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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 10,578 Results. Searched 196,426 documents.

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Broad Structure of the Central and Northern Nova Scotian Continental Shelf: Abstract

A. K. Goodacre

CSPG Special Publications

.... This fault zone is also reflected in the earth’s magnetic field and recently available magnetic data indicate that there is generally magnetic material...


Folding-related Fracture Pattern and Physical Properties of Rocks in the Chaudrons Ramp-related Anticline (Corbires, France)

Stefano Tavani, Laurent Louis, Christine Souque, Philippe Robion, Francesco Salvini, Dominique Frizon de Lamotte

AAPG Special Volumes

... the induced magnetization and the applied magnetic field (Bhathal, 1971). The anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility tensor K describes the ability...


Abstract: Mapping Basement Structures in the Peace River Arch of Alberta Using Monogenic Signal Decomposition of Magnetic Data; #90187 (2014)

Hassan H. Hassan

Search and

...Abstract: Mapping Basement Structures in the Peace River Arch of Alberta Using Monogenic Signal Decomposition of Magnetic Data; #90187 (2014) Hassan...


Identification of magnetic enhancement at hydrocarbon-fluid contacts

Sijibomioluwa A. Badejo, Adrian R. Muxworthy, Alastair Fraser, Graham R. Stevenson, Xiang Zhao, and Michael Jackson

AAPG Bulletin

...Identification of magnetic enhancement at hydrocarbon-fluid contacts Sijibomioluwa A. Badejo, Adrian R. Muxworthy, Alastair Fraser, Graham R...


Flake Duplexes in Crocker Turbidites of Tamparuli, Sabah

Azlan Mohd Sabirin, Jaafar Unir, Mohd Fadzil Yusoff, Mohd Shariff Kader, Ramly Manja, Rodziah Daud, Rosemawati Abd Majid, H. D. Tjia, Zainal Abidin Juni

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... subduction took place between 32 and 17 Ma as is indicated by the east-west magnetic stripes in the South China Sea floor (Taylor and Hayes, 1982). Prior...


The magnetic fabric of the Wolfcamp shale, Midland Basin, west Texas: Understanding petrofabric variability, hydrocarbon associations, and iron enrichment

Gerhard W. Heij, and R. Douglas Elmore

AAPG Bulletin

...The magnetic fabric of the Wolfcamp shale, Midland Basin, west Texas: Understanding petrofabric variability, hydrocarbon associations, and iron...


Abstract: Surface Exploration in Mature Basins: Advances of the Eighties, Applications for the Nineties

Dietmar Schumacher

GCAGS Transactions

..., however, is the precise relationship between a hydrocarbon-induced anomaly at the surface and a subsurface petroleum accumulation. The surface...


Abstract: Synthetic 3D CSEM forward modeling for hydrocarbon exploration applications

Steven Lethbridge, Colin G. Farquharson

Atlantic Geology

... by deploying receivers on to the seafloor which measure the secondary electric and magnetic fields that are induced due to the currents that are generated...


Telluric Currents and Their Use in Petroleum Exploration: ABSTRACT

K. Vozoff, R. M. Ellis

AAPG Bulletin

... currents in the earth induced by ionospheric disturbances. They are always present and contain all frequencies, from cycles per day to cycles per...


Provenance Investigations Using Magnetic Susceptibility

David L. Kimbrough, Patrick L. Abbott, R. Gordon Gastil, Patrick J. W. Hamner

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...Provenance Investigations Using Magnetic Susceptibility David L. Kimbrough, Patrick L. Abbott, R. Gordon Gastil, Patrick J. W. Hamner 1997 Vol. 67...


Origin of Remanent Magnetization in Dolomite from the Monterey Formation

J. Scott Hornafius

Pacific Section SEPM

... a stable primary magnetic remanence acquired prior to PIio-Pleistocene folding, or a stable secondary magnetic remanence acquired subsequent to PIio...


Aplicación del Método Magnetotelúrico en Estructuras Subandinas de Bolivia y Argentina [PAPER IN SPANISH] Application of Magnetotelluric Method in Subandean Structures of Bolivia and Argentina

M.E. Muzzio, A. Disalvo, S. Hallinan

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... was applied. The method determines the resistivity distribution of the subsurface from measurements of natural electric and magnetic fields. The studied...


Seismic Stratigraphy Detection and Evaluation: The Implications in Exploring for Hydrocarbon Structural Traps in Morowali Waters and Gulf Of Kendari, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia

Kevin Muster Regulus Victor, Delyuzar Ilahude, Hermansyah G, Wijaya P H, Nainggolan T B, Usman E, Lili Sarmili, Hananto Kurnio, Widiatmoko H C, Rachmat B, Dewi K T, Rohendi E, Noviadi Y, Rahardjo P, Mustafa M A, Wahib A, Setyanto A, Ibrahim A, Widodo E W, Iswal M H

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... and southern alleged polarization effects which are magnetic rocks as a result of the Matano fault zone. The distribution of air gravity anomaly shows...


A Magnetic Method For the Concentration of Foraminifera

Keith Peterson

CSPG Bulletin

...A Magnetic Method For the Concentration of Foraminifera Keith Peterson 1958 111 111 Vol. 6 (1958) No. 4. (April) Further concentration of fossil...


Insights Into the Dolomitization Process and Porosity Modification in Sucrosic Dolostones, Avon Park Formation (Middle Eocene), East-Central Florida, U.S.A.

Robert G. Maliva, David A. Budd, Edward A. Clayton, Thomas M. Missimer, J. A. D. Dickson

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... to have been at or above saturation with respect to calcite. Nuclear magnetic log-derived porosity and permeability data indicate that dolomitization did...


A New Type of Bedform Produced by Backfilling Processes in a Submarine Channel, Late Miocene, Tabernas-Sorbas Basin, SE Spain

Kevin T. Pickering , David M. Hodgson , Ellen Platzman , Julian D. Clark , Clare Stephens

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...., OLLIER, G., AND MICHEL, J.L., 1989, Evidence for slope instability and current-induced sediment transport, the R.M.S. Titanic wreck search area...


Cloud Creek: A Possible Impact Structure on the Casper Arch, Wyoming

Donald S. Stone

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... consisting of geophysical (seismic, gravity, and magnetic) data and multiple borehole control. A number of reflection seismic profiles transect parts...


The Practical Use and Application of theMagnetic Resonance Imaging Log in the Piceance Basin

Paul Lipinski, John Gregg, Mike Mullen

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... – The Practical Use and Application of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging Log in the Piceance Basin Paul Lipinski Consultant Evergreen, Colorado John Gegg...


Abstract: Advances in the Evaluation of SE Asian Miocene Shaly Sand Reservoirs (Paper 4)

P. M. Lloyd, J. Kijam, H. Ashraf, S. Aziz

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... at the recognised issues that remain to be tack led and the approaches that are being taken and conc lud es by taking a look at some of the exciting...


Novel Approach on Thin Bed Reservoir Case Study from Muda Formation, Natuna Basin

Julianta Parlindungan Panjaitan, Asep Saripudin, Andika Widyasari, Ratna Dewanda, Jhonny Xu

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... count, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) for porosity evaluation and triaxial resistivity for volumetric model through Laminated Sand Analysis approach...


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