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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 10,653 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
2019 AAPG Annual Convention and Exhibition
Search and Discovery.com
Groundwater Investigation Using Combined Geophysical Methods, #40914 (2012)
Amarachi R Alisiobi, B. D. Ako
Search and Discovery.com
... in groundwater exploration include electrical resistivity, gravity, seismic, magnetic, remote sensing, electromagnetic, among others, out of which...
Glauconite Composition and Morphology, Shocked Quartz, and the Origin of the Cretaceous(?) Main Fossiliferous Layer (MFL) in Southern New Jersey, U.S.A.
Christian C. Obasi, Dennis O. Terry Jr., George H. Myer, David E. Grandstaff
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., 499 p. Rosenblum, S., and Brownfield, I.K., 1999. Magnetic susceptibilities of minerals: U.S. Geological Survey, Open-File Report 99-529, 37 p. Russell...
Evidence Linking Surface Lineaments and Deep-Seated Structural Features in the Williston Basin
Lynden Penner and Jason Cosford
Saskatchewan Geological Society
... explains how modern radiometric anomalies can continue to form over fossil magnetic anomalies directly above microseeping reservoirs. A stress regime...
The Paradox: A Pull-Apart Basin Of Pennsylvanian Age
G. M. Stevenson, D. L. Baars
Four Corners Geological Society
... abruptly into the subsurface. Both gravity and magnetic intensities abruptly diminish northward, possibly because of the abrupt plunge of the uplift...
Biogenic Textural Heterogeneity, Fluid Flow and Hydrocarbon Production: Bioturbated Facies Ben Nevis Formation, Hibernia Field, Offshore Newfoundland
Michelle V. Spila, S. George Pemberton, Benjamin Rostron, Murray K. Gingras
Special Publications of SEPM
... burrows on the trajectory of petroleum migration; however, the microscopic effects induced by matrix material associated with Phycosiphon...
Sedimentary geochemistry of deepwater slope deposits in southern Lake Tanganyika (East Africa): Effects of upwelling and minor lake level oscillations
Michael M. McGlue, Geoffrey S. Ellis, McKenzie A. Brannon, Jennifer C. Latimer, Jeffery R. Stone, Sarah J. Ivory, Neema E. Mganza, Michael J. Soreghan, Christopher A. Scholz
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...., 2003, Effect of wind induced water movements on nutrients, chlorophyll-a, and primary production in Lake Tanganyika: Aquatic Ecosystem Health...
Reservoir Properties: Mineralogy, Porosity, and Fluid Types
Alberto César Ortiz, Luisa Crousse, Carolina Bernhardt, Dolores Vallejo, Laurent Mosse
AAPG Special Volumes
..., 2014, Accurate lithology and TOC obtained from an induced gamma ray spectroscopy tool. Two major challenges in shale reservoirs: Simposio Evaluación de...
Authigenic Chlorites in Sandstones as Indicators of High-temperature Diagenesis, Arkoma Foreland Basin, USA
Christoph Spotl , David W. Houseknecht , Fred J. Longstaffe
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... methods: Clays and Clay Minerals, v. 40, p. 262-267. RUSSELL, J.D., BIRNIE, A., AND FRASER, A.R., 1984, High-gradient magnetic separation (HGMS) in soil...
The Paradox: A Pull-Apart Basin of Pennsylvanian Age: Part IV. Southern Rocky Mountains
G. M. Stevenson, D. L. Baars
AAPG Special Volumes
... into the subsurface. Both gravity and magnetic intensities abruptly diminish northward, possibly because of the abrupt plunge of the uplift or termination along...
Antelope shale (Monterey Formation), Buena Vista Hills field: Advanced reservoir characterization to evaluate CO2 injection for enhanced oil recovery
Scott L. Montgomery, Michael F. Morea
AAPG Bulletin
... are in danger of being abandoned. Several methods have been tried to improve productivity: water flooding, acid treatments, and induced fractures...
Stable-isotope geochemistry of syntectonic veins in Paleozoic carbonate rocks in the Livingstone Range anticlinorium and their significance to the thermal and fluid evolution of the southern Canadian foreland thrust and fold belt
Michael A. Cooley, Raymond A. Price, T. Kurtis Kyser, John M. Dixon
AAPG Bulletin
..., Low-flux, tectonically induced squeegee fluid flow (hot flash) into the Rocky Mountain foreland basin: Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, v. 47...
Thermal history of potential gas reservoir rocks in the eastern Parnaíba Basin, Brazil
Márcio Cardoso Jr., Farid Chemale Jr., Christie H. Engelmann de Oliveira, Carlos Emanoel de Souza Cruz, Carlos Jorge de Abreu, and Frederico Antonio Genezini
AAPG Bulletin
.... Vidotti, F. H. Bezerra, and E. L. Dantas, 2014, Crustal structure beneath the Paleozoic Parnaíba Basin revealed by airborne gravity and magnetic data...
Permeability of upper Wolfcamp lithofacies in the Delaware Basin: The role of stratigraphic heterogeneity in the production of unconventional reservoirs
Sebastian Ramiro-Ramirez, Athma R. Bhandari, Robert M. Reed, and Peter B. Flemings
AAPG Bulletin
... and artificial microfractures (e.g., coring induced). We measured the total porosity in 40 core plugs by combining helium porosimetry and nuclear magnetic...
AAPG 2012 International Conference & Exhibition, - Abstracts, #90155 (2012).
Search and Discovery.com
AAPG/SEG International Conference and Exhibition; - Abstracts, #90255 (2017).
Search and Discovery.com
Continental Margin Off Western Africa: Angola to Sierra Leone
K. O. Emery , Elazar Uchupi , Joseph Phillips , Carl Bowin , Jean Mascle
AAPG Bulletin
.... Cochran, J. R., 1973, Gravity and magnetic investigations in the Guinea basin, western equatorial Atlantic: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 84, p...
Iran (Persia): Chapter 18
Edgar Wesley Owen
AAPG Special Volumes
... ships to oil fuel in 1905, and it has been inferred (by Gibb and Knowlton, 1956, p. 280, and by others) that the British Naval Fuel Committee induced...
Fracture characterization in sigmoidal folds: Insights from the Siah Kuh anticline, Zagros, Iran
Giulio Casini, Indiana Romaire, Emilio Casciello, Eduard Saura, Jaume Vergés, Naiara Fernández, and David William Hunt
AAPG Bulletin
..., O. Bellier, and F. Mouthereau, 2010, New magnetic fabric data and their comparison with palaeostress markers in the western Fars Arc (Zagros, Iran...
Some Structural Features of the Intrusions in the Iron Springs District; Guidebook to the Geology of Utah, Number 2
J. Hoover Mackin
Utah Geological Association
.... A unique feature of this rock type is that any large exposure will include some ledges, not otherwise distinguishable, that are so highly magnetic...
From Chronology to Stratigraphy: Interpreting the Lower and Middle Eocene Stratigraphic Record in the Atlantic Ocean
Marie-Pierre Aubry
Special Publications of SEPM
... on selected magnetic reversals (see Aubry and others, 1988; Hailwood, 1989; Cande and Kent, 1992). Geological time is thus embodied in two independent...
The Opening of the Southern Gulf of California: Chapter 20: Part III. Regional Geophysics and Geology
Mitchell Lyle, Gordon E. Ness
AAPG Special Volumes
... of the Gulf, magnetic anomaly patterns, the uncentered position of the Rivera Rise within the Gulf, and the time of deposition of the Magdalena Fan...
Are Observed Changes in the Concentration of Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere Really Dangerous?
C. R. de Freitas
CSPG Bulletin
.... 292, p. 270-274. Bengtsson, L., Botzet, M. and Esch, M. 1996. Will greenhouse gas-induced warming over the next 50 years lead to a higher frequency...
A New Graphical Method for Torsion Balance-Topographic Corrections and Interpretations
C. A. Heiland
AAPG Bulletin
..., finally, also be applied to the interpretation of magnetic anomalies. However, the importance and reliability of such diagrams for magnetic interpretations...
Ages of Key Fossil Assemblages in the Late Neogene Terrestrial Record of Northern China
Lawrence J. Flynn, Zhanxiang Qiu, Neil D. Opdyke, Richard H. Tedford
Special Publications of SEPM
... only when sufficiently well dated through biochronology. Magnetic data, then, offer one line of independent dating, but without fossils...