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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 10,653 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
A Midwestern Province: Abstract
Paul Lyons
Tulsa Geological Society
.... A regional gravity assembly delineates the trend of the bast feature, and regional magnetic maps assist in further interpretation. The feature has had...
Single Channel Seismic and Geopotential Data Collection and Processing
Andrew J. Stevenson, Jonathan R. Childs
Circum Pacific Council Publications
... (or single and multichannel simulta neous profiles), magnetic, gravity, bathyme try, and, in some locations, sonobuoy refrac tion data (Childs...
Base Tertiary Map of SE Asia, Showing Major Offshore Basins
JMJ Petroleum Oil and Gas Consultancy
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... centers, active strike-slip systems, active and inactive trenches, oceanic transforms, and seafloor magnetic anomalies...
New Insights into Sri Lanka Cauvery and Mannar Basins from FTG and Aeromagnetic Data
Gaud Pouliquen, Julianne Sharples, Michal Ruder, Jim Podruski
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... basalts and diabases, intersect the clastic sedimentary section, especially in the Mannar basin. Our depth to magnetic source mapping indicates...
Abstract: Enhancing Interpretations of NMR Logging with NMR Core Measurements
Dave Marschall and Dwane Weaver
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
...Abstract: Enhancing Interpretations of NMR Logging with NMR Core Measurements Dave Marschall and Dwane Weaver 1996 11 11 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance...
Automated detection of ferromagnetic pipelines from magnetic total-field anomaly data using convolutional neural networks
Brett Bernstein, Yaoguo Li, Richard Hammack
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
...Automated detection of ferromagnetic pipelines from magnetic total-field anomaly data using convolutional neural networks Brett Bernstein, Yaoguo Li...
Geophysical Analyses to Map Concealed Faulting in the Wasatch Fault Zone in Northeastern Provo, Utah County, Utah
Alvin K. Benson, Leo T. Brown, Nathan Brett Mustoe
Utah Geological Association
..., Nathan Brett Mustoe 1999 167 180 Interpreted gravity and magnetic data from surveys conducted across the Wasatch fault zone in northeastern Provo, Utah...
Abstract: Sea-floor bedrock geology, inner Scotian Shelf south of Halifax interpreted from EM100 swath bathymetry and magnetics
P. S. Giles, R. C. Courtney, D. J. W. Piper, B. D. Loncarevic
Atlantic Geology
... characteristic of the other domains are absent. Both magnetic and bathymetric data show that this domain cross-cuts structures in the Meguma rocks...
Structure of the Magnitogorsk Synclinal Zone of the South Urals Based on Geophysical Data in Connection with Possible Oil and Gas
Ye. B. Bel’teneva, V. S. Mansurov, Ya. Sh. Flaks, A. I. Krivchenko
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... in the area of the west flank of the Magnitogorsk synclinorium, Bashneftegeofizika carried out a regional geophysical study that included gravity, magnetic...
Abstract: Gravity and Magnetic Surveys in West-Central Louisiana Implications for Lignite Exploration
Joseph Zeosky, Gary Kinsland
GCAGS Transactions
...Abstract: Gravity and Magnetic Surveys in West-Central Louisiana Implications for Lignite Exploration Joseph Zeosky, Gary Kinsland 1981 Vol. 31...
Part II. Geological and Geophysical Maps
AAPG Special Volumes
... sections. NESS et al. compiled a regional map of magnetic anomalies and oceanic crustal isochrons. Spreading rates between the various plates...
Abstract: Investigation of a late Proterozoic mafic sill and its environs Cape St. Francis, Newfoundland
Tammy Perry, Alison M. Leitch, Derek H. C. Wilton
Atlantic Geology
.... Wilton 184 GAC Abstracts – 2005 Annual Technical Meeting, Newfoundland Section field were analysed and compared with the ground magnetic survey...
ABSTRACT: Neogene/Quaternary Magnetostratigraphy of Shallow-Water Carbonate Sediments, San Salvador, Bahamas, by D. F. McNeill, J. L. Kirschvink, R. N. Ginsburg, and S-B. R. Chang; #91038 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: 3D geophysical and geologic modeling of the Betts Cove Ophiolite, Newfoundland
Bill J. Spicer, Bill A. Morris, Hernan Ugalde, Tom Skulski, Neil Rogers
Atlantic Geology
... Peninsula, Newfoundland, are associated with a high amplitude magnetic anomalies and accompanying extensive topographic relief. This study aims...
Relationship of Structures of the Mesozoic Sedimentary Cover to Geophysical Anomalies in the Yenisey-Khatanga Downwarp
A. I. Prokopenko
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... are non-magnetic, and the clastic sediments exert no substantial effect on either the gravity or magnetic fields. Geophysical anomalies are due to pre...
Abstract: Heavy Mineral Pattern in Stream Sediments of Kuala Krai Area, Kelantan (Paper B16)
Wan Fuad Wan Hassan, Muhamad Hafiz bin Juhari
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... a Frantz Isodynamic Magnetic separator to find out the magnetic resistivity pattern of the individul sample. Each sampel composition was plotted onto...
Paleo-Rifts Of the North Caspian Sineklize and their Geological-Geophysical Models
D. M. Murzagaliyev
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... by Riphean and Lower Paleozoic deposits. See figure 2a. In the geophysical fields this structure is expressed by gravity and magnetic maximums 20–60...
ABSTRACT: Gravity and Magnetic Modeling of Central Segment of Mid-Continent Rift in Iowa: New Insights into Its Stratigraphy, Structure, and Geologic History, by Raymond R. Anderson; #91025 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: A Major Circular Basement Structure beneath the Eastern Michigan Basin, by D. A. Forsyth, M. Pilkington, B. Milkereit, R.A.F. Grieve; #90998 (1990).
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Gravity and Aeromagnetic Interpretation in Northwestern Wyoming Basins, by Dolores M. Kulik; #91002 (1990).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Plio-Pleistocene Extra-Ordinary Sedimentation Phenomenon in an Active Collision Zone: Southern Taiwan, by T-Q. Lee and C-S. Horng; #91004 (1991)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Sulfidization and Magnetization above Hydrocarbon Reservoirs, by R. L. Reynolds, M. B. Goldhaber, and M. L. Tuttle; #91004 (1991)
Search and Discovery.com
Oriented Sampling in Continental Borderland: ABSTRACT
D. S. Gorsline
AAPG Bulletin
... the orientation of coring devices and other apparatus with respect to magnetic north, and can be used in any depth of water. Orientation data on Recent...
Reconnaissance Gravity and Other Geophysical Data from Continental End of Aleutian Arc: ABSTRACT
D. F. Barnes, W. H. Lucas, E. V. Mace, R. J. Malloy
AAPG Bulletin
... and Geodetic Survey have made about 12 traverses while recording gravity, sparker, magnetic, and bathymetry data, and about 12 other traverses while recording...
Coccoliths from Desoto Canyon Region, Gulf of Mexico: ABSTRACT
I. B. Brohm
AAPG Bulletin
... that these genera were affected by similar parameters; a ratio of Discolithina morphotypes yields an apparent temperature curve. A magnetic intensity...