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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 29,215 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Upper Cretaceous Depositional Sequences in the Alabama Gulf Coastal Plain: Their Characteristic, Origin, and Constituent Clastic Aquifers

David T. King, Jr.

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... paleogeography and the sedimentary facies relations within depositional sequences, and their constituent systems tracts (both transgressive and highstand...


Non-conventional methods of determining clastic reservoir orientation using paleocurrenUpaleoslope studies in oriented core: application to subsurface Trinidad

Larue, D.K. and Sprague, A.R.

Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago

... directions. Conventional techniques of assessing reservoir orientation are: 3D mapping of reservoir using well logs, 2-D and 3-D seismic reflection studies...


The Eastern Flank: Resolving the Architecture of the McMurray Sub-Basin Near the Subcrop Edge of the McMurray Formation

Thomas R. Jean, Shahin E. Dashtgard

Williston Basin Symposium

.... Dashtgard 2017 41 Benyon, C., Leier, A.L., Leckie, D.A., Hubbard, S.M. and Gehrels, G.E. (2016): Sandstone provenance and insights into paleogeography...


Nature, Usage, and Definition of Marker-Defined Vertically Segregated Rock Units: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

James M. Forgotson, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

.... (September) The work of stratigraphers making regional correlations and mapping rock units on a regional scale is hindered by the lack of a suitable...


The Upper Cretaceous Vernal Delta of Utah--Depositional or Paleotectonic Feature?: Part III. Middle Rocky Mountains

T. A. Ryer, J. R. Lovekin

AAPG Special Volumes

... was apparently a large feature, encompassing an area of at least 6250 mi2 (16,250 km2). Comparison between the depositional setting and paleogeography...


Correlation Mapping Technique, a Powerful Tool to Minimize Risk and to Guide Future Development Plans

Gertjan van Mechelen, Jurgen Meyer, Roopa Gir

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...Correlation Mapping Technique, a Powerful Tool to Minimize Risk and to Guide Future Development Plans Gertjan van Mechelen, Jurgen Meyer, Roopa Gir...


Tectonic and Depositional Environment of the Middle and Upper Cenozoic Sequences of the Coastal Southern California Region

Thomas W. Dibblee Jr.

Pacific Section SEPM

... and to mapping of each area by investigators unfamiliar with the stratigraphy of other areas. In some cases, different local names have been applied...


Stratigraphic Interpretations of Triassic and Jurassic Beds, Henry Mountains Area

Wm. Lee Stokes

Utah Geological Association

...: California Geology v. 24. no. 8, p. 140. Collinson, J. W., and Hasenmueller. W. A., 1978, Early Triassic paleogeography and biostratigraphy...


Role of Salinian Block in Evolution of San Andreas Fault System, California

Stephan A. Graham

AAPG Bulletin

.... Chipping, D. H., 1972, Early Tertiary paleogeography of central California: AAPG Bull., v. 56, p. 480-493. Clark, J. C., 1966, Tertiary...


Establishing the Elusive Paleo-Play - A Case Study of the Kahurangi Fault Zone, Southern Taranaki, New Zealand

B. A. Sissons, R. D. Walsh

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... allows precise time mapping of the area. A marked lateral velocity gradient, created by a northwestwards prograding wedge of Miocene-Recent sediments...


Case Studies in Canadian Petroleum Geology: Geometry and Reservoir Characteristics, Leismer Clearwater "B" Gas Field, Northeast Alberta

John B. Maher

CSPG Bulletin

.... Research Council of Alberta, Memoir 1, 130p. Jackson, P.C. 1984. Paleogeography of the Lower Cretaceous Mannville Group of Western Canada. In: Elmworth...


Abstract: Structural, tectonic and seismo-stratigraphic study of the Terra Nova oil field, Jeanne dArc Basin, offshore Newfoundland

Michael E. Enacheseu, Steve C. Harding, Gerry R. Smee, Robert G. Briscoe, David J. Emery, Shane K. Hallstrom

Atlantic Geology

... and the top of the pay zone is not a dependable seismic marker. Consequently, the mapping of the field was done at the base of the reservoir, on the intra...


Structural Evolution of Southern California: Introduction (Part of Compilation by Reed and Hollister for AAPG, Dec. 1936)

R. D. Reed, J. S. Hollister

AAPG Bulletin

..., additional geologic mapping has shown that the three areas covered by folios are exceptional rather than typical. The granitic parts of the San Luis...


Introduction: Chapter I

R. D. Reed, J. S. Hollister

AAPG Special Volumes

.... Concurrently with this rise of the chaotic type of structural hypothesis, additional geologic mapping has shown that the three areas covered by folios...


Extended Abstract: Provenance and Depositional System Reconstruction in the Lower Miocene of the Gulf of Mexico

Jie Xu, John W. Snedden, Craig S. Fulthorpe

GCAGS Transactions

..., and M. H. Holtz, 2008, Miocene chronostratigraphy, paleogeography, and play framework of the Burgos Basin, southern Gulf of Mexico: American...


Sandstone Petrology and Tectonostratigraphic Terranes of the Northwest California and Southwest Oregon Coast Ranges: DISCUSSION

Victor M. Seiders

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... and in the northern California Coast Ranges farther south (Seiders 1989) might have differed significantly because of differences in paleogeography inherited...


Sandstone Distribution in Lower Member of Waynesburg Formation, Greene and Washington Counties, Southwest Pennsylvania: DISCUSSION

John B. Roen

AAPG Bulletin

... of the sandstone beds referred to as the "Mather Sandstone Lentil" and is based on detailed field mapping and subsurface data in Greene and Washington...


Abstract: Regional-scale Allostratigraphy of the Cardium Formation in Subsurface and Outcrop, Southern Alberta and Northern Montana: Evidence for High-frequency Relative Sea-level Change; #90174 (2014)

Joel A. Shank and A. Guy Plint

Search and

..., in both shoreline proximal and distal locations, were also examined. Mapping of facies and paleogeography in three dimensions and within...


Fault Patterns in the Niobrara Formation„Examples from the Eastern and Central DJ Basin; #10354 (2011)

Steven G. Siguaw and Jane E. Estes-Jackson

Search and

... tectonism and post-Cretaceous dissolution of Permian salt beds. Selected References Blakey, R., 2011, North American Paleogeography, Late Cretaceous (85...


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