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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 172 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Kriging-based surrogate models for convergence acceleration of Markov chains: An example of magnetotellurics-dix joint inversion
Alejandro Quiaro, Mauricio D. Sacchi
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
...Kriging-based surrogate models for convergence acceleration of Markov chains: An example of magnetotellurics-dix joint inversion Alejandro Quiaro...
Telluric Currents and Their Use in Petroleum Exploration
K. Vozoff , R. M. Ellis , M. D. Burke
AAPG Bulletin
... enough and that adequate conductivity contrasts exist, measurements can be interpreted in terms of structure. Hence, one can outline basement depth...
Does Lightning Strike Twice?
H. Roice Nelson Jr., Les R. Denham, Jim Siebert, Kathleen S. Haggar
GEO ExPro Magazine
..., with the invention of magnetotellurics as a geophysical exploration technique. The build-up to a lightning strike takes up to 500 ms and can be derived...
The Muruk Gas Field: Insights into Structural Style in The Western Foldbelt of Papua New Guinea
Search and Discovery.com
Parameterizing and Block-Averaging Electrical Characteristics of a Reservoir: an Essential part of Electrical/Electromagnetic Evaluation of Production Process: Reservoir Characterization and Modeling
A. J. Mansure
AAPG Special Volumes
... that is anisotropic. Failure to recognize the importance of the direction of current flow can lead to signific nt errors in interpretating E/EM measurements...
Abstract: Inversion and interpretation of marine Controlled Source Electromagnetic (CSEM) and Magnetotelluric (MT) data
Nate Corcoran
Atlantic Geology
.... This project will examine the use of marine Controlled Source Electromagnetics (CSEM) and Magnetotellurics (MT), and will investigate...
Abstract: Do Diamondiferous Kimberlites Preferentially Erupt at Margins of Archean Blocks within the Canadian Shield?; #90172 (2014)
David B. Snyder
Search and Discovery.com
... Preferentially Erupt at Margins of Archean Blocks within the Canadian Shield? David B. Snyder* Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario...
Improving Sea Bed Logging with Magnetic Field Measurements; #42230 (2018)
Teruhiko Hagiwara
Search and Discovery.com
...Improving Sea Bed Logging with Magnetic Field Measurements; #42230 (2018) Teruhiko Hagiwara Improving Sea Bed Logging with Magnetic Field...
Lightning Data - A New Geophysical Data Type; #41184 (2013)
H. R. Nelson, Jr., D. James Siebert, and Les R. Denham
Search and Discovery.com
... have indirectly used lightning data as part of the electrical source for magnetotellurics (MT) and other electrical telluric measurements since...
Abstract: From Mantle To Mountain Top A Restorable East-West Transect Across Colorado Following Interstate 70; #90301 (2017)
Edward J. Sterne, Stephen P. Cumella, Rorbert G. Raynolds, John J. Miller, James W. Granath
Search and Discovery.com
... Consultant to Whiting Corp., Denver, CO 3 Associate, Denver Museum of Nature and Science, Longmont, CO 4 Scientist Emeritus, U.S. Geological Survey, Lakewood...
Update on the geophysical expression of the Abra sedimentary replacement Pb-Ag-Cu-Au deposit, Western Australia
David Stannard, Jayson Meyers, Ed Turner, Angelo Scopel
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... the geophysical expression of Abra, and recent geophysical survey results are presented here. Abra is characterised by discrete anomaly responses...
Non-Seismic Detection of Hydrocarbons: An Overview; #40392 (2009)
Dietmar "Deet" Schumacher
Search and Discovery.com
..., (2) Controlled source audio magnetotellurics, CSAMT, (3) Marine Controlled source electromagnetics, CSEM, (4) Multi-transient electromagnetics, MTEM...
Non-Seismic Detection of Hydrocarbons: An Overview, #41697 (2015).
Dietmar (Deet) Schumacher
Search and Discovery.com
... magnetotellurics, C S A M T, ( 3 ) M a r i n e C o n t r o l l e d s o u r c e electromagnetics, CSEM, (4) Multi-transient electromagnetics, MTEM...
