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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 493 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Structural imaging in the Rocky Mountain Foothills (Alberta) using magnetotelluric exploration

Wen Xiao, Martyn Unsworth

AAPG Bulletin

... the subsurface resistivity structure. Broadband magnetotelluric data were collected at 26 stations on a profile that extended southwest from Rocky Mountain...


Magnetotelluric Exploration--Update: ABSTRACT

David Halpin

AAPG Bulletin

... geophysical data were previously impossible to obtain. Interpretation of magnetotelluric data is greatly enhanced through the use of new modeling techniques...


Magnetotelluric Petroleum Exploration--Technology Update and Case Histories: ABSTRACT

Yorham Shoham

AAPG Bulletin

...Magnetotelluric Petroleum Exploration--Technology Update and Case Histories: ABSTRACT Yorham Shoham 1981 769 769 65 4. (April) The use...


Evolution of Structural Models of Two Anticlines in the Papuan Thrust Belt by Application of Magnetotellurics

Lindsay Ross

Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings

... at the top leru Formation. Magnetotelluric Acquisition Modeiling: 1988 Data During October-November 1988, Kundu Petroleum commissioned the first...


Magnetotelluric Investigation of the Pleistocene Nueces River Incised Valley, Mustang Island, Texas

Egon T. Weber, Richard Hay, James R. Garrison, Jr.

GCAGS Transactions

... of a subsurface volume. Ideally, a properly interpreted magnetotelluric data set requires integration with other data. This study provides...


Abstract: Magnetotelluric Technique: A New Geophysical Tool for Geological Problems

T. Harinarayana

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... of secs (milli hertz) to a few kilohertz and these constitute the source field signals for the MT measurements. The basic data acquisition in MT...


Integration of Magnetotelluric, Gravity and Seismic Data for Sub-Volcanic Imaging

Jeremy Gohitua MacArthur, Muhammad Fikri Putra, Nuha Malihati, Husnia Nur Annisa

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...Integration of Magnetotelluric, Gravity and Seismic Data for Sub-Volcanic Imaging Jeremy Gohitua MacArthur, Muhammad Fikri Putra, Nuha Malihati...


Exploration for Geothermal Resources in Dixie Valley, Nevada: Case History: ABSTRACT

W. L. Parchman Jr., John W. Knox

AAPG Bulletin

..., a ground noise survey, two magnetotelluric surveys, a hydrology study, and a surface geology survey. The synthesis of the data resulting from...


Exploration for Geothermal Resources in Dixie Valley, Nevada--A Case History: ABSTRACT

W. L. Parchman, Jr., John W. Knox

AAPG Bulletin

... study, a ground noise survey, two magnetotelluric surveys, a hydrology study, and a surface geology survey. The synthesis of the data resulting from...


ABSTRACT: Joint Study, High Central Zagros: Part 1 … A Challenge for Geophysical Integration; #90051 (2006)

Christian H. Henke, Jürgen Schober, Ulrich Weber, Farnoush Gholami, H. Tabatabai

Search and

... of Magnetotelluric, WARRP seismic (wide angle reflection refraction profiling) and reflection seismic data, accompanied by detail surface geological...


Reliable 1D magnetotelluric probabilistic inversion considering modelling assumption violations

Hoël Seillé, Gerhard Visser

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... of uncertainty is essential in stochastic inversion workflows of magnetotelluric data. Input uncertainty related to the electromagnetic noise...


Hourly Immersed Acquisition and Processing of Magnetotelluric Method for Noise Reduction

Alida Naufalia Aribah, Ikhsan Setyawan, Hidayat

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...Hourly Immersed Acquisition and Processing of Magnetotelluric Method for Noise Reduction Alida Naufalia Aribah, Ikhsan Setyawan, Hidayat IPA18-477-SG...


Seismic and Magnetotellurics Combined, A Case History of the South Clay Basin Prospect

Ernest Berkman, Arnold Orange, Roger D. Smith

Utah Geological Association

... of magnetotelluric and seismic data for the South Clay Basin prospect has yielded a cost-effective, credible interpretation under difficult surface conditions...


Magnetotelluric for Petroleum Investigation

Bayu A. Pramudhita, Deni Saputra, Royo Handoyo, Suchandra, Irkham Wahyu S.

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... Pince, 1998). The combination of both seismic and magnetotelluric also well data record due to result of geological setting is nearly excellent (Figure...


The 2D Modelling of Magnetotelluric Data Using Impedance Tensor Rotation Based on Geoelectrical Strike Vector for Oil and Natural Gas Exploration in The "Kaprasida" Area, Singkawang Basin, West Borneo

Catur Rizkillah Cancerio, Dinda Indiana Bounigeta, Hidayat

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... used MT data of 2 lines consisting of 15 stations in the Singkawang Basin as shown in Figure 2. At the time of acquisition of magnetotelluric data...


ABSTRACT: New Technology Applications in the Rub Al-Khali Desert; #90051 (2006)

A. Al Dulaijan, P. Van Mastrigt, F. Al-Somali, K. Saadaoui, I. Morris

Search and

..., Khobar, 31952, Saudi Arabia Magneto telluric South Rub Al-Khali Company Ltd. (SRAK) carried out magnetotelluric (MT) and TDEM (time-domain...


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