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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 10,653 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Regional Review of the Nova Scotian Outer Margin
Dorrick A. V. Stow
Atlantic Geology
... geophysical data is available from the eastern North American continental margin. Keen et al (1975) used the results of gravity, magnetic, reflection...
The Effects of Four Big Gas Wells on Pittsburghs Industrial Development and Environment
John A. Harper
Petroleum History Institute
....” and of its superior excellence as a fuel, Pittsburgh capital could not be induced to invest in Murrysville gas; and no attempt was made to pipe...
Contemporary Seismicity and Tectonics of the Northern and Central Coast Ranges-Sierran Block Boundary Zone, California
Ivan G. Wong, Richard W. Ely, Auriel C. Kollmann
Pacific Section of AAPG
.... Wahrhaftig, Geology of the Sierra Nevada, Bull. Calif. Div. Mines Geol., 90, 107-172, 1966. Cady, J. W., Magnetic and gravity anomalies in the Great Valley...
Response of A Coarse-Grained, Fluvial To Coastal Depositional System To Glacio-Eustatic Sea-Level Fluctuation Since the Last Glacial Maximum: An Example From the Tenryu River, Japan
Kazuaki Hori, Shigenobu Nagasawa, Yoshiki Sato, Toshimichi Nakanishi, Wan Hong
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...., Kitagawa, H., Torii, M., and Takemura, K., 2007, Environmental magnetic record and paleosecular variation data for the last 40 kyrs from the Lake Biwa...
The Transformation of Sediment Into Rock: Insights From IODP Site U1352, Canterbury Basin, New Zealand
Kathleen M. Marsaglia, Greg H. Browne, Simon C. George, David B. Kemp, John M. Jaeger, David Carson, Mathieu Richaud, IODP Expedition Scientific Party
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...-sample moisture and density (MAD), porosity and bulk density, magnetic susceptibility, and natural gamma radiation), geochemical (pore-water...
Petrology and Geochemistry of Volcanic Rocks from the Northern Melanesian Borderland
John M. Sinton, Kevin T. M. Johnson, Richard C. Price
Circum Pacific Council Publications
... (this volume) has identified oblique bathymetric and magnetic fabric in this region that he tentatively ascribes to rift propagation. The location of RD13...
Shallow-Water Limestones in Oceanic Basins as Tectonic and Paleoceanographic Indicators
Seymour O. Schlanger
Special Publications of SEPM
... transgression not thermally contributed to some The Nauru Basin induced regional uplift also extent evidently had a history similar 220 SEYMOUR...
Asab Field--United Arab Emirates, Rub Al Khali Basin, Abu Dhabi
A. S. Alsharhan
AAPG Special Volumes
..., the first onshore gravity and magnetic surveys were begun in 1947 and completed in 1948. Gravity and magnetic surveys were again conducted during 1953...
Modern Approaches in Source-Rock Evaluation
Douglas W. Waples
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... pyrolysis of the isolated kerogen. A new technique for evaluating G employing nuclear magnetic resonance (nmr) on ground whole-rock samples has ROCKY...
The Andean Thrust SystemLatitudinal Variations in Structural Styles and Orogenic Shortening
Victor A. Ramos, Toms Zapata, Ernesto Cristallini, Antonio Introcaso
AAPG Special Volumes
..., magnetic lineations: Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral Resources, A.A.P.G., Scale 1:10,000,000.Gtze, H. J., B. Lahmeyer, S. Schmidt...
Latin America After 1920: Chapter 17: PART I. MEXICO
Edgar W. Owen
AAPG Special Volumes
... the same depth. One well may produce oil from several different levels, or zones of induced porosity. As a corollary to these conditions a well situated...
Siwalik Paleosols (Miocene, Northern Pakistan): Genesis and Controls on Their Formation
Michael J. Zaleha
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., N.D., LINDSAY, E.H., PILBEAM, D., AND TAHIRKHELI, R.A.H., 1978, The magnetic polarity stratigraphy and age of the Siwalik Group near Dhok Pathan...
Marine and Meteoric Diagenesis of Pleistocene Carbonates from a Nearshore Submarine Terrace, Oahu, Hawaii
C.E. Sherman, C.H. Fletcher, K.H. Rubin
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., and Lancelot, Y., 1994, The astronomical theory of climate and the age of the Brunhes-Matuyama magnetic reversal: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 126...
