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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 10,653 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Characterization of Seal Potential and Distribution Using Pre-Stack Seismic Inversion: A Field Case Study of Onshore Abu Dhabi, #20489 (2020).
Anni Xie, Maria Helena Caeiro, Stefan Steiner, Ahmed Taher, Martin Jagger, Kate Al Tameemi, Amogh Chitrao, Fakhera Al Qubaisi, Huda Al-Salmi, Jawaher A. Alshamsi,
Search and Discovery.com
... by the large separation between the porosity from neutron density (PHIT_ND) and the porosity from nuclear magnetic resonance measurements (TCMR). The core...
Basement Structure Offshore Dahomey Basin, Nigeria: New Insights from Aeromagnetic and 3D Seismic Interpretation; #42580 (2023)
Eze Okoro, Jibrin Babangida, Mosto Onuoha
Search and Discovery.com
... of upward continuation (THDR_UC) to 10km was applied to the HRAM data to locate the contacts of geological features. Depth to magnetic sources...
Thickness of Sedimentary Rocks in the Yukon Flats Basin, East-Central Alaska, as Estimated Using Constrained Iterative Gravity Inversion, by Jeffrey D. Phillips and R. W. Saltus; #90041 (2005)
Search and Discovery.com
Kinematics of the Betic-Rif Arc from Crustal Cross-Sections, by John P. Platt; #90041 (2005)
Search and Discovery.com
Neotectonics of the Rinconada and Reliz Fault Zones, Salinas Valley, California, by Lewis I. Rosenberg and Joseph C. Clark; #90041 (2005)
Search and Discovery.com
Central Utah, a New Oil and Gas Province
Search and Discovery.com
Shallow Structure and Stratigraphy of Liberian Continental Margin
John Schlee , John C. Behrendt , James M. Robb
AAPG Bulletin
...-reflection profiles, magnetic data, and stratigraphy, the southeastern third of the margin is cut by west-southwest-trending fracture zones which we interpret...
Summit Basins of Aleutian Ridge, North Pacific
David W. Scholl , Michael S. Marlow , Edwin C. Buffington
AAPG Bulletin
... beds. This estimate is based on interpretations of magnetic, gravimetric, and seismic-reflection data. The deposits are dislocated along normal...
Great Basin-Colorado Plateau Transition in Central Utah: An Interface Between Active Extension and Stable Interior
Philip E. Wannamaker, John M. Bartley, Anne F. Sheehan, Craig H. Jones, Anthony R. Lowry, Trevor A. Dumitru, Todd A. Ehlers, W. Steven Holbrook, G. Lang Farmer, Martyn J. Unsworth, Darrell B. Hall, David S. Chapman, David A. Okaya, Barbara E. John, Jack A. Wolfe
Pacific Section of AAPG
.... Porath, H., 1971, Magnetic variation anomalies and seismic low-velocity zone in the western United States: J. Geophys. Res., v. 76, p. 2643-2648. Porath...
Glacial-Marine or Subglacial Origin of Diamicton Units from the Southwest and North Iceland Shelf: Implications for the Glacial History of Iceland
Sarah M. Principato, Anne E. Jennings, Greta B. Kristjansdottir, John T. Andrews
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... water content, lower total organic carbon, and coarser grain size than glacial-marine sediment. Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility shows that the till...
Chapter 4: Higher-Order Structural Elements
Thomas X. Homza, Steven C. Bergman
AAPG Special Volumes
... with respect to underlying rocks. Recall that the Pearya Terrane and related magnetic oceanic rocks are interpreted to have been obducted eastward onto...
1997 AAPG Annual Convention, April 6-9, 1997, Dallas, Texas, - Abstracts; #91021 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
The Western Canadian Continental Margin
R. L. Chase, D. L. Tiffin, J. W. Murray
CSPG Special Publications
... structures and tectonism in southeastern Alaska and western British Columbia from seismic refraction, seismic reflection, gravity magnetic, and micro...
Magnetostratigraphic and Biostratigraphic Correlations of Maastrichtian to Early Paleocene Strata Between South-Central Alberta and Southwestern Saskatchewan
J. F. Lerbekmo
CSPG Bulletin
... over the Sweetgrass Arch. Comparison of magnetic polarity patterns, supported by palynofloral evidence near the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, shows...
Gravity Anomalies and Crustal Structure of the Gulf and Peninsular Province of the Californias: Chapter 3: Part II. Geological and Geophysical Maps
Richard W. Couch, Gordon E. Ness, Osvaldo Sanchez-Zamora , Gustavo Calderon-Riveroll , Pierre Doguin, Thomas Plawman , Shane Coperude , Bruce Huehn , William Gumma
AAPG Special Volumes
... of the northern Gulf of California from geophysical modeling and deconvolution of magnetic profiles: M.S. thesis, Oregon End_Page 44...
Late Quaternary Turbidite Emplacement on the Horseshoe Abyssal Plain (Iberian Margin)
Susana M. Lebreiro , I. Nicholas McCave , Philip P. E. Weaver
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... visual observation (color and thickness), relative stratigraphic position of units, magnetic susceptibility logs, calcium carbonate content...
Current Uses of Computers by Exploration Geologists
J. M. Forgotson, Jr. , C. F. Iglehart
AAPG Bulletin
... data systems provide large volumes of scout-type data on punched cards or magnetic tape. These data can be filed, sorted, and retrieved rapidly...
Seismic Structure and Stratigraphy of Northern Edge of Bahaman-Cuban Collision Zone
M. M. Ball , R. G. Martin , W. D. Bock , R. E. Sylwester , R. M. Bowles , D. Taylor , E. L. Coward , J. E. Dodd , L. Gilbert
AAPG Bulletin
... to represent shallow-water carbonate-platform materials. Neither seismic facies has associated short wavelength magnetic anomalies. A 10-km broad anticline...
Geophysical Techniques Used in Petroleum Exploration in the Ying Ge Hai Area, Zhanjiang, SW Guangdong Province, China
L. William Edwards
Circum Pacific Council Publications
... and display techniques, such as computer grid residuals, bandpass filtering, and RAMTEK color displays, gravity and magnetic data anomalies have been closely...
Brackish Water and its Structural Implications in Great Carolina Ridge, North Carolina
H. E. LeGrand
AAPG Bulletin
... of a magnetic survey, support the existence of complex northeast-trending structures. The writer believes that, contrary to general opinion...
Significant Unconformities and the Hiatuses Represented by Them in the Paleogene of the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Province
Joseph E. Hazel, Lucy E. Edwards, Laurel M. Bybell
AAPG Special Volumes
..., South Carolina: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 1028-F, p. 71-89. LaBrecque, J.L., D.V. Kent, and S.C. Cande, 1977, Revised magnetic...
Geologic Framework of Continental Shelf off Northwest Australia
R. G. Mollan , R. W. Craig , M. J. W. Lofting
AAPG Bulletin
... of Mineral Resources conducted a seaborne magnetic, gravity, and seismic (sparker) survey across a large part of the Rowley Shelf, south from Ashmore Reef...
Morphology and Structure of Upper Continental Margin Off Southern Brazil
John D. Milliman
AAPG Bulletin
.... Ewing, 1969, Refraction shooting with expendable sonobuoys: AAPG Bull., v. 53, p. 174-181. Fainstein, R., J. D. Milliman, and H. Jost, 1975, Magnetic...
Geological and Mineral Exploration in Saskatchewan: A Précis of Its History to 1970
W. O. Kupsch
Saskatchewan Geological Society
..., and observations for latitude made by sextant. Magnetic variation was recorded. In his report, mention is made of red hills of hematitic quartzite near...