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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 172 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Termination of Southern Appalachian Overthrust: ABSTRACT
William P. Iverson, Scott B. Smithson
AAPG Bulletin
... across Georgia. Additional support comes from gravity, aeromagnetics, magnetotellurics, and surface geology. Figure End_of_Article - Last_Page 487...
Abstract: Lightning Data, A New Geophysical Data Type, by Nelson, H. R.; Siebert, D. James; Denham, Les R.; #90163 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: High-Resolution Electromagnetic and Gravity Imaging of Wadi Sahba in Central Saudi Arabia; #90254 (2016)
Daniele Columbo, Gary W. McNeice, Diego Rovetta, Ersan Turkoglu, Armando Sena, Ernesto Sandoval Curiel, Federico Miorelli, Taqi Yousuf
Search and Discovery.com
.... The program comprised helicopter-borne transient electromagnetics (TEM), audio magnetotellurics (AMT) and precision gravity. Unprecedented high...
2012 Update of Southern Mid-Continent Theses and Dissertations
Neil H. Suneson
Oklahoma City Geological Society
... drainage system of southern Egypt: insights from magnetotellurics and gravity data. MS. Woldearegay, Ammanuel F., 2011, Near-surface seismic imaging using...
Using finite dipole lengths in complete earth 3D MT modelling
Wolfgang Soyer, Federico Miorelli, Randall Mackie
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... reasonable for the majority of cases, but there are situations with strong shallow variability of resistivity, where measurements may not be simulated well...
Telluric and Earth Currents, Lightning Strike Locations, and Natural Resource Exploration; #41332 (2014)
H. R. Nelson, Les R. Denham, and D James Siebert
Search and Discovery.com
..., layered rocks, and faults since the 1950’s using magnetotellurics. Telluric currents balance currents in the ionosphere, a shell of electrically charged...
Reducing Uncertainty in Subsalt Interpretation: A Non-Seismic View from Integration; #40508 (2010)
Markus H. Krieger and Oliver Geisler
Search and Discovery.com
... 3D gravity, FTG (full tensor gradient), and magnetic modeling and inversion, as well as joint visualization of seismic, magnetotellurics (MT...
Geological Structure of the Subandean Fold Belt of Bolivia Using Magnetotelluric Data; #42263 (2018)
Nikolay Palshin, Raul E. Giraudo, Denis Yakovlev, Roman Zaltsman, Sergey Korbutiak
Search and Discovery.com
... of magnetotellurics. • However, there is still some skepticism about the method, especially related to hydrocarbon exploration. Recently results...
Geothermal Potential of Western United States--Summary: Geothermal Energy
John E. Kilkenny
AAPG Special Volumes
... and associated geothermal resources: U.S. Geol. Survey Circ. 647, 18 p. Lowell, J. D., 1974, Plate tectonics and foreland basement deformation...
Magnetotelluric Transect of the Sevier Overthrust Belt in Southwestern Utah and Eastern Nevada
Jeffrey M. Johnston, Philip E. Wannamaker
Utah Geological Association
... of the Pine Grove-Blawn Mountain area, Beaver County, Utah, U.S.Geol. Survey Misc. Invest. Map I-1479. Allmendinger, R.W., Farmer, H., Hauser, E., Sharp, J...
Review of the CrustLithosphere Research in the Carpathians
Lubomil Pospil, Antal dm
AAPG Special Volumes
.... Wesztergom, 2001, An attempt to map the depth of the electrical asthenosphere by deep magnetotelluric measurements in the Pannonian Basin (Hungary): Acta...
Beyond chi-squared: Additional measures of the closeness of a model to data1
Alan G. Jones
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... we could to our data, defined as the model with the lowest misfit (e.g. Jupp and Vozoff, 1975). Early examples in magnetotellurics (MT) include Jupp...
Discovering and using geophysical data in the 21st century
Alex Ip, Andrew Turner, Yvette Poudjom-Djomani, Ross C Brodie, Phillip Wynne, Kelsey Druken, Neil Symington, Carina Kemp
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
...), and this dimension can be either fixed or open-ended to support dynamically growing datasets. GA’s 757 magnetic survey line datasets so far converted...
Geophysical Investigation of Crystalline Basement Between Dead Sea Rift and Mediterranean Sea
A. Ginzburg , Y. Folkman
AAPG Bulletin
.... 501-518. Domzalski, W., 1967, Interpretation of the aeromagnetic survey of Israel: Israel Inst. Petroleum Research and Geophysics Rept. SMA/482/67, 66...
Geology and Energy Resources, Uinta Basin of Utah; Frontmatter
M. Dane Picard
Utah Geological Association
...: A Scientific, Historical and Economic Overview: Utah Geological and Mineral Survey Bulletin 116, p. 115–124. Picard, M. D., 1956, Summary of Tertiary oil...
Bouguer Gravity Anomalies and Crustal Structure in Northwestern Mexico: Chapter 11: Part III. Regional Geophysics and Geology
Robert Wayne Schellhorn, Carlos L. V. Aiken, Mauricio F. de la Fuente
AAPG Special Volumes
... for geothermal exploration with emphasis on gravity and magnetotellurics: Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 8, p. 1-27. Aiken, C. L. V...
Abstract: Accelerated Frontier Exploration using 3D EM, by Pal Gabrielsen; #90177 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
Telluric and Earth Currents, Lightning Strike Locations, and Natural Resource Exploration
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT MWth ~ 4DT(oC)/1000 × V(ℓ/s): Why Crustal Permeability Matters So Much in Geothermal, #90128 (2011)
Peter Leary, Peter Malin
Search and Discovery.com
... and faulted rock need to be found ahead of stimulation; • Reservoir-scale geophysical mapping, as in magnetotellurics and seismic profiling, may...
Application of audio-magnetotelluric method to cover thickness estimation for drill site targeting
Wenping Jiang, Ross Brodie, Jingming Duan
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
...), magnetotellurics, seismic refraction, passive seismic and magnetic methods. These geophysical techniques are applicable to cover thickness estimation because...
De-Risking Subsalt Exploration by Integrated Depth Imaging,
Oliver K. Geisler, Markus H. Krieger
GCAGS Transactions
..., magnetotellurics (MT), gravity, FTG, borehole, and additional constraining data are applied. In a combined interpretation approach, updates, refinements...
Hydrocarbon Resources of the Polish Carpathian Foredeep: Reservoirs, Traps, and Selected Hydrocarbon Fields
Micha Myliwiec, Zenon Borys, Beata Bosak, Bogusaw Liszka, Kazimierz Madej, Andrzej Maksym, Krystyna Oleszkiewicz, Magorzata Pietrusiak, Boena Plezia, Grzegorz Staryszak, Grayna witnicka, Czesawa Zieliska, Krystyna Zychowicz, Piotr Gliniak, Radosaw Florek, Jarosaw Zacharski, Andrzej Urbaniec, Adam Grka, Piotr Karnkowski, Pawe H. Karnkowski
AAPG Special Volumes
... of the Rudka 3-D seismic survey, unpublished data of the Polish Oil and Gas Company [POGC]).The second principal tectonic northeastsouthwest or northsouth...
Reassessing stromatolite biostratigraphy in the East Tennant region, Northern Territory: Implications for regional mineral prospectivity
Amber J.M. Jarrett, Heidi J. Allen, Timothy J. Munson, Andy D. Clark, Anthony Schofield
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... Australia, GPO Box 378 Canberra, ACT 2601 NTGS; currently Minerals Council of Australia NT 3 Geological Survey of Western Australia, Perth, Australia 4...