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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 10,653 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Crustal Modeling of the Caribbean- South American Plate Boundary, at Venezuelan Central Coast
Search and Discovery.com
Seismicity and the Possibility of Earthquake Related Landslides in the Teton-Gros Ventre-Jackson Hole Area, Wyoming
R. B. Smith, J. R. Pelton, J. D. Love
Wyoming Geological Association
.... America Bull., v. 85, p. 1205-1218. Smith, R.B., Shuey, R.T., Freidline, R.F., Otis, R.B., and Alley, L.B., 1974, Yellowstone Hot Spot: New magnetic...
Using NMR to Quantify Mineralization-induced Porosity Changes in Varied Lithologies: IOR and Carbon Storage Applications
Shaina Kelly, Jacob Tielke, Michael Dick, Dragan Veselinovic
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...Using NMR to Quantify Mineralization-induced Porosity Changes in Varied Lithologies: IOR and Carbon Storage Applications Shaina Kelly, Jacob Tielke...
Exploration for Reservoir Quality Rock Bodies by Mapping and Simulation of Potentiometric Surface Anomalies
J. Toth, K. Rakhit
CSPG Bulletin
..., including the field-data based analysis and numerical verification. PERMEABLE ROCK LENSES AND ASSOCIATED POTENTIOMETRIC ANOMALIES LENS INDUCED...
The Role of Climate in the Creation and Destruction of Continental Stratigraphic Records: An Example from the Northern Margin of the Sahara Desert
Christopher S. Swezey
Special Publications of SEPM
... aul t = Paleogene strata = Quaternary sediments (undifferentiated) e–T = Cretaceous strata = Miocene–Lower Pleistocene strata * ° = Oued es...
Breaking the 5km Barrier: Superlaterals Delivery Challenges. Are they Feasible in Vaca Muerta?
Julio Palacio, Walid Ben Ismail, Richard Walker, Roberto Cruz Nemer, Jorge Arias
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... the WBS margin, bedding planes problem, and induced wellbore instability can be a well design change to increase the annular clearance after performing...
An Exceptional Tectonic Setting along the Andean Continental Margin
Víctor A. Ramos, Maximiliano Naipauer, Héctor A. Leanza, Mario E. Sigismondi
AAPG Special Volumes
.... García, 2014, Transtensional tectonics induced by oblique reactivation of previous lithospheric anisotropies during the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic...
Whale Basin, Offshore Newfoundland: Extension and Salt Diapirism: Chapter 15: North American Margins
H. R. Balkwill, F. D. Legall
AAPG Special Volumes
..., 1975, The gravity and magnetic fields of Atlantic offshore Canada: Geological Survey of Canada Paper 75-9, 22 p. Hubbard, R.J., 1988, Age...
Red Wing Creek Field, North Dakota: A Concentricline of Structural Origin
Montana Geological Society
.... 1199-1207. Moody, J.D., and Hill, M.J., 1956, Wrench-fault tectonics. Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 67, p. 1207-1246. Parson, E.S., Jr...
Age and MORB Geochemistry of the Sabah Ophiolite Basement
John E. Graves, Charles S. Hutchison, Steven C. Bergman, David A. Swauger
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... ). • Chert (2.61 ± 0.06 gm cc·l ). MAGNETIC SUSCEPTIBILITY Measurements were made both in the field and in the laboratory, but there is extreme...
New South Wales' Petroleum Prospectivity
Dave Alder
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... gravity and aero magnetic data and incorporating t he s parse grid of avail able seismic data. in the Darling a nd Su rat Basins the acqu isition...
The Occurrence and Chemical Composition of Recent Fe-Rich Mixed Carbonates in a River Bog
Dieke Postma
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... found at pH values higher than ca. 6. As high pH values were also measured at pla es where no iron carbonate was found, the pH appears...
Origin and Evolution of Hydrocarbons in Early Toarcian Shales, Paris Basin, France
B. Tissot , Y. Califet-Debyser , G. Deroo , J. L. Oudin
AAPG Bulletin
... magnetic resonance spectroscopy. II. A comparison with infrared measurement and the conversion to carbon structure: Fuel, v. 39, p. 87-96. Brown, J. K...
