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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 10,755 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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ZTEM natural field EM-magnetic case study and mineral targeting results over the Huckleberry Cu-Mo Porphyry project, northwestern British Columbia

Jean M. Legault, Karl Kwan, Derek Saxton, Jim Miller-Tait

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

...ZTEM natural field EM-magnetic case study and mineral targeting results over the Huckleberry Cu-Mo Porphyry project, northwestern British Columbia...


Effects of internal gradients on pore-size distribution in shale

Christian Obasi, and Jack Pashin

AAPG Bulletin

... time alone is affected by diffusion relaxation, which is sensitive to variations in magnetic fields between the rock matrix and the pore fluid...


Geophysical Analyses to Map Concealed Faulting in the Wasatch Fault Zone in Northeastern Provo, Utah County, Utah

Alvin K. Benson, Leo T. Brown, Nathan Brett Mustoe

Utah Geological Association

... a Geometrics proton precession magnetometer, which measures total magnetic field. Processing of the data removed effects due to diurnal variations in the earth...


Recognition of cyclicity in the petrophysical properties of a Maastrichtian pelagic chalk oil field reservoir from the Danish North Sea

Morten Stage

AAPG Bulletin

... series or noncyclic local variations, or they may even represent the same frequency in time but realized as two different frequencies in depth due...


Magnetic and Torsion-Balance Survey of Munich Tertiary Basin, Bavaria

Donald C. Barton

AAPG Bulletin

...Magnetic and Torsion-Balance Survey of Munich Tertiary Basin, Bavaria Donald C. Barton 1934 69 96 18 1. (January) The Munich Tertiary basin consists...


Abstract: Mapping a Clastic Sedimentary Strata using Magnetic Data; #90254 (2016)

Ali I. Al-Lazki, Herve Farran

Search and

...Abstract: Mapping a Clastic Sedimentary Strata using Magnetic Data; #90254 (2016) Ali I. Al-Lazki, Herve Farran AAPG Datapages/Search and Discovery...


Application of the Combinable Magnetic Resonance Tool in Western Canada

Ranjit Kumar, Rob Badry, Chris Morriss

CSPG Special Publications

...Application of the Combinable Magnetic Resonance Tool in Western Canada Ranjit Kumar, Rob Badry, Chris Morriss 1995 54 54...


Constraints on the nature and thickness of sedimentary fill and underlying basement rocks in Bowser and Sustut basins, north-central British Columbia from analysis of potential field data

Carmel Lowe, Judith Baker, Carol Evenchick

CSPG Bulletin

... of magnetic data to map first-order variations in the thickness of fill in each of the basins. Results show a relatively uniform fill thickness...


Geophysics of the Anadarko Basin

Paul L. Lyons

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... would seem to be far more sensitive to variations in magnetic content of the basement rocks than to depth factors. The following important magnetic...


Geophysical Setting of Western Utah and Eastern Nevada Between Latitudes 37°45′ and 40°N

Edward A. Mankinen, Edwin H. McKee

Utah Geological Association

... magnetic signatures. Some relatively small magnetic highs in the region are associated with outcrops of volcanic rock, and the continuation of those...


The Determination of the Rutile Content of Beach Sands from Moana, South Australia, Using the Frantz Isodynamic Separator: NOTES

David S. Buist

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... separation. A "rutile" possessing a relatively high proportion of iron (e.g. nigrin) could quite conceivably be somewhat magnetic and would be found...


EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Geological and Geophysical Integration to Estimate the Thermal State in the Gulf of Mexico Basin

Joel Rosales Rodríguez

GCAGS Transactions

... temperature variations associated to local heat flow are not represented by these regional anomalies. Depth quantification of the thermal variations could...


The Earths radial conductivity model derived from the latest CSES and Swarm satellite data

Mingquan Lai, Xiuyan Ren, Changchun Yin, Yunhe Liu, Bo Zhang, Yang Su

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... magnetic field data with geomagnetic latitudes less than 50 degrees and local times during nighttime (19:00-5:00). Specifically, we correct the latitude...


A Study of the West Florida Escarpment

J. W. Antoine

GCAGS Transactions

...A Study of the West Florida Escarpment J. W. Antoine 1968 Vol. 18 (1968), Two magnetic models of the West Florida Escarpment have been constructed...


ZTEM natural field EM and magnetic survey results over the Berg porphyry copper project, Huckleberry district, British Columbia

Jean M. Legault, Hormoz Jahandari, Shane Ebert

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

...ZTEM natural field EM and magnetic survey results over the Berg porphyry copper project, Huckleberry district, British Columbia Jean M. Legault...


Borehole Magnetostratigraphy, Absolute Age Dating, and Correlation of Sedimentary Rocks, with Examples from the Paris Basin, France

Patrick M. Bouisset , Antoine M. Augustin

AAPG Bulletin

... by magnetic logging. Since WMS is a depth scale and RMS a linear time scale, the later must be transformed for each well into an intermediate local depth...


Current Trends in Geophysical Exploration

Mr. Neal Clayton

Bulletin of South Texas Geological Society

... for measurement of gravity variations, was the earliest geophysical tool. The magnetometer was first introduced in the U.S.A. around 1924 for exploration...


ABSTRACT: Chemical structural changes in bituminous coal in response to heating by dike intrusions as investigated by advanced solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy

Jingdong Mao, Xiaoyan Cao, Mark A. Chappell, Arndt Schimmelmann , Maria Mastalerz, Yuan Li

The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)

... magnetic resonance spectroscopy Jingdong Mao, Xiaoyan Cao, Mark A. Chappell, Arndt Schimmelmann , Maria Mastalerz, Yuan Li Copyright © 2010 The Society...


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