. Waswa, Justus Barongo

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...A Preliminary Assessment of the Hydrocarbon Potential of Kerio Valley Basin: Gravity and Magnetic Interpretation; #10910 (2017) Abiud W. Masinde...


An AI approach to automated magnetic formation mapping beneath cover

David A. Pratt, K. Blair McKenzie, Anthony S. White

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

...An AI approach to automated magnetic formation mapping beneath cover David A. Pratt, K. Blair McKenzie, Anthony S. White An AI approach to automated...


Coccoliths from Desoto Canyon Region, Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT

I. B. Brohm

AAPG Bulletin

... slope of the Florida coast indicate sedimentation rates and temperature variations during the past. Time counts of Gephyrocapsa oceanica from 4 cores...


Ramgarh Magnetic Anomaly in the Chambal Valley Sector of Vindhyan Basin: A Possible Meteorite Impact Structure and its Implications in Hydrocarbon Exploration, #80145 (2011)

Jitendra Kumar, M.S. Negi, Rajesh Sharma, D. Saha, Sanjive Mayor, Manoj Asthana

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... the lateral variations of magnetization variations in the crust. It is used to locate rocks or minerals having unusual magnetic properties, which...


Magnetic Susceptibility and Particle-Size Distribution in Recent Sediments of the Loch Lomond Drainage Basin, Scotland

R. Thompson, D. J. Morton

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... The principal aim of the current study was to investigate any relationship that existed between the variations in magnetic susceptibility down a core and its...


Interpretation of Airborne Magnetic Data of Upper Benue Trough, Northeastern Nigeria, #10888 (2016).

Omeje Maxwell, E.S Joel, lusegun Adewoyin, O. Meludu, O. Meludu

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..., such that practically all the magnetic variations measurable at the surface are associated with topographic or lithological changes at the basement...


Abstracts: Texture Analysis of High Resolution Aeromagnetic Data to Identify Geological Features in the Horn River Basin, NE British Columbia; #90173 (2015)

Hassan H. Hassan and Serguei Goussev

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...-ocurrence matrix, thus a heterogeneous, or coarse image texture. Contrast measures the amount of local variations present in the image. Contrast is zero...


Magnetic and gravity source models of the Gairdner Dolerites

Philip Heath, Clive Foss

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... – Perth, Australia Our hope in measuring ground gravity and magnetic profiles is not just to record the gravity variations inadequately sampled...


Application of Paleomagnetism to Fault Problems in Southern Oregon: ABSTRACT

N. D. Watkins

AAPG Bulletin

... variations of the direction of the ancient ambient magnetic field were observed within zones of both normally and reversely magnetized lavas. These systematic...


Method of Tectonic Regionalization of the Basement of the West Siberian Lowland According to Geophysical Data

N. V. Shablinskaya

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... the gravity anomalies (Δg) and magnetic anomalies (ΔTa) were localized in an area, of about 60, 000 sq km using the variations method of B. A. Andreyev (1...


Regional Groundwater Studies Using Aeromagnetic Technique; #41948 (2016)

E. S. Joel, P. I. Olasehinde, D. K. De, O. Maxwell

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.... This technique makes use of variation in the Earth’s magnetic field as a detecting tool. Magnetic field variations are often use as diagnostics...


Quantification of Illite Content in Sedimentary Rocks Using Magnetic Susceptibility--a Rapid Complement or Alternative to X-Ray Diffraction: RESEARCH METHODS PAPERS

David K. Potter, Patrick W.M. Corbett, Stuart A. Barclay, R. Stuart Haszeldine

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... to Paleoclimate Studies It is worth mentioning that the magnetic susceptibility variations seen here, which are dominantly due to variations in clay...


Challenging the Established Truths

Laurent Gernigon, Odleiv Olesen, Continental Shelf Geophysics team NGU

GEO ExPro Magazine

...) used "lodestones" as simple compasses to find north. Today, the magnetic anomaly map illustrates variations in the magnetic field that are mainly...


A Preliminary Assessment of the Hydrocarbon Potential of Kerio Valley Basin: Gravity and Magnetic Interpretation

Abiud Masinde, Cleophas Simiyu, Innocent Murunga, George Muia, Aaron Waswa, Justus Barongo

Africa Energy and Technology Conference, 2016

...A Preliminary Assessment of the Hydrocarbon Potential of Kerio Valley Basin: Gravity and Magnetic Interpretation Abiud Masinde, Cleophas Simiyu...


Mean Magnetic Susceptibility: A Useful Parameter for Stratigraphic Studies of Glacial Till

Stephen P. Vonder Haar, W. Hilton Johnson

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...Mean Magnetic Susceptibility: A Useful Parameter for Stratigraphic Studies of Glacial Till Stephen P. Vonder Haar, W. Hilton Johnson 1973 Vol. 43...


An Aeromagnetic Survey of the Uinta Mountains

Nelson C. Steenland

Utah Geological Association

... caught up in thrust slices. Note that the shallow magnetic material plunging westward in T.3N. is on strike with the local positive anomaly mapped...


Geophysical Investigations in Connection with Oil and Gas Exploration in Amu-Dar’Ya Region of Turkmenistan

M. S. Rakhimov, Kh. K. Babayev, R. M. Mettiyev, A. S. Khangel’dyyev

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... magnetic and density contrasts that correspond with local highs in the sedimentary cover. For example, subsequent drilling established...


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