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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 10,755 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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The Comparative Reliability of Magnetic, Photometric and Microscopic Methods of Determining the Orientations of Sedimentary Grains

Asahiko Taira, Barry R. Lienert

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...The Comparative Reliability of Magnetic, Photometric and Microscopic Methods of Determining the Orientations of Sedimentary Grains Asahiko Taira...


Basin Architecture of the Newfoundland Continental Margin and Its Relationship to Ocean Crust Fabric During Extension: Chapter 13: North American Margins

H. J. Welsink, S. P. Srivastava, A. J. Tankard

AAPG Special Volumes

... faults rather than local structural perturbations. Gravity and Magnetics The seaborne gravity and magnetic database used in this study was acquired...


Deep Structure and Evolution of the Carolina Trough: Rifted Margins: Field Investigations of Margin Structure and Stratigraphy

D. R. Hutchinson, J. A. Grow, K. D. Klitgord, B. A. Swift

AAPG Special Volumes

...-dimensional gravity and magnetic models suggest that the crustal structure off North Carolina consists of normal continental crust landward...


Transatlantic Correlations of Geophysical Anomalies on Newfoundland, British Isles, France and Adjacent Continental Shelves

R. D. Jacobi, Y. Kristoffersen

CSPG Special Publications

..., and the Relation to Geology Variations in the gravity and magnetic field data of wavelengths less than 100 km reflect the physical properties of the near-surface...


Urban Geophysics: Geophysical Signature of Mount Bonnell Fault and Its Karstic Features in Austin, TX

Mustafa Saribudak

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... and Camp Craft Road (Figure 2). Conductivity, magnetic, GPR and NP methods were chosen for their ability to very rapidly map variations in their respective...


Urban Geophysics: Geophysical Signature of the Mount Bonnell Fault and its Karstic Features in Austin, Texas

Mustafa Saribudak

GCAGS Transactions

... conducted geophysical surveys (ground penetrating radar [GPR], resistivity imaging, magnetic [G–858], conductivity [EM–31] and natural potential [NP...


Potential Field Data Acquisition and Interpretation Supporting Exploration Activities in The West Timor Psc Area

Alberto Boz, Mansyur Bakhrudin, Pierluigi Bernardelli, Francesco Coraggio, Arii Ardjuna, Aryo Radityo

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... of the tilt angle elaboration. This approach is very useful when the effects of local/regional or shallow/deep sources, such as intra-sedimentary magnetic...


Geophysical Programs for Regonal and Local Prediction of Hydrocarbons in the Near-Ural Region of the West Siberian Platform

Yu. Z. Segal’, N. N. Yaitskiy, L. A. Zerchaninova, V. V. Khoronzhin

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

...Geophysical Programs for Regonal and Local Prediction of Hydrocarbons in the Near-Ural Region of the West Siberian Platform Yu. Z. Segal’, N. N...


Application of gravity and magnetic techniques to model the geometry of the northern margin of the Onion Creek salt diapir, Paradox Basin, Utah

Julia M. Astromovich, Mark R. Baker, Diane I. Doser, William Houston

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... variations in these Quaternary deposits and give smaller gravity and magnetic field anomalies than the large physical property contrasts between...


A Magnetic Method For the Concentration of Foraminifera

Keith Peterson

CSPG Bulletin

...A Magnetic Method For the Concentration of Foraminifera Keith Peterson 1958 111 111 Vol. 6 (1958) No. 4. (April) Further concentration of fossil...


Abstract: Seepage-Induced Magnetic Anomalies Associated with Oil and Gas Fields: Onshore and Offshore Examples

Robert S. Foote and Dietmar Schumacher

Search and

...Abstract: Seepage-Induced Magnetic Anomalies Associated with Oil and Gas Fields: Onshore and Offshore Examples Robert S. Foote and Dietmar Schumacher...


Geophysical Results From the Continental Margin Off Southern Baffin Island

A. C. Grant

CSPG Special Publications

... of sound in water of 1.5 km/s. The magnetic data have been reduced to the IGRF datum, but no corrections have been applied for diurnal variations. The datum...


A Regional Geophysical Study of the Chihuahua City Area, Mexico

C. L. V. Aiken, D. L. Garvey, G. R. Keller, P. C. Goodell, Mauricio de la Fuente Duch

AAPG Special Volumes

... 1981 311 328 SG 13: Uranium in Volcanic and Volcaniclastic Rocks Gravity and magnetic surveys can be used to map volcanic units, which may...


Non-seismic Constraints in Structurally Complex Regions; #10969 (2017)

M. Soledad Velasco

Search and

... for the basement, showing lateral susceptibility variations, are most likely due to larger lithological changes. The magnetic and gravity data reveal...


Chapter 3: Integrated Geophysical Investigations of the Pre-Andean Basins in Peru and Bolivia—A Search for Depocenters Concealed beneath a Foreland Basin

Matthew George Stewart, Stanislaw Mazur, Adriana Mantilla-Pimiento, Antonio Jose Olaiz, Wilber Hermoza

AAPG Special Volumes

... as though the magnetic source is located in a vertical geomagnetic field. As the study area covers a large region with wide variations in geomagnetic...


An Integrated Geophysical Analysis of Shallow Faulting in the Wasatch Fault Zone Near Springville, Utah County, Utah

Alvin K. Benson, Nathan Brett Mustoe

Utah Geological Association

... precession magnetometer, which measures total magnetic field. Processing of the data removed effects due to diurnal variations in the earth’s magnetic...


The Development of Atlantic Canada as a Result of Continental Collision — Evidence From Offshore Gravity and Magnetic Data

Richard T. Hawortht

CSPG Special Publications

...The Development of Atlantic Canada as a Result of Continental Collision — Evidence From Offshore Gravity and Magnetic Data Richard T. Hawortht 1975...


AAPG Studies in Geology No. 48 / SEG Geophysical References Series No. 11, Chapter 5: High-resolution Ground-magnetic (HRGM) and Radiometric Surveys for Hydrocarbon Exploration: Six Case Histories in Western Canada

Leonard A. LeSchack and David R. Van Alstine

AAPG Special Volumes

...AAPG Studies in Geology No. 48 / SEG Geophysical References Series No. 11, Chapter 5: High-resolution Ground-magnetic (HRGM) and Radiometric Surveys...


Geophysical Signature of Haby Crossing Fault and Its Implication on Edwards Recharge Zone, Medina County, Texas

Mustafa Saribudak, Alf Hawkins, Kerlon Saraiva, Jenna Terez, Kim Stoker

Bulletin of South Texas Geological Society

... to correct for the earth’s magnetic field diurnal variations. The magnetic survey lasted 16 minutes; however, we did not observe any magnetic drift, thus...


Abstract: A Perspective of Fractures Allowed by the Modern Magnetic Method

J. P. Land

South Texas Geological Society Special Publications

...Abstract: A Perspective of Fractures Allowed by the Modern Magnetic Method J. P. Land 1991 75 The magnetic method has historically been used...


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