Chapter 3: Integrated Geophysical Investigations of the Pre-Andean Basins in Peru and Bolivia—A Search for Depocenters Concealed beneath a Foreland Basin
Matthew George Stewart, Stanislaw Mazur, Adriana Mantilla-Pimiento, Antonio Jose Olaiz, Wilber Hermoza
AAPG Special Volumes
.... Areally extensive gravity and magnetic data sets have been used to build a structural and tectonic framework for the area. Gravity and magnetic 2-D...
Continental Margin Off Western Africa: Senegal to Portugal
Elazar Uchupi , K. O. Emery , C. O. Bowin , J. D. Phillips
AAPG Bulletin
... 22,000 km of continuous seismic-reflection, magnetic, and gravity profiles, 118 radiosonobuoy recordings, 98,000 km of geophysical profiles from...
Analisis Geologico-Economico De Las Areas Del Golfo De Mexico Con Posibilidades Petroleras. IN SPANISH. Geological-Economic Analysis Of The Gulf Of Mexico Areas And Petroleum Possibilities.
Antonio Camargo Zanoguera, Juan Manuela Quezada Muñeton
Boletín de la Asociación Mexicana de Geólogos Petroleros (AMGP)
...^ in the Continental Shelf have been explored using gravity, magnetic and seismic methods through the 500 m isobath. These studies have shown the existence...
Source Rock Wettability: A Duvernay Case Study
Mahmood Reza Yassin, Momotaj Begum, Hassan Dehghanpour
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
..., 1958), and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (Brown and Fatt, 1956; Elijah et al., 2011; Sulucarnain et al., 2012) are different approaches for evaluation...
"The New Global Tectonics": Major Inconsistencies
A. A. Meyerhoff , Howard A. Meyerhoff
AAPG Bulletin
... and Meyerhoff, 1972a). Moreover, magnetic stripes need not be caused solely by alternate bands of "normal" and "reversed" polarization. Talwani et al...
Pliocene Paleoenvironments in the Meade Basin, Southwest Kansas, U.S.A.
William E. Lukens, David L. Fox, Kathryn E. Snell, Logan A. Wiest, Anthony L. Layzell, Kevin T. Uno, Pratigya J. Polissar, Robert A. Martin, Kena Fox-Dobbs, Pablo Peláez-Campomanes
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., M.J., 2000, Geomorphological and sedimentological features in Quaternary fluvial systems affected by solution-induced subsidence (Ebro Basin, NE-Spain...
A Novel Tight Gas Evaluation Workflow for Targeting and Optimizing the Emerging Horizontal Lower Cotton Valley Play in North Louisiana
Dan Buller, Stephen Persac, Rojelio Medina, Nick Garrison, Jerome Truax, Byron Cottingham
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... to address these challenges as a particular case study. An enhanced logging suite using neutron capture mineralogy, magnetic resonance imaging, oriented...
Chapter 9. Australia: Satellite Lineaments in Southeast Australia
K. L. Burns, J. Shepherd
Utah Geological Association
..., E.S., 1958, CAULDRON SUBSIDENCES, GRANITIC ROCKS AND CRUSTAL FRACTURING IN S.E. AUSTRALIA: Geol. Rundschau, v. 47, p. 543–561. Hills, E.S., 1959...
The Cenozoic Neritic Record in Southern Australia: The Biogeohistorical Framework
Brian Mcgowran, Qianyu Li, Graham Moss
Special Publications of SEPM
..., paleoall useful fossil groups and integrated with for example paleo magnetic intervals. These biohorizons and other events are magnetic intervals...
Current Trends in Geophysical Exploration
Mr. Neal Clayton
Bulletin of South Texas Geological Society
... of whom still remain. Introduction of magnetic tape recording in the early 1950’s followed more recently by the use of digital computer techniques...
Memorial: Alex M. Alexander (1898-1934)
G. H. Westby
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
... department. His work was varied, but he specialized particularly in magnetic investigation and research. From January, 1929, until March, 1932, he...