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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 10,664 Results. Searched 196,923 documents.
The magnetic layer in Powder River and Denver-Julesburg basins: A new crustal temperature constraint for estimating thermal properties in sedimentary basins
Dale E. Bird, William E. Cathey, Naila Dowla
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
...The magnetic layer in Powder River and Denver-Julesburg basins: A new crustal temperature constraint for estimating thermal properties in sedimentary...
A Simple Derivation of the Working Equations of Magnetic Variometers for Vertical and Horizontal Intensity
Oliver C. Lester
AAPG Bulletin
...A Simple Derivation of the Working Equations of Magnetic Variometers for Vertical and Horizontal Intensity Oliver C. Lester 1928 855 860 12 8...
Integrated geophysical image of the hot spring in Rokan Hulu, Riau, Indonesia
Nur Islami, Mitri Irianti
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... configuration, with a minimum electrode distance of 5 m. While the VLF survey was taken at every distance of 6 m. Magnetic surveys were carried out...
Tectonics of the North Cupola of the Tatar Dome According to Results of Geophysical Exploration
V. P. Stepanov, F. A. Kenzin, A. D. Surkov
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
.... Stepanov, V. P., 1959, Geologic interpretation of magnetic anomalies under the conditions of the Tatar ASSR: First conference of young scientists...
Middle Triassic Paleosols and Paleoclimate of Antarctica
G.J. Retallack , A.M. Alonso-Zarza
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., Silica precipitation induced by the anaerobic sulfate producing bacterium Desulfovibrio desulfuricans: effects upon cell morphology and implications...
The Petroleum Potential of West Timor
Tim R. Charlton
Indonesian Petroleum Association
..., C., and L. van Es, 1928. De opsporingen naar delfstoffen op het eiland Timor, Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen, Nederlandse Indie, 1925 Verhandlingen, 54...
Changes in Depositional Environments Resulting from Emplacement of a Large Volume Ignimbrite
David C. Buesch
Special Publications of SEPM
... nonwelded tuff VPL cm Buesch tionships in prep Hillhouse and Wells in Buesch phenocrysts magnetic anisotropy studies and geochemical...
Short note: Formation fracturing caused by excessive borehole fluid pressures during drilling in unconsolidated or coastal-plain sediments may be an unknown problem on your project
Douglas E. Wyatt, Frank H. Syms
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
... weight, grout weight, or pump overpressuring. In many cases, the possibility of drilling-induced hydraulic fracturing is not considered in shallow...
Rift Systems: Structural and Stratigraphic Framework of the Jeanne D'arc Basin, Grand Banks
H. J. Welsink and A. J. Tankard
AAPG Special Volumes
... from Nova Scotia (Jansa and Wade, 1975; Given, 1977; Wade, 1981). The coincidence with the Callovian unconformity of the Blake Spur Magnetic Anomaly...
Basement--Not the Bottom but the Beginning
Peter T. Flawn
AAPG Bulletin
... a text containing the basic data on basement wells and magnetic depth estimates. The second phase of the project, compilation of a geologic map...
Uncertainties of Extracting Amplitude and Frequency of Orbitally Driven Sea-Level Fluctuations from Shallow-Water Carbonate Cycles; #50897 (2013)
Gregor P. Eberli
Search and Discovery.com
... Miocene biocyclostratigraphy of Site 1006 reveals orbitally induced cyclicity patterns of Great Bahama Bank carbonate production, in P.K. Swart, G.P....
De-Risking Subsalt Exploration by Integrated Depth Imaging,
Oliver K. Geisler, Markus H. Krieger
GCAGS Transactions
... skills, and a proven workflow, adjustable to the specific project requirements. Gravity, gravity gradient, magnetic, or magnetotelluric datasets...
Gravity Field of the North Fiji Basin
James N. Kellogg, Dibya R. Kansakar
Circum Pacific Council Publications
... is also inferred from magnetic anomalies and fresh basalts associated with the ridges (Chase, 1971; Cherkis, 1980; Malahoff et al., 1982; Malahoff et al...
Integral equation based wellbore preconditioner for 3D electromagnetic response modeling
Marcus Elliott, Mark Everett
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... and then interpolates the IEcomputed solution onto the nodes of a FE mesh. Then using an existing FE simulator, we solve for secondary electric and magnetic field...
