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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 10,562 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Comparing and Contrasting Analytically Quantified Porosity and Pore Size Distributions in the Wolfcamp Formation From SEM Imaging, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), and Crushed Rock Core Analysis, #42123 (2017).

Stephanie E. Perry, Joel D. Walls, Tiffany Rider

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...Comparing and Contrasting Analytically Quantified Porosity and Pore Size Distributions in the Wolfcamp Formation From SEM Imaging, Nuclear Magnetic...


A New Spatially Continuous Basement Heat Flow Map for NW Queensland

C. Jorand, K. Connors, L. Pryer, C. Pietrucha

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

... = Kowamyama Terrane, MIP = Mount Isa Province Terrane, Mn = Murphy North Terrane, MS = Murphy South Terrane, Te = Tennant Terrane, G = Georgina basin, LHP...


Geologia Cenozoica Del Noroeste De Sonora Incluyendo A Su Mar Patrimonial. IN SPANISH. Cenozoic Geology Of Northwestern Sonora Including His Patrimonial Sea.

Alfredo E. Guzman

Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)

... al empezarse a obtener información del sub­ suelo. La Fig. 1 muestra la localización del área a la que se refiere el presente es­ tudio. A pesar de...


Simultaneous Interpretation of Multiple Geological, Geophysical, and Geochemical Measurements Helps Target Sweet Spots and Improve Basin-Scale Understanding of Argentinas Neuquén Basin

Horace Snyder

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

.... Summary The western edge of Argentina‟s Neuquén Basin is a much underexplored area having almost no seismic or wells. In 2011-2012 hyperspectral, magnetic...


An Integrated Geophysical Interpretation of the Carboniferous Bay St. George Subbasin, Western Newfoundland

H.G. Miller, G.J. Kilfoil, S.T. Peavy

CSPG Bulletin

... 1990 320 331 Vol. 38 (1990) No. 3. (September) Gravity, magnetic and reflection seismic data were compiled and interpreted to determine the basement...


Cost-Effective Geochemical Exploration for Hydrocarbons Using Magnetic Horizontal Gradient Intensity (HGI) and Radiometric (RAD) Surveys: Four Case Histories

Leonard A. LeSchack

CSPG Special Publications

...Cost-Effective Geochemical Exploration for Hydrocarbons Using Magnetic Horizontal Gradient Intensity (HGI) and Radiometric (RAD) Surveys: Four Case...


Eocene Magmatism in Southern Alberta: Magnetic Expression and Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration

Gerald M. Ross, John Mariano, Regis Dumont, Bruce Kjarsgaard, Dennis M. Teskey

CSPG Special Publications

...Eocene Magmatism in Southern Alberta: Magnetic Expression and Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration Gerald M. Ross, John Mariano, Regis Dumont...


Case Studies of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in the Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coast Area

Roy Guest, Marcel Di Giovanni, Stacy Smith, Otis Walter, Jon Musselman, Tom Pickens, Steve Crary

CSPG Special Publications

...Case Studies of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in the Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coast Area Roy Guest, Marcel Di Giovanni, Stacy Smith, Otis Walter, Jon...


AAPG Methods in Exploration, No. 16, Chapter 6: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Logging

Steven Henderson

AAPG Special Volumes

...AAPG Methods in Exploration, No. 16, Chapter 6: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Logging Steven Henderson 2004 103 113 Basic Well Log Analysis (Second...


-- no title --


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...user Fusion of Airborne Gravity and Magnetic Images for Improved Detection of Structural Control Hassan Hassan and John Peirce GEDCO, Calgary, AB...


Abstract: Mapping Magnetic Properties of the Post-Wapiabi Sandstones from South-central Alberta Foothills; #90225 (2015)

Christian I. Abaco, Don C. Lawton, and Deborah A. Spratt

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...Abstract: Mapping Magnetic Properties of the Post-Wapiabi Sandstones from South-central Alberta Foothills; #90225 (2015) Christian I. Abaco, Don C...


Pulsed Power Plasma Stimulation Technique … Experimental Study on Single Pulse Test for Fractures Initiation

Yue Xiao, Waylon House, Ebru Unal, Mohamed Soliman

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... current operate on microsecond time scales. In both laboratory and near zone field applications where transient magnetic effects dominate...


Mineralogical Model: The Basis for the Estimation of Accurate Cased Hole Petrophysical Properties in a Complex Environment. Case of Bajo Barreal Formation, Golfo San Jorge Basin, Argentina; #51620 (2019)

Rafael Zambrano, Alejandro D'odorico, Pablo Saldungaray, Guillermo Pedersen, Agustin Arguello, Daniel Astesiano

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... induced gamma ray spectroscopy, sonic, and thermal neutron porosity logs. The first step of this methodology is to build a mineralogical model using...


Relations Between ERTS Lineaments, Aeromagnetic Anomalies and Geological Structures in North-Central Nevada

Don W. Levandowski, Ted V. Jennings, W. Terry Lehman

Utah Geological Association

... that the doming of Paleozoic sedimentary rocks associated with the thrust may be related to the emplacement of magnetic anomaly source material along zones...


Deep Structure of Black Sea Basin: Structure

Yu. P. Neprochnov, A. F. Neprochnova, Ye. G. Mirlin

AAPG Special Volumes

..., and Biology Comparative analysis of seismic and magnetic data suggests that the principal anomaly-producing body in the central part of the Black Sea...


Influence of Authigenic-Clay Minerals on Permeability

James J. Howard

Special Publications of SEPM

... and calculated of sandstones of flow to The normalized bulk CEC values decreases fewer of the by I he flUI d S ampI es wtlh Increased fractal...


Evaluating CO2 Utilization and Storage in Kansas, #80337 (2013)

W. Lynn Watney, Jason Rush, Martin Dubois, Robinson Barker, Tiraz Birdie, Ken Cooper, Saugata Datta, John Doveton, Mina Fazelalavi, David Fowle, Paul Gerlach, Thomas Hansen, Dennis Hedke, Yevhen Holubnyak, Breanna Huff, K. David Newell, Larry Nicholson, Jennifer Roberts, Aimee Scheffer, Ayrat Sirazhiev, Raymond Sorenson, Georgios Tsoflias, Eugene Williams, Dana Wreath, John Youle

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... captur +drilling and seismic contractors TBN – K es of the Midwestern Go CO2-EOR – proven & reliable t Dawson-Markwell Explora Devilbiss Coring...


Bahamas Salient of North America: Tectonic Framework, Stratigraphy, and Petroleum Potential

A. A. Meyerhoff , C. W. Hatten

AAPG Bulletin

... was induced by intense compression; (3) the anomalies are produced by intrusives with reversed magnetic polarity; and (4) iron buried a few feet below...


Long Climatic Time Series from Sediment Physical Property Measurements

Timothy D. Herbert, Larry A. Mayer

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of tropical climate cycles at 2.4 Myr from whole-core magnetic susceptibility measurements: Nature, v. 342, p. 897-900. BOYCE, R.E., 1976, Definitions...


Fabric Evolution and Mechanisms of Diagenesis in Fine-Grained Sediments from the Kita-yamato Trough, Japan Sea

Achim Kopf, Jan H. Behrmann

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... (Japan Sea), we have investigated the relationships between diagenetic processes and evolution of petrofabric, magnetic fabric, and related pore-space...


Deep Learning Enhanced Joint Inversion for Mineral Exploration Using Airborne Geophysics: Application in Decorah Area

Yanyan Hu, Xiaolong Wei, Xuqing Wu, Jiajia Sun, Jiefu Chen, Yueqin Huang

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... magnetic and gravity gradient data. The mapping from data domain to model domain is fulfilled by the standard deterministic inversion. A two-round...


New method for monitoring steam injection for Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) and for finding sources of geothermal heat

Gordon Stove, G. Colin Stove, Michael Robinson

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

...-magnetic spectrum as di-electric logging, but from surface measurement. First Principles predicts a rise in dielectric constant as temperature rises...


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