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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 10,653 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Abstract: Extensional Basins in the Northern West Siberia and Kara Sea, by V. I. Savchenko, E. Henriksen, T. A. Kirjukhina, M. Ogarkova, I. Panarin, and I. Kurasov; #90096 (2009)
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Basement Geology and Structural Modeling of the Santos Basin Pre-Salt, Brazil: "Bottom-Up," Predictive Basin Analysis, Jensen, Luke A.; Teasdale, Jon P., #90100 (2009)
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Regional Aeromagnetic Data Analysis — Integrated Into the Exploration Process for Suriname’s Onshore/Near Shore Acreage, Phillip, L.; Poeketi, N.; Kandhai, R.; Longacre, M., #90100 (2009)
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Abstract: The Applicability of Gravity Gradiometry as from Exploration Tool in East Dubai, U.A.E, by John Alfred P. Protacio, Jonathan Watson, Frank van Kleef, and Georgeta Popa; #90105 (2010)
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Abstract: A Challenging Regional Model for the Pre-Permian Basins Architecture of the Western Barents Sea, by Laurent Gernigon, Marco Brönner, and Odleiv Olesen; #90130 (2011)
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Abstract: The Tectonic Framework of Northern Baffin Bay: A New Model for Plate Reconstructions of the Nares Strait Region, by Gordon N. Oakey and James A. Chalmers; #90130 (2011)
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Abstract: Offshore Nova Scotia: Integrating Salt Deformation Styles, Basin Structuring and Distribution of Crustal Terranes, by Menno Dinkelman and Dale Bird; #90124 (2011)
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ABSTRACT: Petroleum Exploration and Development in a Frontier, Remote Rift Basin, the Albertine Graben of the East African Rift System
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ABSTRACT: Using Potential Geophysical Methods to Locate a Shallow Thrust Fault in AlJaww Plain, by Alklih, Mohamad; Salib, Mina; Zakaria, Hasan; #90141 (2012)
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ABSTRACT: Sub-Basalt Geology Deepwater Offshore India, by Fainstein, Roberto; Kalra, Rajesh; #90142 (2012)
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ABSTRACT: Controls on Spatial Structural Variability in Onshore Kuwait, by Husain, Riyasat; Mulyono, Rinaldi ; Singh, Parmjit; Al-Kandary, Ahmad; #90142 (2012)
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ABSTRACT: Insights into the Development of the Deepwater Phu Khanh Basin: Implications for Hydrocarbon Potential, by Maingarm, Suvimol; Johansen, Kjell ; Vendrell-Roc, Jaume; Moore, David; #90142 (2012)
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ABSTRACT: Prospectivity and Hydrocarbon Potential of the Afghan-Tajik Basin, Central Asia, by Jameson, Matt P.; Johnson Sabine, Rosemary; Ng, Lorraine; Jackson, David; Protacio, John A.; #90155 (2012)
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Abstract: Mega-Scale Swells and Diapirs in the Deep Levant Basin, Eastern Mediterranean, and their Association with Recent World-Class Gas Discoveries, by Yuval Ben-Gai and Yehezkel Druckman; #90161 (2013)
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Abstract: Use of Remote Sensing Technologies to Detect Surface and Near-Surface Stray Gas Occurrence and Potential Migration Pathways in Tioga County, Pennsylvania, by McKee, Bryce J.; Beasley, Craig; #90163 (2013)
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Abstract: Heavy Oil Potential Discovered in Low Contrast Pays in Orinoco Belt, Venezuela, by Ache, Alberto; Cardenas, Leidy; Gonzalez, Duvraschka; Saavedra, Leiska; Sandoval, Jose; and Bustos, Ulises D.; #90166 (2013)
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Abstract: Rift to drift Evolution of the Jan Mayen Micro-continent and Conjugate Rifted Margins: Implication of New Aeromagnetic Surveys in the Norwegian-Greenland Sea, by Laurent Gernigon; #90177 (2013)
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