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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 10,653 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
A Marine Geologic Map Series of California: ABSTRACT
M. P. Kennedy, H. G. Greene, S. H. Clarke, Jr., R. McCarthy
AAPG Bulletin
... geologic structure, loca ions of historical earthquakes, well-defined focal mechanisms, gross regional Bouguer gravity, and regional magnetic anomalies...
Tertiary Dismemberment of Western North America: ABSTRACT
George W. Moore
AAPG Bulletin
.... Magnetic lineations show that in the middle Tertiary another segment of the Pacific-Farallon spreading axis intersected the continent at northern...
Preliminary Results of Geophysical and Geological Studies to Assess Resource Potential and Geologic Evolution of Central Tonga Ridge and Summit Platform (21-24° Latitude): ABSTRACT
D. W. Scholl, T. U Maung, T. V. Vallier, J. Childs, A. J. Stevenson, N. F. Exon, R. H. Herzer, M. W. Sandstrom, S. Soaki
AAPG Bulletin
... and wide-angle reflection data will be gathered routinely as well as gravity and magnetic data and high-resolution subbottom seismic records (3.5 kHz...
Prediction of California's Next Earthquake: ABSTRACT
Arthur G. Sylvester
AAPG Bulletin
... and instruments range from traditional seismographs, tiltmeters, and creepmeters, to monitoring changes of gravity, magnetic field, and resistivity, to observing...
Electro-Magnetic Oil Exploration Research Using Commensurate Frequency Phase Difference Technology: ABSTRACT
Donald B. Daniel
AAPG Bulletin
...Electro-Magnetic Oil Exploration Research Using Commensurate Frequency Phase Difference Technology: ABSTRACT Donald B. Daniel 1982 1686 1687 66 10...
The Age of the Eocene/Oligocene Boundary is ...: ABSTRACT
W. A. Berggren
AAPG Bulletin
... the reversed interval between marine magnetic anomalies 15 and 13 with younger and older boundary estimated age values of 37.24 and 35.87 Ma, respectively...
Abstract: Paleogene Depressions of the Southeastern Slope of the Bohemian Massif, by J. Adamek, F. J. Picha, and J. Sedlak; #90942 (1997).
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Petroleum Exploration Characteristics of Small Depressions, East China: ABSTRACT
Hu Chaoyuan
AAPG Bulletin
...) Locate the deep part of the depression by gravimetric and magnetic prospecting with some seismic profiling and drill stratigraphic wells in the deeper...
Abstract: Theoretical Premises of Remotely Sensed Data Application in Petroleum Exploration, by A. Kirsanov; #90942 (1997).
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A Mid-Continent Basin: A Reappraisal: ABSTRACT
J. Robert Berg
AAPG Bulletin
... depicts anomalous structures. Recent gravity, magnetic, and seismic reflection profiling also provide information on basement tectonics which may...
Relationship of Epeirogeny and Sedimentation in Kansas: ABSTRACT
W. Lynn Watney, Frank W. Wilson
AAPG Bulletin
... have influenced sedimentation. Detailed measurements of the earth's gravity and magnetic field intensity, remote sensing, and geomorphologic analysis...
U.S. Geological Survey Investigations of Mississippi Embayment Area: ABSTRACT
Ernest E. Glick
AAPG Bulletin
... from Little Rock, Arkansas, to Cairo, Illinois. Magnetic anomalies that were identified then are now known to be related to the series of buried plutons...
High-Potential Geothermal Energy Resource Areas of Nigeria and Their Geologic and Geophysical Assessment: ABSTRACT
Olufemi Oladapo Babalola
AAPG Bulletin
... from thermal attenuation of the remanent magnetic field. The separate but preferably combined application of gravity analysis, and electrical, refraction...
Abstract: Correlation of Porosity Types Derived From NMR Data and Petrographic Image Analysis, by M. C. Bowers, M. B. Carr, and C. J. Murray; #90937 (1998).
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Geophysical and Geologic Studies of Ross Sea Continental Margin, Antarctica: ABSTRACT
Allen K. Cooper
AAPG Bulletin
..., gravity, magnetic-gradiometer, bathymetry, and heat-flow measurements. Sea-floor samples were collected for geologic and geochemical studies, using 3-m...
Abstract: A Case Study Demonstrating How NMR Logging Reduces Completion Uncertainties in Low Porosity, Tight Gas Sand Reservoirs, by W. S. Dodge, A. G. Guzman-Garcia, D. A. Noble, J. Lavigne, and R. Akkurt; #90937 (1998)
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Offshore Investigations on Wilkes Land-Victoria Land Margin, Antarctica: ABSTRACT
Stephen L. Eittreim
AAPG Bulletin
... areas, using 24-channel and high-resolution seismic, sonobuoy refraction, gravity, magnetic, and bottom-sampling methods. This investigation...
California Blueschists and the Tectonostratigraphic Terrane Concept: ABSTRACT
W. G. Ernst
AAPG Bulletin
... tectonostratigraphic terranes, as documented by sea-floor magnetic anomaly patterns and age relationships of the oceanic crust-capped lithosphere; th...
Estimation of Sediment Compaction Profiles Using Combination of Real-Time Drilling Response Modeling and Direct Porosity Measurements: ABSTRACT
John D. MacPherson, E. Nigh, Alun Whittaker
AAPG Bulletin
... through the use of pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance techniques on drill cuttings. Extended output from the method produces the following: online formation...
Petroleum Potential of Serpentine Plugs and Associated Rocks, Central and South Texas: ABSTRACT
Truitt Matthews
AAPG Bulletin
.... Exploration for plugs should be concentrated along existing fault zones by either magnetic or seismic surveys. Analysis of the plugs suggests...
Sedimentation and Tectonics of Diffuse Plate Boundary: Canadian Arctic Islands from 80 Ma to Present: ABSTRACT
Andrew D. Miall
AAPG Bulletin
.... (April) Use of a revised magnetic-anomaly time scale provides a more accurate chronology of sea-floor spreading events in the Labrador Sea and Baffin Bay...
Gulf of Mexico Plate Reconstruction by Palinspastic Restoration of Extended Continental Crust: ABSTRACT
Dale S. Sawyer
AAPG Bulletin
...) A number of recently published Gulf of Mexico plate reconstructions are strikingly dissimilar. There are no sea floor magnetic lineations, and the sizes...
Structural Complexities that Control Localization of Mississippian Shale-Generated Oil Prospects in Eastern Great Basin, Utah and Nevada: ABSTRACT
John E. Welsh, Sr.
AAPG Bulletin
... of the mountain blocks, bajadas, and playas. Geomorphology, gravity, and magnetic surveys help define the suballuvial patt rn of the fault mosaic. End_of_Article...
Control of Lineament in Fluid Migration and Ore-Mineral Localization in Rifts and Rift-Faulted Basins: ABSTRACT
S. Bhattacharji, A. Rampertapp
AAPG Bulletin
... 1916 1916 68 12. (December) Many paleorifts and rift-faulted basins are characterized by high gravity, magnetic, and thermal anomalies, and high...
Abstract: New Exploration Technology for South Texas, by P. Roehl, E. Ostrovsky, and A. Weinberg; #90932 (1998).
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