The Geology of the Offshore Sedimentary Basin of West Greenland
Guy Manderscheid
CSPG Special Publications
... magnetometer profiles and approximately 4 900 km of reflection seismic done in 1970-71. The sharp, elongated magnetic anomalies characteristic...
The Texaco Kohpay L 16-WS: The Osage Microgranite Revisited
Matt Hamilton, Barry L. Weaver, R. Douglas Elmore
Oklahoma City Geological Society
... Guidebook 38, p. 123–141. Hrouda, F., Chlupáčová, M., and Mrázová, S., 2006, Low-field variation of magnetic susceptibility as a tool for magnetic...
Basin architecture from high-resolution gravity gradient, magnetic, and seismic data, King Sound, Canning Basin, Western Australia
Peter Kovac, Sharon Lowe, Tony Rudge, Carlos Cevallos, Jurriaan Feijth, Lynsey Brett
AAPG Bulletin
...Basin architecture from high-resolution gravity gradient, magnetic, and seismic data, King Sound, Canning Basin, Western Australia Peter Kovac...
The Determination of Highly Fractured Zone by HVSR Method and its Application on EOR Project Development
Felix Andrean, Muhammad Kukuh Al-Rasyid, Dhara Adhnandya Kumara, Agus Riyanto
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... field monitoring, performed by using small-earthquakes induced either by hydraulic fracturing or other sources such as earth tides. The latter can...
Speculative Pre-Tertiary Petroleum Systems and Play Types of Myanmar, #30516 (2017).
Lynn Myint
Search and Discovery.com
... for induced maturity effects towards hydrocarbon generation, migration and accumulations. Selected References Brunnsweiler, R.O., 1966, On the Geology...
The Neotectonic Movement and Geological Hazards in the Nansha Islands
Liu Yixuan, Zhan Wenhuan, Zhong Jiangqiang, Lu Chengbin
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... stratum Cenozoic ultrabasic rock magnetic anomaly lineation 4. 7. 10. 13. 16. 19. 22. 24. I. ________ 2. 5. 8. 11. 14. 17. 20. 23. ~ IV...
Dolomitization of Mississippian Carbonates in the Shell Waterton Gas Field, Southwestern Alberta: Insights from Paleomagnetism, Petrology and Geochemistry
Michael T. Lewchuk,, Ihsan S. Al-Aasm,, David T.A. Symons, Kevin P. Gillen
CSPG Bulletin
... with the present Earth's magnetic field (PEMF). Both methods gave similar results, showing that paleomagnetism can be an effective and inexpensive...
Integration of Magnetic, Gravity and Geologic Data in Mapping Geologic Structures: A Case Study of a part of Lafiagi [Sheet 203], Southwestern Nigeria, #41737 (2015).
Kehinde A. Olawuyi, Bankole D. Ako, Gregory O. Omosuyi, Obasanmi A. Adelusi
Search and Discovery.com
...Integration of Magnetic, Gravity and Geologic Data in Mapping Geologic Structures: A Case Study of a part of Lafiagi [Sheet 203], Southwestern...
Thin-bedded Turbidite and Hyperpycnite (?) Mudstones in the Cretaceous Lewis Shale, Carbon County, Wyoming: Preliminary Results
Demola Soyinka, Roger M. Slatt
Special Publications of SEPM
... and associated levee beds have since been imaged by GroundPenetrating Radar (Young et al., 2003) and Electro-magnetic Induction (Stepler et al., in press...
Rheological and Chemical Properties of Alaska Heavy Oils
Matthew W. Liberatore, Andrew M. Herring, Kejing Li, Ala Bazyleva, Babajide Akeredolu, Manika Prasad, Michael Batzle
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...), and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). We attempt to make an improvement in heavy oil chemical-physical property correlations based on the resulted data...
Paleoflow Patterns and Macroscopic Sedimentary Features in the Late Devonian Chattanooga Shale of Tennessee: Differences Between the Western and Eastern Appalachian Basin
Jorgen Schieber
CSPG Special Publications
... deposition on a westward dipping paleoslope (westward paleoflow). However, new paleocurrent data (measurements of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility...