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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 29,215 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Seismic Reservoir Characterization of the Morrow A Sandstone, Postle Field, Texas County, Oklahoma, #50517 (2011)
Thomas L. Davis, Robert D. Benson, Scott Wehner, Michael Raines, Roger Freidline
Search and Discovery.com
... acoustic impedance contrast. We have found that shear wave data enables reservoir mapping of at least half the minimum thickness seen on P-wave data...
Chemostratigraphy as an Exploration Tool in Low-Accommodation Incised Valley Systems; An Example From the Lower Cretaceous Basal Quartz in Southern Alberta, Canada; #41551 (2015)
Gemma Hildred, K. T. Ratcliffe, A. M. Wright, B. A. Zaitlin
Search and Discovery.com
.... Using the Basal Quartz of southern Alberta as an example, this paper demonstrates how by integrating the results of regional mapping studies...
ABSTRACT: GIS-Based Lead Mapping and Analysis, by Matt Grove; #90906(2001)
Search and Discovery.com
W. Richard Moore
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... should lead to different mapping techniques of the two shale units in the exploration for new Minnelusa oil fields. INTRODUCTION The Minnelusa...
Eocene Paleogeography of the Morton Anticline Area, Southwestern Washington
Samuel Y. Johnson, William D. Stanley
Pacific Section SEPM
...Eocene Paleogeography of the Morton Anticline Area, Southwestern Washington Samuel Y. Johnson, William D. Stanley Eocene paleogeography of the Morton...
Paleogeography and Paleo-Earth Systems in the Modeling of Marine Paleoproductivity: A Prerequisite for the Prediction of Petroleum Source Rocks
Jim Harris, Alexandra Ashley, Simon Otto, Rob Crossley, Ros Preston, John Watson, Mike Goodrich, Merlin Project Team, Paul Valdes
AAPG Special Volumes
... on climate and run-off and bathymetric controls on ancient oceans were provided by detailed, data-constrained paleogeographic mapping. Paleogeography...
Stratigraphy and Sedimentary Petrology of the Upper Jurassic Mariposa Formation, Western Sierra Nevada, California
Nicholas L. Bogen
Pacific Section SEPM
.... This study combines detailed stratigraphic mapping, sedimentology and sedimentary petrology in order to reconstruct the basin of deposition...
AAPG 2015 European Regional Conference & Exhibition
Search and Discovery.com
Stratigraphic Variability of the Marmaton Group Across the Lips Fault System in the Texas Panhandle Granite Wash, Southern Anadarko Basin; #51437 (2017)
Patrick D. Jordan, Dr. Jesse J. Melick
Search and Discovery.com
..., Pennsylvanian and Early Permian Paleogeography, Southern Colorado Plateau and Vicinity: in Paleozoic Paleogeography of West Central United States, Rocky...
Recognition of High-Frequency Sequences in the Kenilworth Member of the Blackhawk Formation, Book Cliffs, Utah
David R. Taylor, Richard W. W. Lovell
AAPG Special Volumes
...------------------------- Paleogeography Facies Mapping from Outcrop Exposures Paleogeographic maps for each parasequence were created directly from field observations. In most cases...
Marine Origin of Paleotopographic Relief on Eolian White Rim Sandstone (Permian), Elaterite Basin, Utah
Jacqueline E. Huntoon , Marjorie A. Chan
AAPG Bulletin
..., R. C., 1980, Pennsylvanian and Early Permian paleogeography, southern Colorado Plateau and vicinity, in T. D. Fouch and E. R. Magathan, eds...
Geologic Framework of Eastern Sequoyah County, Oklahoma - Pt. II
Jim A. Blackwood
Oklahoma City Geological Society
.... G., and Wells, L. A., 1992, Ouachita foredeep basins: Regional paleogeography and habitat of hydrocarbons: American Association of Petroleum...
Triassic petroleum systems on the central North West Shelf Learnings from the greater Phoenix area seismic mapping and geochemical studies
Nadege Rollet, Emmanuelle Grosjean, Dianne Edwards, Richard Kempton, Duy Nguyen, Steve Abbott, Claire Orlov, George Bernardel, Chris Nicholson
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
...Triassic petroleum systems on the central North West Shelf Learnings from the greater Phoenix area seismic mapping and geochemical studies Nadege...
