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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 493 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Abstract: CSEM Response in a Gas Hydrate Stability Zone

Allan Filipov, Raghava Tharimela

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

..., where salt, basalt, or hydrates hamper seismic imaging, CSEM and Magnetotelluric (MT) data are inverted together and integrated with seismic, well...


ABSTRACT: Integrated Electromagnetic Methods for Exploration, Reservoir Characterization and Monitoring; #90061 (2006)

Paolo Dell’Aversana

Search and

...) approaches. The acquisition workflows have been designed in order to acquire electromagnetic data sets that can be successfully integrated with the seismic...


The Geosciences DeVL Experiment: new information generated from old magnetotelluric data of The University of Adelaide on the NCI High Performance Computing Platform

Nigel Rees, Ben Evans, Graham Heinson, Dennis Conway, Rui Yang, Stephan Thiel, Kate Robertson, Kelsey Druken, Bruce Goleby, Jingbo Wang, Lesley Wyborn, Hoël Seillé

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

...The Geosciences DeVL Experiment: new information generated from old magnetotelluric data of The University of Adelaide on the NCI High Performance...


Abstract: Resistivity Structure of the Central Eromanga Basin and Underlying Sequences from Magnetotelluric Soundings

A. G. Spence, D. M. Finlayson

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... Magnetotelluric data from the central Eromanga Basin indicate that one• dimensional resistivity models are appropriate for the region. The uppermost Jurassic...


Bunyu Deep Target Exploration: Implication of Geophysical Data Quality Improvement

Dina Novi Susanti, Helmi Indrajaya, Totong Koesnadi Usman, Aliftama Febrian Wicaksono, Hitler Sijabat, Mohammad Wahyudin, Sugiri

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... acquisition and processing have given a better resolution of the seismic data. The deeper targets (>2 seconds or >4000 metres), that previously were hard...


Karst Cavern Identification and Deep Imaging in the Delaware Basin Using Magnetotellurics

Patricia de Lugão, Eric Corrêa, Berthold Kriegshäuser, Isaac Santos, Ludwig Kriegshauser

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... with correlation with data from wells close to the MT measurements to identify geohazards areas. Figure 1. Acquisition map of Delaware Project...


Integrated 3D inversion of magnetotelluric and HeliTEM data collected in the geothermal area of Japan

Alexander Gribenko, Leif Cox, Michael Jorgensen, Michael S. Zhdanov, Masami Ikeya, Yusuke Usui

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

...Integrated 3D inversion of magnetotelluric and HeliTEM data collected in the geothermal area of Japan Alexander Gribenko, Leif Cox, Michael Jorgensen...


Magnetotelluric inversion strategies

Ralf Schaa*, Brett Harris, Andrew Pethick

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... three dimensional crustal structures requires new 3D data sets. An example of this is the Australia AusLAMP magnetotelluric grid. We consider this data...


Defining the Eyre Conductivity Anomaly with the Tumby Bay MT transect

Kate Robertson, Ben Kay, Lachlan Loader, Graham Heinson, Stephan Thiel

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... et al., 1997, for a summary of anomalies. The acquisition of AusLAMP (Australian Lithosphere Architecture Magnetotelluric Project) data (55 km spaced...


ABSTRACT: Hydrocarbons prospecting using integrated geophysical methods (magnetotelluric soundings, gravity and magnetics) in the external flysch zone (Eastern Carpathians, northern Moldavia); #90109 (2010)

Laurentiu Ionescu, Beatrice Ionescu, Doru Marinescu, Mihai Iulian Nedelcu, Iosif Balint, Oliver Livanov, Dan Pomarjanschi, Olguta Pomarjanschi

Search and

... formations of the flysch units, the sedimentary cover of the platform and the crystalline basement. We used the magnetotelluric, gravity and magnetic data...


Application of audio-magnetotelluric method to cover thickness estimation for drill site targeting

Wenping Jiang, Ross Brodie, Jingming Duan

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... as their impedance, can be used to derive the electrical conductivity/resistivity structure of the subsurface beneath the site of data acquisition...


Metal Earth: Role of multidisciplinary geophysical methods to improve knowledge of mineral deposition across Precambrian rocks

Esmaeil Eshaghi, Richard Smith, Mostafa Naghizadeh, Graham James Hill, Eric Roots, Amir Maleki Ghahfarokhi, Saeid Cheraghi, John Ayer

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

..., processing and preliminary modelling of multidisciplinary geophysical data (i.e. seismic, magnetotelluric, potential field data and petrophysical...


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