Inversion of magnetotellurics data with enhanced structural fidelity
Federico Golfré Andreasi, Simone Re, Federico Ceci, Luca Masnaghetti
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
...Inversion of magnetotellurics data with enhanced structural fidelity Federico Golfré Andreasi, Simone Re, Federico Ceci, Luca Masnaghetti Inversion...
Application of the Global Positioning System to PNG Petroleum Exploration
N. C. Talbot, G. J. Carman
Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings
... to revolutionise con ventional precision surveying. Applying GPS Measurements Survey Mode The derived baseline vector quantities obtained by GPS surveying...
Cost Effective Seismic Acquisition and Drilling in the Fold Thrust Belt of Papua New Guinea and Implications for Exploration in Irian Jaya
R. J. Schroder, B. McConachie, T. Surka
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... a crucial concern and were undertaken by Santos' community affairs officers before, during and after each survey. Figure 3. Photos - Health & Safety...
Ocean-bottom multiphysics for reservoir monitoring Increasing the value of information
Paulo T. L. Menezes, Jorlivan L. Correa, Everton N. Menor, Sergio M. Ferreira, Andrea Zerilli, Tiziano Labruzzo
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... are acquired in the course of the same survey and at comparable data density. To that end, we are proposing to develop a next-step Multiphysics...
Abstract: Magnetotelluric Exploration--an Update, by David Halpin, Arnold Orange; #90963 (1978).
Search and Discovery.com
Non-seismic Constraints in Structurally Complex Regions; #10969 (2017)
M. Soledad Velasco
Search and Discovery.com
... (EM) data, along with ground Magnetotellurics (MT) data, which aid in identifying the overall basin architecture. The integration of these datasets...
Crustal and Lithospheric Structure of the CarpathianPannonian Region: A Geophysical PerspectiveRegional Geophysical Data on the CarpathianPannonian Lithosphere
L. Pospil, A. dm, J. Bimka, P. Bodlak, T. Bodoky, P. Dvnyi, H. Granser, E. Hegeds, I. Jo, A. Kendzera, L. Lenkey, M. Nemok, K. Posgay, B. Pylypyshyn, J. Sedlk, W. D. Stanley, G. Starodub, V. Szalaiov, B. ly, A. utora, G. Vrga, T. Zsros
AAPG Special Volumes
... the data on the distribution of the electrical conductivity anomalies, which have been determined by magnetotellurics in the Earth's crust and upper...
Evolution of Structural Models of Two Anticlines in the Papuan Thrust Belt by Application of Magnetotellurics
Lindsay Ross
Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings
...Evolution of Structural Models of Two Anticlines in the Papuan Thrust Belt by Application of Magnetotellurics Lindsay Ross Petroleum Exploration...
An MT data inversion method constrained by seismic texture
Hongyu Zhou, Rui Guo, Maokun Li, Fan Yang, Shengheng Xu, Aria Abubakar
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... the texture measurements of the observed seismic post-stack data and the inverted model. We simultaneously invert a low-resolution model and a high-resolution...
Geothermal Exploration at Cove Fort-Sulphurdale, Utah1 1972-1992
Gerald W. Huttrer
Utah Geological Association
... that included a soil mercury survey, several geophysical studies and gradient measurements together with the drilling of slim diameter wells offsetting...
Extreme Overpressures and Anomalous Fluid Densities from RFT Pressure Surveys in Papua New Guinea Wells: Some Results and Implications
B. Kota, D. Trattner, P. Woyengu, P. K. Webb
Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings
... by thick shallow to deep marine 'Petroleum Division, Department of Mining and Petroleum, Port Moresby. “British Geological Survey Technical Assistance...
The 2D Modelling of Magnetotelluric Data Using Impedance Tensor Rotation Based on Geoelectrical Strike Vector for Oil and Natural Gas Exploration in The "Kaprasida" Area, Singkawang Basin, West Borneo
Catur Rizkillah Cancerio, Dinda Indiana Bounigeta, Hidayat
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... during survey. Thus, tensor rotation was performed. The process of tensor rotation required vector parameter (ɵ), which was geoelectrical strike vector...