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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 10,653 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Determination of Permeability in Sandstone Reservoirs Affected by Diagenetic Kaolinite, Cinta Field, Southeast Sumatra
Paul C. Tonkin
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...) and an attendant clockwise induced rotation of microplates with the development of small pull-apart basins. The Cinta Field is on the northward tilted...
Integrated reservoir characterization of low resistivity thin beds using three-dimensional modeling for natural gas exploration
Lim Yen Jun, Lo Shyh Zung
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... amount of natural gas. However, the pyrite minerals found in the formation could pose problem for reevaluation of existing wildcat as it induced low...
Elk Hills, Kern County, California
J. R. Pemberton
AAPG Special Volumes
... to structure and topography. The sand is composed of quartz, with some feldspar and a little amphibole and pyroxene with no mica or magnetic minerals...
Phanerozoic Paleogeographic and Paleoclimatic Modeling Maps
J. Golonka, M. I. Ross, C. R. Scotese
CSPG Special Publications
... of linear magnetic anomaly data and fracture zone locations compiled by the PALEOMAP Project, International Lithosphere Program (Scotese et al., 1992...
The Diamond Head Black Ash
Chester K. Wentworth
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... are the product of a second Black Point eruption. The explosive phase was probably induced when the molten lava entered the sea, the explosive eruption...
Validation of Core-Based Mineralogy Is Necessary for the Accurate Evaluation of Mineralogy Derived from Elemental Spectroscopy Logs
John Longo, Aamir Siddiqui, Michael Manning
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...-induced gamma ray spectroscopy tool for geochemical logging: Transactions of the SPWLA 50th Annual Logging Symposium, The Woodlands, Texas, USA, 21-24 June...
Backing up the AEM unravelling a palaeovalley fill for groundwater exploration in the APY Lands
Carmen Krapf, Adrian Costar, Mark Keppel, Kent Inverarity, Andy Love, Liliana Stoian, Georgina Gordon, Camilla Soerensen, Tim Munday
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... of conductivity spreading out perpendicular to the N-S oriented main trunk of the Lindsay East Palaeovalley indicates topography-induced ponding effects along E-W...
Playa Sedimentology and Geomorphology: Mixture Modelling Applied to Landsat Thematic Mapper Data of Chott EL Djerid, Tunisia
Nick A. Drake, Robert G. Bryant, Andrew C. Millington, John R. G. Townshend
Special Publications of SEPM
... was Multispectral Scanner MSS lems limited to the visible and magnetic spectrum spatial resolution of MSS a similar spectral range to the MSS provide...
Assessing Maturity and the Effects of Diagenetic Oxidation through the Integration of Vitrinite Reflectance (VR), Fluorescence Alteration of Multiple Macerals (FAMM) and Apatite Fission Track Thermochronology (AFTT)
G. T. Cooper, P. B. O'Sullivan, N. Sherwood, K. C. Hill
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... al. (1986). The apatites were separated from samples using heavy liquids and magnetic techniques and then mounted in epoxy resin on glass slides...
Feature Detection for Digital Images Using Machine Learning Algorithms and Image Processing
Xiao Tian, Hugh Daigle, Han Jiang
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
..., serving as primary hydrocarbon transport pathways from the shale matrix to the induced hydraulic fractures (Kim and Moridis, 2014; Carey et al., 2015...
Exploration Challenge in Southern Basin Area of East Java Basin - An Aftermath of South Saubi Drilling Campaign
Hendri Harsian
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... Miocene time (Hall, 2009). The Madura-Raas/Sapudi-Kangean and Sepanjang Island chain are uplifted compression induced inversion features related to left...
Experimental and Numerical Study of Shale Oil EOR by Surfactant Additives in Fracturing Fluid
Jiawei Tu, James Sheng
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... this observation by introducing Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) technology into their experiments. They concluded that WTB alteration is the key...
Growth-Fault Evolution in Offshore Texas
Barry E. Bradshaw, Joel S. Watkins
GCAGS Transactions
... to differential loading induced by progradational wedges or gravity spreading. Differential pressures displace salt and shale by pure shear deformation...
