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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 172 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Broadband magnetotelluric study of the axial fault region of the New Madrid Seismic Zone
Kaushik Sarker, Chris H. Cramer, Charles A. Langston, Roshan Raj Bhattarai, Anuradha Mahanama
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... conductivity of a locked fault investigation of the Ganos segment of the North Anatolian fault using three-dimensional magnetotellurics: Earth, Planets...
Seismic and Magnetotellurics Combined, A Case History of the South Clay Basin Prospect
Ernest Berkman, Arnold Orange, Roger D. Smith
Utah Geological Association
...Seismic and Magnetotellurics Combined, A Case History of the South Clay Basin Prospect Ernest Berkman, Arnold Orange, Roger D. Smith 1985 169 176...
Geochemical Exploration for Hydrocarbons - No New Tricks-But an Old Dog
William Duchscherer Jr.
Abilene Geological Society
..., Colorado: U.S. Geol. Survey Open-File Report 75-47, p. 10. Donovan, T. J., and Dalziel, M.C., 1977. Late diagenetic indicators of buried oil and gas...
Abstract: The Heat Exchanger: An Update on Developments in the Australian and International Geothermal Scene
Gareth Cooper
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... and regulations concerning is for drilling to test temperature and survey across a total of 143 sites in a region geothermal exp loration and development...
Oil and Gas Developments in Four Corners-Intermountain Area in 1986
Daniel J. Brennan
AAPG Bulletin
... on about 615,000 ac in the area. The contract provided for the companies to complete 680 mi of seismic, a 10,000-station gravity survey, 145 stations...
2011 Napa Hedberg Research Conference report on enhanced geothermal systems
Dag Nummedal, Gary Isaksen, Peter Malin
AAPG Bulletin
... in this area have high heat flow as documented in gas well temperature measurements throughout the region. A study by Hal Macartney of Pioneer Natural Resources...
A Regional Geophysical Study of the Chihuahua City Area, Mexico
C. L. V. Aiken, D. L. Garvey, G. R. Keller, P. C. Goodell, Mauricio de la Fuente Duch
AAPG Special Volumes
... for geothermal exploration with emphasis on gravity and magnetotellurics: Jour. Volcanology Geotherm. Resources, v. 9, p. 1-22. Aiken, C. L. V., A. W...
Front Matter: Proceedings of the 2nd PNG Petroleum Convention, 1993
George J Carman, Zina Carman
Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings
... Geological Survey Organisation, Canberra, Australia. Notwithstanding the above and in fairness to the authors, their sponsoring organisations...
Geology of Mediterranean Shelf of Israel
A. Ginzburg , S. S. Cohen , H. Hay-Roe , A. Rosenzweig
AAPG Bulletin
... along the coastal plain of Israel, evidenced by magnetotellurics: Israel Geol. Survey Bull. 55, 18 p. Heybroek, F., 1965, The Red Sea Miocene...
The impact of seismic nodes on enhancing subsurface imaging for mining A case study over the Tamarack Nickel field
Eamonn Murray, Andrew Stone, Celina Giersz, Amine Ourabah, Brian Bengert
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... models derived from first-break refraction tomography for one particular high-density survey assist in the 3D mapping of the overburden/bedrock contact...
Characterization and Evolution of the Professor Valley Salt Body, Paradox Basin, Utah Using Integrated Geological, Geochemical and Geophysical (Gravity) Techniques
Derek T. Scott, Mark R. Baker, Diane I. Doser, Katherine A. Giles
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... investigations in the central Colorado Plateau: U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 736, 31 pp., https://doi.org/10.3133/pp736, last accessed April 18...
Extended Abstract: Statistical Review, 1992
Bob Laws
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... and 28 km of magnetotellurics. PESA Journal No. 21 (1993) Copyright © 2017 by Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA) Page 115...
Estimating interpretation uncertainty from magnetotelluric inversion
Janelle Simpson, Graham Heinson
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... magnetotelluric inversion Janelle Simpson* Graham Heinson Geological Survey of Queensland 1 William Street, Brisbane, QLD 4000...
Abstract: What Can Offshore Electromagnetics Offer the Hydrocarbon Industry?, by Mark Hamilton, Pål T. Gabrielsen, Martin Panzner, Stig A. Karlsen, and Vidar Furuholt; #90082 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
Non-seismic Constraints in Structurally Complex Regions
Search and Discovery.com
Integrated Interpretation of Borehole and Geophysical Data for Fault Configuration and Its Implication to Hydrocarbon Distribution in Bunyu Area, Tarakan Basin
Helmi Indrajaya, Dina Novi Susanti, Totong Koesnadi Usman, Aliftama Febrian Wicaksono, Hitler Sijabat, Mohammad Wahyudin, Sugiri
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... be interpreted easier using the new 2015 2D seismic data combined with the magnetotellurics data. By overlying the new gravity, time structure map, and new...
Hydrocarbon gases in the shallow section of the Mohe permafrost, northeastern China: Source for potential gas-hydrate formation
Xingmin Zhao, Jian Deng, Zhigang Wen, Zhu Rao, Li Yi, Chen Liu, and Cheng Lu
AAPG Bulletin
... permafrost zone (Zhou et al., 2000; Jin et al., 2009). As indicated by the latest survey results, the permafrost in the Mohe Basin thickens northwest...
Understanding the Tectonic Framework of Unconventional Reservoirs in the Paraná Basin Using the Magnetotelluric Method
P. P. de Lugao, S. B. A. Rolim, B. F. Kriegshäuser
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... from 16kHz to 0.0001Hz and the MT method can be applied both onshore and offshore. In an onshore survey, two components of the electric field...
Bodalla South Field
J.A. Salomon, S. L. Keenihan, A.P. Calcraft
AAPG Special Volumes
... International, 9 p. Farley, F.R., 1967, Report on Geograph seismic survey of the Tallyabra area Queensland Authority to Prospect 99P: Unpublished Report...
Oil & Gas Operations are Taking Off with Drone Technology
Dale Granger
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... dollar equipment on their back and it used to take half a day to do the same survey that a drone pilot now captures in 30 minutes, safer and easier...
Electrical Methods: Part 7. Geophysical Methods
Arnold S. Orange
AAPG Special Volumes
... primarily based upon the depth and geometry of the survey target. The measured surface potential field is End_Page 417...
Abstract: Imaging the Nechako Basin, British Columbia, using Magnetotelluric Methods; #90171 (2013)
J.E. Spratt and J. Craven
Search and Discovery.com
... Basin, British Columbia, using Magnetotelluric Methods J.E. Spratt* Geoscience BC, Vancouver, B.C. Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa...
Seismic Acquisition in the Papuan Fold Belt: A New Approach
G. S. Hill, S. J. Price, M. S. Foster, R. W. Stephenson, D. Ellis, J. A. Lyslo
Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings
... and trend of the entire fold belt. Potential field methods including gravity, aeromagnetics and magnetotellurics have been used but do not provide...
San Juan Sag: Cretaceous Rocks in a Volcanic- Covered Basin, South Central Colorado
Robbie R. Gries
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... (Phillips, 1985). Other heavily utilized geophysical methods in the San Juan volcanic field are gravity, magnetotellurics, and timedomain...