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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 10,664 Results. Searched 196,923 documents.
Application of Paleomagnetism to Fault Problems in Southern Oregon: ABSTRACT
N. D. Watkins
AAPG Bulletin
... variations of the direction of the ancient ambient magnetic field were observed within zones of both normally and reversely magnetized lavas. These systematic...
Morrow County, Ohio--Case History of Exploration and Production: ABSTRACT
E. C. Stanton, Jr.
AAPG Bulletin
.... Reconnaissance gravity, magnetic, and seismic surveys were completed in July, 1960. As a result of these surveys, several acreage blocks were...
Current Use of Computers by Exploration Geologists: ABSTRACT
J. M. Forgotson, Jr.
AAPG Bulletin
.... Industry-supported well-data systems provide large volumes of scout-type data on punched cards or magnetic tape which can be filed, sorted...
Computer Usages in Recording, Storage, and Analysis of Geological Data: ABSTRACT
J. P. Hea, C. D. Conley
AAPG Bulletin
... well-site and laboratory sample descriptions, enables the computer to produce a wide variety of geological maps from data stored on magnetic tapes...
Computer Usage in Well Logging: ABSTRACT
George Domps
AAPG Bulletin
... for the complete interpretation of all zones logged. Examples were given using logs from Nigeria. Eventually all well logs can be recorded on magnetic tape...
Navigation, Field Operation, and Image-Processing Techniques for Thermal Infrared Imagery Surveys: ABSTRACT
F. F. Sabins, Jr.
AAPG Bulletin
... for processing of imagery magnetic tapes. After solving the navigation problems, the flight program is designed. Each project area has unique combinations...
Stratigraphic Correlation of Keathley Anomaly, Magnetostratigraphy of Tunisia: ABSTRACT
A. E. M. Nairn
AAPG Bulletin
... modification in the correlation of the marine magnetic anomaly sequence with the biostratigraphic scale. The base of the Keathley sequence (M25) lies...
Geochemical Prospecting and its Value to Oil Finder: ABSTRACT
Peter A. Bower
AAPG Bulletin
... pools. The type of work included helium, calcium, and various hydrocarbon ratios. In addition, gravity, magnetic, electrical, and seismic work...
Investigation of Beasman Prospect, Sykesville Mining District, Maryland, with a Proton Precession Magnetometer: ABSTRACT
Roland Lyle Griffith, Jr.
AAPG Bulletin
... the proton procession magnetometer. A magnetic anomaly map with profiles will be developed and interpreted using the dipole system method and known geology...
Gravity and Magnetic Survey of Portneuf River Valley Between McCammon and Lava Hot Springs, Idaho: ABSTRACT
Christopher Martin
AAPG Bulletin
...Gravity and Magnetic Survey of Portneuf River Valley Between McCammon and Lava Hot Springs, Idaho: ABSTRACT Christopher Martin 1984 941 941 68 7...
Abstract: A New Approach to Evaluate and Characterize Secondary Porosity in Carbonate Reservoirs of South Mexico, by A. Villavicencio, M. Frass, R. Casco, J. Martinez, S. José, and J. Molina; #90933 (1998).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Constraints from Potential Field Anomalies on Offset Histories of Faults Bounding the Gualala Block, by R. C. Jachens, C. M. Wentworth, and R. J. McLaughlin; #90935 (1998).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: A Paleoclimate Record from the Black Rock Desert Subbasin of Lake Lahontan: 23,000–12,000 C-14 yr B.P., by C. Meyer, R. M. Negrini, I. Ewing, K. Edwards, and E. Herrero-Bervera; #90904 (2001)
Search and Discovery.com
Frontier Onshore Basin Exploration Methodology: Starting from Scratch, Airborne Gravity and Magnetics Onshore Angola. Price, Antony D.; Lopez, Tomas; Lucas, Aristoteles; Yalamanchili, Rao, #90100 (2009)
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Comparative Formation Evaluation Methodologies for Gas Hydrate Evaluation in Ignik Sikumi #1, Alaska North Slope, by Schoderbek, David; Klein, Jim ; Howard, James; #90142 (2012)
Search and Discovery.com
-- no title --
Search and Discovery.com
... and western Newfoundland) and offshore (e.g. Jurassic – Cretaceous reefs of the Scotian shelf, offshore Nova Scotia). Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI...
Abstract: Extensional Structures in the Queen Elizabeth Islands and their Implications for Evolution of the Amerasia Basin, by Carol Evenchick; #90177 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Multistage HALIP-related Magmatism on north Ellesmere Island and a Link to the Formation of Alpha Ridge - Evidence from Geochronological and Aeromagnetic data, by Friedhelm Henjes-Kunst; #90177 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
New Insights on the Deeper Crustal Structure of the Western Greenland Margin and Implication for Hydrocarbon Prospectivity
Search and Discovery.com