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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 29,215 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
A History of Paleogeography in Exploration: Lessons From the Past for the Next Generation of Explorers
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Paleogeography Applied to Exploration: ABSTRACT
David W. Elias
AAPG Bulletin
...Paleogeography Applied to Exploration: ABSTRACT David W. Elias 1965 112 113 49 1. (January) Paleogeography, the mapping of seas, shorelines, rivers...
The Effect of Cambrian Paleogeography on the Distribution of the Overlying Beaverhill Lake Carbonate, Southern Alberta [Abstract]
Tawadros, E.
CSPG Bulletin
... 183 183 Vol. 38 (1990) No. 1. (March) Facies mapping of the Cambrian in the subsurface of southern Alberta shows that the Cambrian paleogeography has...
ABSTRACT: Biomarker Variations in Relation to Paleogeography in the Saltos Shale Member of the Monterey Formation, Cuyama Basin, California, by Paul G. Lillis; #91003 (1990).
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Pennsylvanian-Permian? Chronostratigraphy? of the Eastern Midland Basin: Implications for basin filling evolution and paleogeography
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Abstract: Paleogeography, Climate and the Carbon Cycle of bthe Mid-Neoproterozoic Red Pine Shale, Uinta Mountains, Northeastern Utah, by Myer, Caroline A. and Carol M. Dehler; #90071 (2007)
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Abstract: Eocene to Oligocene Structural History and Paleogeography of the North Malay Basin; The Key to Formation 0 Exploration, by Robert C. Shoup, Padsakorn Suwanruji, and Christopher K. Morley; #90078 (2008)
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Abstract: The Jurassic Petroleum System of the Sub-Andean Basins - Paleogeography and Geochemistry of the Organic Rich Sequences, by Craig Schiefelbein and Carlos Urien; #90078 (2008)
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ABSTRACT: Carbonate Facies Model and Paleogeography of Tendehhantu Formation, Northern Kutai Basin, Indonesia, by Amiarsa, Dadan P.; Kurniawan, Idham A.; Susanto, Artedi; Tabri, Kristian N.; #90155 (2012)
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Abstract: Geophysical Evaluation of the Kakapo Miocene Prospect, Taranaki Basin, Offshore New Zealand; #90174 (2014)
Kathleen Dorey and Brad Hayes
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... Zealand. The relevant regional geology, stratigraphy and paleogeography are presented as a backdrop to the geophysical mapping of the prospect within...
ABSTRACT: Application of Seismic Attributes Analysis in the Prediction of Channel Sand Development and Lateral Continuity: A Case from Some Part of Offshore Niger Delta; #90115 (2010)
Mary T. Olowokere and John S. Ojo
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... for paleogeography, facies analysis, and mapping of sand thickness; while acoustic impedance was used for porosity determination. The results of this work showed...
Abstract: Pliocene-Pleistocene Paleogeography of Florida Gulf Coast Interpreted from Relict Shorelines, by Charles D. Winker, James D. Howard; #90967 (1977).
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ABSTRACT: Regional Paleogeography and Implications for Petroleum Prospectivity, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand, by Strogen, Dominic P.; Bland, Kyle J.; Baur, Jan R.; King, Peter; #90142 (2012)
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Abstract: Devonian Paleogeography of the West-Central Precordillera Region, San Juan Province, Argentina, by H. L. Sessarego; #91012 (1992).
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Abstract: Analysis of Structural Controls on Basin Formation in a Deep-water Contractional Setting, Magallanes Foreland Basin, Patagonian Andes, by J. C. Fosdick; #90094 (2009)
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ABSTRACT Marine Processes in the Northern Lobe of Mahakam Delta and Marangkayu Spit Bar: Implication on Paleogeography Model in the Subsurface, #90104 (2010)
Bachtiar Andang M.; Sulaiman Armein
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...ABSTRACT Marine Processes in the Northern Lobe of Mahakam Delta and Marangkayu Spit Bar: Implication on Paleogeography Model in the Subsurface...
Cambrian Facies and Paleogeography, Subsurface of Southern Alberta [Abstract]
Tawadros, E.
CSPG Bulletin
...Cambrian Facies and Paleogeography, Subsurface of Southern Alberta [Abstract] Tawadros, E. 1990 183 183 Vol. 38 (1990) No. 1. (March) Cambrian rocks...
Saudi Arabian Silurian and Devonian Sequence Stratigraphy
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... as an example, this paper demonstrates how by integrating the results of regional mapping studies with mineralogical and whole rock inorganic...
ABSTRACT: Stratigraphy, Paleogeography and Related Reservoir Potential of Pennsylvanian-Permian Mixed Carbonate-Siliciclastics, Sverdrup Basin, Canadian Arctic, by Walker, Victoria M.; Beauchamp, Benoit; #90142 (2012)
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Abstract: An Applied Sequence Stratigraphic Approach to Basin Analysis, by J. B. Wagner, B. M. Kofron, R. W. Morin, D. W. Ford, and V. R. Mathur; #91012 (1992).
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Abstract: New Paleo-Surface Geology and Paleogeography Model for the Devonian Carboniferous of North America;
Rob Bailiff, Michael Lawson, Laura Tierney, Tom Wiggins, Peter Webb, Laura Wilson, Amanda Galsworthy, Lauren Raynham, Lena Driehaus, Andrew Quallington
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...Abstract: New Paleo-Surface Geology and Paleogeography Model for the Devonian Carboniferous of North America; Rob Bailiff, Michael Lawson, Laura...
Abstract: Plate Tectonic and Paleogeographic Mapping: State of the Art, by Christopher Scotese; #90078 (2008)
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