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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 10,755 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract: Comparison of Magnetic Resonance Bin Distribution Permeability to Observed Production in the Granite Wash, Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma, Charles Smith, Steven Thibidoux, Ken Huggins, Sandeep Ramakrishna, #90097 (2009)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Application of magnetic susceptibility of Holocene deposits in survey on Caspian sea-level fluctuation; #90109 (2010)
Safiyeh Haghani, Abdol Hossein Amini, Hamid Alizadeh, Ketek Lahijani, Suzanne Leroy
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Application of magnetic susceptibility of Holocene deposits in survey on Caspian sea-level fluctuation; #90109 (2010) Safiyeh Haghani...
Mapping the structure of the Faroe-Shetland Margin using a newly merged high resolution gravity and magnetic dataset
Search and Discovery.com
Analysis of an Aeromagnetic Profile Across the Mill Creek Syncline, Anadarko Basin, Southern Oklahoma
Charles Thomas Austin
Oklahoma City Geological Society
... Oceanographic Office, Washington, D. C., The Total Intensity of the Earth's Magnetic Force, Magnetic Inclination, and Magnetic Variations, 1965. Vacquier...
Basement Tectonics and Hydrocarbon Production in the Williston Basin: An Interpretive Overview
Richard I. Gibson
Williston Basin Symposium
... of the northwest-trending magnetic gradient. If Red River porosity is related to facies variations caused by slight topographic highs...
Basin Structure of the U.S. Atlantic Margin: Rifted Margins
Kim D. Klitgord , John C. Behrendt
AAPG Special Volumes
... study of local magnetic anomalies: Am. Geophys. Union, Trans. 1941, p. 446. Vacquier, V., et al, 1963, Interpretation of aeromagnetic maps: Geol. Soc...
Geologic Implications of Aeromagnetic Survey of Clearfield-Philipsburg Area, Pennsylvania
H. R. Joesting , Fred Keller, Jr. , Elizabeth King
AAPG Bulletin
..., syenites, and anorthosite, together with local concentrations of magnetic iron ore. In eastern Pennsylvania they likewise consist of gneisses of sedimentary...
Magnetic Anomalies in Straits of Florida
Thomas E. Pyle , John W. Antoine , Davis A. Fahlquist , William R. Bryant
AAPG Bulletin
... corrected for time variations in the earth's magnetic field. Therefore, only data from the cruise (68-A-6) which has most nearly complete coverage were...
Abstract: Correlation between Magnetic Intensity and Pipe-to-Soil Potential of PGU III Pipeline System
Jamalee Ahmad, Shaharin Rajab, Zuhar Zahir Tuan Harith, Mohd Nawawi Mohd Nordin
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...Abstract: Correlation between Magnetic Intensity and Pipe-to-Soil Potential of PGU III Pipeline System Jamalee Ahmad, Shaharin Rajab, Zuhar Zahir...
Interactive Geologic Modeling: ABSTRACT
J. D. Glaeser, Stephen A. Krajewski, Ron Budros
AAPG Bulletin
... hydrocarbons and minerals depends on developing geologic models from seismic, gravity, and magnetic data that most closely approximate real-world settings...
Nature of the Canada Basin–Implications from Satellite-derived Magnetic Anomaly Data
Patrick T. Taylor
Alaska Geological Society
...-symposium (Taylor and others, 1981). These measurements were mathematically processed in an effort to remove diurnal variations of the magnetic field...
Extended Abstract: Basement Structure in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Province: Persistent Influence or Rejuvenated?
Michael Alexander, Karim Aimaddeddine
GCAGS Transactions
... of the magnetic basement surface in the northern Gulf of Mexico Province. Bathymetric highs, escarpments, and slope breaks are shown to correlate closely...
Aeromagnetics of Southern Alberta within Areas of Hydrocarbon Accumulation
G.E. Leblanc,, W.A Morris
CSPG Bulletin
... a number of different sources. These sources may include the underlying basement rocks, variations in the primary syngenetic magnetic mineral content...
Extended Abstract: Crustal Interpretation by Gravity, Magnetics, and Seismic Data over the Gulf of Mexico
John Bain, Jason Kegel, Cian O’Reilly
GCAGS Transactions
..._d_2013.pdf>. Flanagan, G., and J. Bain, 2012a, Depth extent—A practical example in magnetic depth estimation: 74th European Association...
Geophysical Interpretations East of Preston, Idaho, Based on Gravity and Magnetic Data
Steven R. Scheu
Utah Geological Association
... ground stations measured with a portable magnetometer. Diurnal variations were removed from the magnetic readings by use of base station reoccupation...
Abstract: Use of Gravity and Magnetics for Low-Cost Exploration and Development in Mature Areas such as Kansas, by J. M. Kruger, W. L. Watney, and R. A. Olea; #90921 (1999).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: 3D Geophysical reservoir monitoring using borehole electric field measurements; #90254 (2016)
Gary W. McNeice and Daniele Columbo
Search and Discovery.com
... magnetic sources and magnetic borehole receivers exploiting the electromagnetic induction principle and, as a consequence, are biased toward...
Construction, Theory, and Application of Magnetic Field Balances
C. A. Heiland
AAPG Bulletin
... mentioned formula the deflection, ^phgr, of the magnetic system: [EQUATION] Fig. 3. Horizontal field balance set up for recording variations...
Geophysical Studies of Basement Geology of Southern Peninsula of Michigan
William J. Hinze , Richard L. Kellogg , Norbert W. O'Hara
AAPG Bulletin
..., 1973a, b), and Oray et al (1973). Brett (1960), Meyer (1963), Stevenson (1964), Patenaude (1964), and haw (1971) conducted local gravity or magnetic...
Geological and Structural Interpretation of Ado-Ekiti Southwest and its Adjoining Areas Using Aeromagnetic Data; #30407 (2015)
Ayodeji Jayeoba and Dare Odumade
Search and Discovery.com
... to Magnetic Equator To produce anomalies depends on the inclination and declination of the body’s magnetization, inclination, and declination of the local...
AMS: A Petrofabric Tool to Measure Fabric Anisotropy Across Shale Units
Gerhard Heij, Douglas Elmore, Jennifer Roberts, Alex K. Steullet, Shannon A. Dulin, Sarah Friedman
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
..., et al. "Magnetic fabric variations in Mesozoic black shales, Northern Siberia, Russia: possible paleomagnetic implications." Tectonophysics 418.1...
3D Aeromagnetic Mapping of the Williston Basin Basement; #41588 (2015)
Jiakang Li, Igor Morozov
Search and Discovery.com
... of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada (jiakang.li@usask.ca) Abstract Regional magnetic anomalies are sensitive to the variations...
Magnetic Anomalies of the Northern Gulf of California: Structural and Thermal Interpretations: Chapter 22: Part III. Regional Geophysics and Geology
O. Sanchez-Zamora, P. Doguin, R. W. Couch, G. E. Ness
AAPG Special Volumes
... of the magnetic field, which were sampled every 30 seconds in 1981 and every 10 seconds in 1984. No corrections for diurnal variations were applied...
Three-dimensional Ta amplitude inversion using equivalent storage
Yu Li, Peng Yu, Chongjin Zhao
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... developed an efficient three-dimensional algorithm for amplitude inversion of magnetic anomalies. To reduce the algorithm's space complexity and eliminate...
A Simple Derivation of the Working Equations of Magnetic Variometers for Vertical and Horizontal Intensity
Oliver C. Lester
AAPG Bulletin
.... (August) Derivations of the working equations of a local magnetic variometer in general use in the field are ordinarily based upon complicated theoretical...