Long-Term Event Stratigraphy of the Apulia Platform Margin (Upper Jurassic To Eocene, Gargano, Southern Italy)
Alfonso Bosellini, Michele Morsilli, Claudio Neri
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... Cretaceous-Paleocene magnetic stratigraphy at Gubbio, Italy. 1. Lithostratigraphy and sedimentology: Geological Society of America, Bulletin, v. 88, p...
Outline of Tectonic History of Bolivian Andes
H. H. Lohmann
AAPG Bulletin
... magnetic data show prospective trends: World Oil, v. 153, no. 5, p. 148-149. Jordan, P., 1966, Die Expansion der Erde: Braunschweig, Vieweg & Sohn, 180 p...
Thermogenic and Secondary Biogenic Gases, San Juan Basin, Colorado and New Mexico--Implications for Coalbed Gas Producibility
Andrew R. Scott , W. R. Kaiser , Walter B. Ayers, Jr.
AAPG Bulletin
... of methanogenesis in aquatic sediments: Applied Environmental Microbiology, v. 31, p. 99-107. Zeitz, I., compiler, 1982, Composite magnetic anomaly map...
International Conference and Exhibition, October 15-18, 2000, Bali, Indonesia, - Abstracts, #90913 (2000).
Search and Discovery.com
Geologic analysis of the Upper Jurassic Haynesville Shale in east Texas and west Louisiana
Ursula Hammes, H. Scott Hamlin, Thomas E. Ewing
AAPG Bulletin
... (Texas) margin of the GOM, characterized by northeasterly-striking linear gravity and magnetic signatures and a broad area of thick salt and deep...
Determination of static and dynamic characteristics of microscopic pore-throat structure in a tight oil-bearing sandstone formation
Guangfeng Liu, Yaoxing Bai, Daihong Gu, Yang Lu, and Daoyong Yang
AAPG Bulletin
... permeability reservoirs using a nuclear magnetic resonance method: Journal of China University of Petroleum (Edition of Natural Science), v. 39, no. 6, p...
A speculative ridge within the Kidson Sub-basin integrated interpretation from geophysical data
Y. Zhan
Australian Energy Producers Journal
...-basin: (a) Bouguer gravity ( GSWA 2020); (b) first vertical derivative of magnetic data ( GSWA 2023). 244 Australian Energy Producers Journal...
Non-conventional methods of determining clastic reservoir orientation using paleocurrenUpaleoslope studies in oriented core: application to subsurface Trinidad
Larue, D.K. and Sprague, A.R.
Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago
... structures provide different orientations, and sedimentary/magnetic fabrics not well understood. Application of this technique to the subsurface...
Subsurface Geology of the Warfield Structures in Southwestern West Virginia: Implications for Tectonic Deformation and Hydrocarbon Exploration in the Central Appalachian Basin
Dengliang Gao , Robert C. Shumaker
AAPG Bulletin
... and northern bends. The middl segment is parallel to the New York-Alabama lineament (a northeast-trending magnetic gradient); the southern...
Sub-surface Structure of the Pitnyak Region according to Data of Geophysical Investigations and the Prospects of its Oil and Gas Capability
A. M. Syngurov А. М. Сунгуров
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
...; 10. top of the Senonian (?); 11. anticlinal and synclinal flexures of the refracting horizons; 12. outline of the zones of negative magnetic anomalies...
Geophysical and Geochronological Constraints on the Extent and Age of Mafic Intrusions in the Basement of West Texas and Eastern New Mexico
G. Randy Keller, John M. Hills, Mark R. Baker, E. Timothy Wallin
West Texas Geological Society
... of west Texas, in Hinze, W.J., ed., The utility of regional gravity and magnetic anomaly maps: Tulsa, Oklahoma, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, p...
Geologic Framework of the Alaskan Continental Terrace in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas
Arthur Grantz, Mark L. Holmes, Bruce A. Kososki
CSPG Special Publications
... Seismic, magnetic and gravity data indicate that the Chukchi and Beaufort epicontinental seas off northern Alaska overlie three sedimentary basins...