The Trinity Group of the San Marcos Arch: An Exploration Paradox
John S. Rives
South Texas Geological Society Special Publications
... and stratigraphic characteristics coupled with a study of the paleogeography of Trinity time should create new ideas which will find commercial...
A Lower Jurassic Coral Reef, Telkwa Range, British Columbia
T. P. Poulton
CSPG Special Publications
... implications. In: Westermann, G.E.G. (Ed.), Jurassic-Cretaceous biochronology and paleogeography of North America: Geological Association of Canada...
Memorial: John Moore Hills (1910-1988)
Edward M. Anderson, Hugh N. Frenzel, John E. Turner
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
... it without too much indecision." John's years with Amerada were both exciting and fruitful. He was kept busy running samples, mapping the subsurface...
Shear Zones Inside Gulf Coast Salt Stocks Help to Delineate Spines of Movement: DISCUSSION
H. Hugh Wilson
AAPG Bulletin
..., Paleogeography and geological history of Greater Antilles: Geol. Soc. America Mem. 129, 199 p. Kupfer, D. H., 1974, Boundary shear zones in salt stocks...
Sequence-Stratigraphic and Depositional Framework of the Middle Bakken Formation, Williston Basin, North Dakota, #50687 (2012)
Kimberly Hlava, Kirt M. Campion, W. Sebastian Bayer
Search and Discovery.com
... on Conodont biostratigraphy (Hayes, 1985) Paleogeography Marine depositional environment Devonian/Mississippian time frame Arid climate: within 5-10...
Erosional Tidal Ridges in the Bakken Formation (Late Devonian-Early Mississippian), Southwestern Saskatchewan, Canada, #50901 (2013)
James M. Wood, Shaun C. O'Connell, Stephen P. Robinson
Search and Discovery.com
... using a data set consisting of thousands of wells. Subsurface mapping and core examination show that the tidal ridge morphology is defined by a scour...
Top Quartile Oil Sands Reservoirs - EnCana Foster Creek SAGD Project, Cold Lake Area, Alberta, Canada; #10731 (2015)
Rudy Strobl, Daryl Wightman, Phil Aldred, Sung Youn, Wes Sutherland, Bill Male, Satyaki Ray, Richard Shang, Bingjian Li
Search and Discovery.com
... an understanding of regional and local paleocurrent data, mapping paleotopography on the sub-Cretaceous unconformity and detailed sedimentology. Data...
Requiem for a Seaway: Tracking the Final Transgression of the Western Interior Sea in the Post-Apocalyptic World of the Paleocene, #30644 (2019).
Anton F.-J. Wroblewski,
Search and Discovery.com
..., Rosselia, Arenicolites, Palaeophycus, Thalassinoides, Ophiomorpha, Skolithos, Psilonichnus, Planolites, and Siphonichnus. Mapping a ~325 m thick...
Requiem for a Seaway: Tracking the Final Transgression of the Western Interior Sea in the Post-Apocalyptic World of the Paleocene, #30644 (2019).
Anton F.-J. Wroblewski,
Search and Discovery.com
..., Rosselia, Arenicolites, Palaeophycus, Thalassinoides, Ophiomorpha, Skolithos, Psilonichnus, Planolites, and Siphonichnus. Mapping a ~325 m thick...
Overview: Geologic History and Carbonate Reservoirs of the Basin and Range Province, Western United States
Harry E. Cook
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... exploration implications. These events may be meaningful in mapping and predicting the distribution of different carbonate depositional facies. Railroad...
The Paradox Basin Revisited – New Developments in Petroleum Systems and Basin Analysis; Frontmatter
W. S. Houston, L. L. Wray, P. G. Moreland
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... to drilling, completions, and seismic programs; logging and geochemical acquisition and interpretation; integrated mapping, cross section and database programs...
Early Mississippian Megasequences
F.A. Stoakes
Special Publications of SEPM
... Li II ¡Iii ji WI 244 the paleogeography of the ensuing Pekisko. Tectonic movement of the Arch is a possibility but O'Connell (1990) states...