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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 18,237 Results. Searched 196,374 documents.

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Pre-Drill and Post-Drill Geomechanical Modelling Helped in the Successful Drilling through Multiple Depleted Reservoirs - A Case Study from the P Field, Offshore Natuna Sea, Indonesia

Reynaldi Mikhael Chrislianto, Romi Sagita, Amitava Ghosh, Freddy Markus, Dodi Iskandar

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... the magnitude and azimuth of the maximum horizontal stress was constrained using regional information. The final geomechanical model was calibrated...


Relative Importance of Processes That Govern the Generation of Particulate Hyperpycnal Flows

M. Felix, J. Peakall, W.D. McCaffrey

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... it by several orders of magnitude. The other processes are relatively secondary but can all reduce the critical concentration by about one order...


Estimation of Petroleum Resources: DISCUSSION

Anibal R. Martinez

AAPG Bulletin

..., Estimation of the magnitude and duration of petroleum resources: Frankfurt am Main, 6th World Pet. Cong. Proc., Sec. 8, p. 133-148. Ministerio de...


Recognition of Faults, Unconformities, and Sequence Boundaries Using Cumulative Dip Plots

Neil F. Hurley

AAPG Bulletin

... involves crossplotting cumulative bedding-plane dip (direction and magnitude) vs. either depth or an arbitrary bedding-plane number that is a function...


Major Magnetic Anomalies of the Four Corners Region

Mark Whelan

Four Corners Geological Society

... magnetic relief and geographic magnitude, it is believed by the writer to be a subsidiary basin (basin within a basin) lying along the north flank...


Earthquakes and Crustal Stress in the North Bismarck Sea

K. F. McCue

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... are, with one exception, all smaller than magnitude 6.0 but larger than magnitude 5.0 which is about the detection threshold. The seismicity lies...


Abstract: Extrusive Shale Masses: New Gulf Coast Exploration Frontier

Paul S. Freeman

GCAGS Transactions

... microfaunal sequence is nearly always encountered, as is high-pressure shale gas. Because of their greater magnitude and distinguishable direction, mudflow...


Geophysical Insights into Completions and Production Predictability for a Shale Gas Reservoir Using Fault Intensity and AVO Inversion

Carl Reine, Sean Lovric

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

.... The ellipticity B provides a measure of the magnitude of azimuth anisotropy, along with dominant direction 0. Poisson’s ratio shows a mean azimuthal...


Abstract: Real-Time Isotope Logging in Central Luconia Province, Offshore Sarawak; Assessing Seal Competency Using Contrasting Results from Two Recent Exploration Wells

Robert C. Davis, Ana Gironés

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... by isotube mud gas programs, except in real time, and at several orders of magnitude higher sampling density (every few minutes during active...


Abstract: Characterization of Submarine Catastrophic Events - Reservoir or Seal?

M. Johansson

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... in dip magnitude away from the shear failure. The dip azimuths tend to be parallel with the structural dip. They are commonly less than 10-100 m thick...


Charge Properties of Soils in Malaysia Dominated by Kaolinite, Gibbsite, Goethite and Hematite

J. Shamshuddin, Markus Anda

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... (ii to iv) were designed to account for factors responsible for the changes in the magnitude of the PZC of the soils. The magnitude of variable charge...


Using Multiazimuth Seismic Data for Anisotropy Estimation in an Unconventional Reservoir

Surabhi Mishra

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... provides an estimate of the magnitude of anisotropy. Figure 4: Simple Velocity Ellipse Model Anisotropy analysis is conducted using interval velocity...


Impact of Seismic Attenuation on Downhole Microseismic Moment Tensor Inversion

Donghong Pei, Natalia Verkhovtseva, Jon Doucette, Price Stark

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... are significantly altered by seismic attenuation correction. The effect on the inverted seismic magnitude is also demonstrated resulting in a smaller...


Understanding and Quantifying Variable Drainage Volume for Unconventional Wells

Asal Rahimi Zeynal, Sudhendu Kashikar

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... term, a magnitude-calibrated DFN is modeled onto the microseismic events. Through source mechanism analysis, strike and dip of the failure plane...


Geological Society of Malaysia Newsletter Number 31 (July 1971)

N. S. Haille editor

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... of 120 0 triple junctions in the pyrril.otite grains, indicating that the ore body was subj ected to stresses of considerable magnitude after...


Geomechanics of Fault Activation and Induced Seismicity during Multi-stage Hydraulic Fracturing

M. Grob, S. Maxwell

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... to microseismicity, although larger magnitude fault seismicity corresponds to inelastic slip over a larger area. However, triggered fault slip has in certain...


Abstract: Some Aspects of Earthquake Prediction in Japan

I. Murata

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

.... The three factors of earthquake prediction are place, time and magnitude. The current target figures are a place of 100 km distance, time of 1 month...


Use of Gravity, Magnetic, and Electrical Methods in Stratigraphic-Trap Exploration: Geophysical Exploration Methods

L. L. Nettleton

AAPG Special Volumes

... of the wedge of porous sandstone and increasing in magnitude westward to the point where the top of the sandstone is present beneath the unconformity...


Difference in Systematic Variations of Saturation Pressure of Pools of Platform and Geosynclinal Areas

V. S. Melik-Pashayev, Kh. B. Yusufzade

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... in calculating oil reserves because the magnitude of the volume coefficient or coefficient of contraction is dependent on the amount of gas dissolved...


Radiocarbon Age of a 410-Metre High Reef Flat at Luwuk, Sulawesi

H. D. Tjia, Priyantono Sumosusastro

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... (magnitude of 6.5 and 0126-5539 Warta Geotogi~ Vot. 12~ No. 3~ May~un Warta Geologi (Newsletter of the Geological Society of Malaysia), Vol. 12...


Extended Abstract: Hydrocarbon Systems of the Fruitland Formation Coalbeds, Northern San Juan Basin, USA

W.C. Riese, W.L. Pelzmann, G.T. Snyder, G.K. Arp

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... concludes that major seep activity varies on a thirty year cycle. We attribute this cyclicity to variations to the 30-year frequency of magnitude 3...


Oil-Gas Productivity of the Depressions of the Cis-Ural Downwarp and Some Causes of its Differences

Yu. Ya. Bol’shakov

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... to 0.05 mm. Thus, the degree of openess of the fractures in these two depressions differs by one or two orders of magnitude. This indicates a difference...


Age of the California Lower Tertiary Stages with Respect to Extra-Californian and European Types

V. Standish Mallory

AAPG Special Volumes

... no greater than zone-magnitude at best, and possibly stage or sub-stage magnitude, in other cases. The best European correlation seems to be offered...


Estimation of Oil-Gas Prospects of Sedimentary Rocks According to the Degree of Metamorphism of Formation Waters

R. M. Novosiletskiy, Ye. P. Savka, D. V. Sharun

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... of the associated formation waters and the magnitude of the ratio rNa/rCl, an analysis was made of 627 oil, gas condensate, and gas pools. The results...


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