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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 10,755 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Magnetic Anomalies and Structural Geology of Stocks and Laccoliths in the Henry Mountains, Utah
James Affleck, Chas. B. Hunt
Utah Geological Association
... are recalculated for total field around each individual point. This minimizes the regional anomalies and maximizes the local ones. The total magnetic intensity...
New Insights into Sri Lanka Cauvery and Mannar Basins from FTG and Aeromagnetic Data
Gaud Pouliquen, Julianne Sharples, Michal Ruder, Jim Podruski
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... basalts and diabases, intersect the clastic sedimentary section, especially in the Mannar basin. Our depth to magnetic source mapping indicates...
Abstract: Gravity and Magnetic Surveys in West-Central Louisiana Implications for Lignite Exploration
Joseph Zeosky, Gary Kinsland
GCAGS Transactions
...Abstract: Gravity and Magnetic Surveys in West-Central Louisiana Implications for Lignite Exploration Joseph Zeosky, Gary Kinsland 1981 Vol. 31...
Abstract: Investigation of a late Proterozoic mafic sill and its environs Cape St. Francis, Newfoundland
Tammy Perry, Alison M. Leitch, Derek H. C. Wilton
Atlantic Geology
.... Wilton 184 GAC Abstracts – 2005 Annual Technical Meeting, Newfoundland Section field were analysed and compared with the ground magnetic survey...
Abstract: Comparison of Magnetic Resonance Bin Distribution Permeability to Observed Production, by Steven Thibodeaux, Charles H. Smith, Ken Huggins, and Sandeep Ramakrishna; #90081 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Utilization of Magnetic Resonance Bin Distribution to Determine Specific Permeability, by C. H. Smith, J. Bray, and S. Ramakrishna; #90092 (2009)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Permeability Response in Carbonate Reservoirs with Secondary Porosity, by Borell, Jarret; Donohue, Joel; Smith, Charles H.; #90155 (2012)
Search and Discovery.com
What Can Magnetic Susceptibility Do for Us in Shale Plays When Used as Part of an Integrated Workflow?
Milly Wright, Ken Ratcliffe, Mark Hounslow
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... on recognising changes in magnetic susceptibility that are related to subtle variations in the 2 URTeC 2180548 amount of iron, clay, and ferromagnesian...
Interpretation of Basin Structure from High Resolution Aeromagnetic Data: An Example from the Officer Basin of South Australia
C. A. Foss, Z. S. Shi, J. Teasdale, L. L. Pryer, T. S. Loutit, P. G. Stuart-Smith, K. Romine
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... over adjacent basement areas. Over most sedimentary basins the magnetic field variations are predominantly sourced in the underlying basement...
Navigation, Field Operation, and Image-Processing Techniques for Thermal Infrared Imagery Surveys: ABSTRACT
F. F. Sabins, Jr.
AAPG Bulletin
... for processing of imagery magnetic tapes. After solving the navigation problems, the flight program is designed. Each project area has unique combinations...
Paleomagnetic Correlation of Units Within Chugwater (Triassic) Formation, West-Central Wyoming
M. Dane Picard
AAPG Bulletin
... whether the other magnetic events record a reversal of the earth's magnetic field. Local correlation between two sections 4.5 miles apart (northeast...
Causes and Spatial Distribution of Anomalous Magnetization in Hydrocarbon Seepage Environments (1)
AAPG Bulletin
.... Variations in the assumptions, representing different natural seepage environments, generate additional possibilities for magnetic characteristics...
Quantifying Gas Content in Coals Using Borehole Magnetic Resonance
Spencer Summers, Tom Neville, Dennis Huo, Benjamin Birt, Tim Hopper, Soumyajit Mandal
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... are controlled by interactions between the magnetic fields of the hydrogen nuclei and other local magnetic fields (Figure 2); this includes interactions...
Abstract: Magnetotelluric Technique: A New Geophysical Tool for Geological Problems
T. Harinarayana
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... is accomplished through simultaneous measurement of orthogonal components of natural magnetic and the corresponding induced electric field variations...
ABSTRACT: Plate Kinematics and Passive Margin Development in the Southern Indian Ocean, by M. F. Coffin, J. -Y. Royer, S. C. Cande, R. Schlich, P. A. Symonds, J. G. Sclater, K. Kelts, S. W. Wise; #91003 (1990).
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Lineament Analysis of Potential-Field Data in the Studies of Basin Structure, by Darran J. Edwards, Henry V. Lyatsky, and R. James Brown; #91019 (1996)
Search and Discovery.com
An Integrated Geophysical Approach to Mapping and Modelling the Karoo Dolerite Intrusions in the South-Eastern Karoo Basin of South Africa
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Basement Geology of the National Petroleum Reserve Alaska (NPRA), Northern Alaska, by R. Saltus, T. L. Hudson, J. D. Phillips, C. S. Kulander, and J. A. Dumoulin; #90008 (2002).
Search and Discovery.com
Basin architecture from high-resolution gravity gradient, magnetic, and seismic data, King Sound, Canning Basin, Western Australia
Peter Kovac, Sharon Lowe, Tony Rudge, Carlos Cevallos, Jurriaan Feijth, Lynsey Brett
AAPG Bulletin
... the profile. No fault structures are discernable from the magnetic response. The GDD response is also very smooth. A slight local minimum of approximately 3...
Magnetometer Survey of Little Fry Pan Area, Uvalde and Kinney Counties, Texas
R. A. Liddle
AAPG Bulletin
... sufficiently magnetic to be distinguished from slight irregularities and variations in magnetic readings entirely independent of rock content. This led...
Monitoring Coal Seam Gas Depressurisation Using Magnetotellurics, #41786 (2016).
Nigel Rees, Graham Heinson, Lars Krieger
Search and Discovery.com
... they migrate Determine the short and long-term consequences of CSG production How does MT work? Records time variations of Earth’s magnetic...
Application of Integrated Magnetic and Seismic Interpretation to Identify Petroleum Prospects in Papua New Guinea
Y. Zeng, B. A. McConachie
Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings
... for variations in the magnetic susceptibility of acoustic basement or were inaccurate in locating uplifted basement due to the lack of, or failure...
Regional Geophysical Mapping of the Sub-Phanerozoic Basement, Eastern Southern Saskatchewan and Southwestern Manitoba
Jiakang Li and Igor Morozov
Saskatchewan Geological Society
.... In subsequent interpretation, we are most interested in the relative local variations and positions of the boundaries, and estimation of absolute depth relies...
Geology, Gravity, and Magnetics at Juncture of Southern and Central Appalachians, New Castle Area, Craig County, Virginia
Martin L. Bregman , Robert E. Francis, Jr.
AAPG Bulletin
... magnetic trend that has masked the true local picture, or it could be due to inadequate coverage between the southern and central parts of the area...
"The New Global Tectonics": Age of Linear Magnetic Anomalies of Ocean Basins: DISCUSSION
R. A. Facer
AAPG Bulletin
..."The New Global Tectonics": Age of Linear Magnetic Anomalies of Ocean Basins: DISCUSSION R. A. Facer 1973 1134 1137 57 6. (June) Ade-Hall, J. M., H...