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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 2,878 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Abstract: Mapping Reservoir Stress Conditions using Hydraulic Fracturing Microseismicity; #90309 (2017)

Orlando J. Teran

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... stress inversion of the fracture plane solutions is done to estimate the orientations and relative magnitudes of the principle stresses. Friction laws...


Abstract: Role of Organo-Clay Interactions on Sedimentary Molecular Biomarkers and Isotopic Compositions; #90321 (2018)

Jonathan Smolen

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... clays. Different cracking mechanisms and decompositions kinetics could give rise to different magnitudes of isotopic fractionation (C/H) between...


The Effect of Strike

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Characterization and development of subsurface fractures observed in the Marcellus Formation, Appalachian Plateau, north-central Pennsylvania

Scott Wilkins, Van Mount, Keith Mahon, Andrew Perry, and Jon Koenig

AAPG Bulletin

...., 2003, Contrast of elastic properties between rock layers as a mechanism for the initiation and orientation of tensile failure under uniform remote...


Implications of the October 17, 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake for the Emergence of Marine Terraces Along the Santa Cruz Coast, and for Long Term Evolution of the Santa Cruz Mountains

Robert S. Anderson, Dan L. Orange, Susan Y. Schwartz

Pacific Section of AAPG

... of a restraining bend, and die away from the bend in all directions. Fourth, the scale of the uplift rate depends upon the thickness of the elastic portion...


Integrating 3-D seismic data, field analogs, and mechanical models in the analysis of segmented normal faults in the Wytch Farm oil field, southern England, United Kingdom

Simon A. Kattenhorn, David D. Pollard

AAPG Bulletin

... distributions on fault surfaces and the displacement field in an elastic body containing faults of specified spatial geometry and shape. These results can...


Evidence for overpressure generation by kerogen-to-gas maturation in the northern Malay Basin

Mark R. P. Tingay, Chris K. Morley, Andrew Laird, Orapan Limpornpipat, Kanjana Krisadasima, Suwit Pabchanda, Hamish R. Macintyre

AAPG Bulletin

..., is producing a maximum pressure gradient of 15.3 MPa/km (0.676 psi/ft) and not lithostatic magnitudes as commonly hypothesized. The gas generation...


Two-Dimensional Modeling of Groundwater Flow in an Evolving Deltaic Environment

David S. Gordon, Peter B. Flemings

Special Publications of SEPM

... Rate yr mm 4 0 10 10 5 0 16 TABLE 3 m y PHYSICAL CONSTANTS USED IN SIMULATIONS Value Constant yr m Units Reference g m s2 13 3 68e 8...


Diagenetic Pathways in Sedimentary Basins: Chapter 6: DIAGENESIS AND BASIN HYDRODYNAMICS

Wendy J. Harrison, Regina N. Tempel

AAPG Special Volumes

... on reaction rates among minerals and aqueous solutions II Rate constants, effective surface area and the hydrolysis of feldspar: Geochimica et Cosmochimica...


Cyclothems of the Black Warrior Basin, Alabama, U.S.A.: Eustatic Snapshots of Foreland Basin Tectonism

J. C. Pashin and R. A. Gastaldo, Jack C. Pashin

AAPG Special Volumes

... of the Appalachian coal fields: International Journal of Coal Geology, v. 12, p. 259292.Fortuin, A. R., and M. E. M. de Smet, 1991, Rates and magnitudes...


Finite Population Sampling Methods for Oil and Gas Resource Estimation

G. M. Kaufman

AAPG Special Volumes

... is to provide an estimate of the empirical frequency function of magnitudes of undiscovered deposits in a petroleum play when the only observable data...


Depth Determination and Quantitative Distinction of the Influence of Tectonic Subsidence and Climate on Changing Sea Level During Deposition of Midcontinent Pennsylvanian Cyclothems

George D. Klein

Special Publications of SEPM

... permit calculation of magnitudes of both tectonic and climatic-eustatic components of sea-level change influencing Pennsylvanian cyclothem deposition...


Structural and diagenetic control of fluid migration and cementation along the Moab fault, Utah

Peter Eichhubl, Nicholas C. Davatzes, Stephen P. Becker

AAPG Bulletin

... of upward-flowing fluids with ambient meteoric water, providing conditions for hydrocarbon degradation and calcite precipitation.Based on elastic...


Validating novel boundary conditions for three-dimensional mechanics-based restoration: An extensional sandbox model example

Benjamin P. Chauvin, Peter J. Lovely, Joseph M. Stockmeyer, Andreas Plesch, Guillaume Caumon, and John H. Shaw

AAPG Bulletin

..., and invokes a linear or nonlinear elastic constitutive relation to govern rock deformation. Boundary conditions are required to unfault and unfold geological...


Quantifying the Influence of Three Dimensionality on Hydraulic Fracturing in Coal Seam Gas Wells

Christopher R. Leonardi, Thomas Flottmann, Vibhas J. Pandey, Raymond J. Johnson Jr.

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... and relative stress magnitudes. None of these are captured in two-dimensional simulations using a one-dimensional stress characterisation which is commonly...


Forecasting Southern California Earthquakes

C. B. Raleigh, K. Sieh, L. R. Sykes, D. L. Anderson

Pacific Section of AAPG

... big one, the sooner the next one will be.” Underlying this idea is the hypothesis that earthquakes occur as a result of the accumulation of elastic...


Stress Directions in Cretaceous Frontier Formation, Green River Basin, Wyoming

S. E. Laubach, S. J. Clift, R. E. Hill, J. Fix

Wyoming Geological Association

... an instantaneous, elastic component and a time-dependent anelastic creep component that can persist for hours or days. Anelastic strain recovery (ASR...


Chapter 6: Seismic Attributes: Exploiting Seismic Data to Understand Heterogeneous Reservoir Performance in the Eagle Ford Shale, South Texas, U.S.A.

Kit Clemons, Hector Bello, Robert Bodziak, Matthew McChesney, Robert Meek, Andy Stephens

AAPG Special Volumes

.... Proppant selection can help reduce embedment and enhance recovery. Larger magnitudes of proppant embedment correlate to lower density (clay-rich) samples...


Achieving Effective Fractures Within High-Permeability Soft Formations

R. P. Marcinew, B. H. Brady, S. A. Burynuik, R. E. Cooper, C. D. Harding

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... with polymer damage;1-3 proppant embedment in low-cohesion low-elastic modulus rock; proppant mobility on flowback; and non-Darcy flowing pressure...


Fracture Curving Between Tightly Spaced Horizontal Wells

Reza Safari, Xiaodan Ma, Richard E. Lewis, Uno Mutlu, Ahmad Ghassemi

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... and volumetric strains. Pore pressure influence is accounted for in the mechanical constitutive laws (i.e. isotropic elastic, anisotropic elastic or plastic...


A Geomechanical Study of Refracturing Based on Microseismic Observations - Case Study of Haynesville and Eagle Ford Wells

Alireza Agharazi, Sudhendu Kashikar

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... 4: Cumulative slurry versus treatment time graphs, with microseismic event time sequence and magnitudes for 16 stages of refracturing in well 2. Major...


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