Unpiggable Pipelines Integrity Assessment by Internal Corrosion Modelling and Prediction Based on Topside Piping Inspection Data in The Mature Field Offshore North West Java
Dedy Iskandar, Iman B. Hartawan, Hermanto Sutjipto, Dony Soelistiyono, Fahmi Irfan
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... pipeline will also increase its risk and will impactto the damage mechanism induced within the pipeline. During its PHE Operation and Production PHE ONWJ...
Evaluation of Tuscaloosa Marine Shale Stability Using Capillary Suction Time and Roller Oven Tests
Maksym Chuprin, Nelson Chavez, Fatick Nath, Mehdi Mokhtari
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... to the chemical potential gradient, which is induced when the osmotic membrane is created in the shale-fluid system, transport of the water from the shale...
Semiautomated Lateral Landing Advisor for On-Time Decisions Utilizing Digital Borehole Sonic Services and Next-Generation Cloud-Based Fracturing Design
Edgar Velez, Juan David Estrada, Adam Donald, Romain Prioul, Ting Lei, Erik Wielemaker, Violeta Lujan
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... anisotropy mechanism flag (DPANI_MECH), brown for stress-induced vs. green for intrinsic. Track 7: flag indicating alteration (green) vs. alteration vs...
The Significance of the Pinedale Field
Thomas Meyer, Mark Longman
AAPG Special Volumes
... and magnetic maps, and two-dimensional (2D) seismic lines, the goal of improving understanding of the field evolved to include three-dimensional (3D...
A Rapid and Robust Approach for Optimizing Production in the Northern Delaware Basin
Cyrille Defeu, Brian D. Clark, Eric F. Wigger, Mike Mayerhofer, Todd Passmore, John Speight
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
..., nuclear magnetic resonance, and dipole sonic which provided a robust input to the initial models. Parameters such as porosity, permeability and elastic...
Burial History and Thermal Maturity of the Chattanooga Shale, Northwestern Alabama
Alan F. Simonis, III
GCAGS Transactions
... structure of the Gulf Coast: Interpretation of gravity anomalies supported with structural, magnetic and seismic data: Gulf Coast Association of Geological...
Pleistocene Turbidites of the Canada Abyssal Plain of the Arctic Ocean
John S. Campbell, David L. Clark
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., p. 233-245. CLARK, D. L., 1970, Magnetic reversals and sedimentation rates in the Arctic Ocean: Geol. Soc. of America Bull., v. 81, p. 3129-3134...
Phase Field Approaches to the Kinetic Modeling of Hydrate Phase Transitions
Bjorn Kvamme, Atle Svandal, Trygve Buanes, Tatyana Kuznetsova
AAPG Special Volumes
... and magnetic resonance imaging: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 6, p. 2327.Lekvam, K., and P. Bishnoi, 1997, Dissolution of methane in water at low...
Sediment Transport Over the Hatton and Gardar Contourite Drifts
I. N. McCave, P. F. Lonsdale, C. D. Hollister, W. D. Gardner
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., U.S. Govt. Print. Off., p. 859-872. SPIESS, F. N., AND MUDIE, J. D., 1970, Small-scale topographic and magnetic features, in Maxwell, A. E., ed...
Cold-water Stress in Florida Bay and Northern Bahamas: A Product of Winter Cold-Air Outbreaks
H. H. Roberts, L. J. Rouse, Jr., N. D. Walker, J. H. Hudson
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... radiometer (VHRR) were acquired in magnetic tape format. These data have a spatial resolution of 0.9 km at the nadir and a thermal quantization of 0.5° C...
Saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) of earth materials in a weathering profile over the Kuantan Basalt, Pahang, Malaysia
John Kuna Raj
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... in petrology, age and paleo-magnetic directions, and are thus not genetically related (Haile et al., 1983). Several K-Ar radiometric dates yielding...
Utilization of Magma Energy--Project Summary
J. L. Colp, H. M. Stoller
AAPG Special Volumes
... a buried magma source, with most of the existing remote sensing methods--seismic, microseismic, resistivity, gravity, magnetic, magnetotellurgic, infrared...