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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 29,215 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Depositional Environments and Paleogeography of the Lower Miocene Vaqueros Formation, Santa Ana Mountains, California

Lori Daniel-Lyle

Pacific Section SEPM

...Depositional Environments and Paleogeography of the Lower Miocene Vaqueros Formation, Santa Ana Mountains, California Lori Daniel-Lyle Depositional...


Less-Explored Oligocene Syn-Rift Sediment in The Western Boundary of Central Sumatera Basin

Heri Setiawan

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... of top Pematang Brownshale Formation to Basement was integrated with biostratigraphy data, wireline log, and seismic to generate a paleogeography map...


Well-log tomography and 3-D imaging of core and log-curve amplitudes in a Niagaran reef, Belle River Mills field, St. Clair County, Michigan, United States

Albert S. Wylie Jr., James R. Wood

AAPG Bulletin

..., p. 122.Collins, D. R., 1998, Visualization of subsurface geology from wireline logs in Digital Mapping Techniques '98Workshop Proceedings: U.S....


Analysis of Paleokarst Sinkholes in the Arkoma Basin using 3-D Seismic

Michael Kumbalek

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... in counting and measuring paleokarst sinkholes identified using seismic mapping, coherency, and curvature attribute volumes. In addition to mapping...


Appendix A„Abstracts of Papers Presented at the March 15, 16, 1979 SEPM Symposium on Cenozoic Paleogeography

Warren O. Addicott, John M. Armentrout, Mark R. Cole, Myrl Beck, Allan Cox, Robert G. Bohannon, William A. Buckovic, Bruce E. B. Cameron, Joseph C. Clark, H. Gary Greene, Peter J. Coney, Terry E. Davis, Perry L. Ehlig, Gary L. Lass, William R. Dickinson, Roy K. Dokka, Steven H. Lingrey, James M. Drummond, Don J. Easterbrook, Stephen E. Joseph, Keith W. Ehlert, James R. Firby, Thomas D. Fouch, Paul J. Fritts, Stephan A. Graham, Keith D. Berry, Roswitha B. Grannell, Donald C. Noble, Paul E. Hammond, Richard W. Hurst, Dennis R. Kerr, John M. Lohmar, John E. Warme, Geoffrey W. Nason, Robert J. Stull, Tor H. Nilsen, Edwin H. McKee, R. Lawrence Phillips, Charles J. Stuart, Donald A. Swanson, Thomas L. Wright, Robert M. Thorson, J. G. Vedder, D. G. Howell, J. A. Forman, Walter Wm. Wornardt Jr., Robert S. Yeats

Pacific Section SEPM

...Appendix A„Abstracts of Papers Presented at the March 15, 16, 1979 SEPM Symposium on Cenozoic Paleogeography Warren O. Addicott, John M. Armentrout...


Lower Triassic Transgressive-Regressive Sequences in the Rocky Mountains, Eastern Great Basin, and Colorado Plateau, USA

Rachel K. Paull, Richard A. Paull

Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)

...–94. Carr, T.R., and Paull, R.K., 1983, Early Triassic stratigraphy and paleogeography of the Cordilleran miogeocline, in Reynolds, M.W., and Dolly...


Mesozoic Tectonics and Paleogeography of the Western U.S. and the Adjacent Pacific Basin

Y. Dilek

Circum Pacific Council Publications

...Mesozoic Tectonics and Paleogeography of the Western U.S. and the Adjacent Pacific Basin Y. Dilek © Circum-Pacific Council for Energy and Mineral...


Facies Analysis of the Woodford Shale in North Central Oklahoma

Joe Dixon

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... thesis, 94 p. Blakey, R., 2011, Paleogeography and Geologic Evolution of North America, Cox, R.T., 2009, Ouachita...


Tectonic and Sedimentation Model For Morrow Sandstone Deposition, Sorrento Field Area Denver Basin, Colorado

Stephen A. Sonnenberg

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... of subsurface mapping, productive Morrow sandstones are interpreted to be fluvial valley-fill deposits, consisting mainly of channel sandstones...


Irish Counterpart of Silurian of Newfoundland: Chapter 23: Central Orogenic Belt

C. H. Holland

AAPG Special Volumes

... and Continental Drift Studies of the Irish Silurian contribute to the growing knowledge of regional paleogeography from Britain to Newfoundland. The modified...


Tectono-Stratigraphic Assessment of the Northern Colombia Forearc Basins and Peripheral Caribbean Deep-Water Fold Belt

E. Gómez, G. Butcher, D. Stewart, S. Sumner, D. Truempy, S. Ings

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

..., cores, outcrops and subsurface mapping. The timing of structural deformation, represented by the stratigraphic hiatuses in Figure 2, was extracted...


Josephine Prospect, Cognac Field, MC195 A "Typical" Shelf Deep Pool Discovery

Robert Rooney, Tim Bourgeois, Christina Davis, Michiel deGroot, Dave French, Machelle Johnson, John Leftwich, Brian O'Neill, Keerthi McIntosh

GCAGS Transactions

... mapping of bounding seismic events and seismic-to-well ties of surrounding field wells, and wildcat wells indicated Upper Miocene slope deposition...


Wetumpka Impact Structure, Alabama LiDAR Digital Elevation Model and Topographic Cross-sectional Analysis, #50696 (2012)

Pascual Tabares Rodenas, David T. King Jr., Luke J. Marzen, Lucille Petruny, Jens Ormö

Search and

... = 168 As of 1/2012 General paleogeography North America, 84.4 million...


Mississippian Paleogeography and Tectonics of the Western United States

Forrest G. Poole, Charles A. Sandberg

Pacific Section SEPM

...Mississippian Paleogeography and Tectonics of the Western United States Forrest G. Poole, Charles A. Sandberg MISSISSIPPIAN PALEOGEOGRAPHY...


Digital Outcrop Model of Stratigraphy and Breccias of the Southern Franklin Mountains, El Paso, Texas, #50923 (2014)

Jerome A. Bellian, Charlie Kerans, John Repetski

Search and

... to the Sauk-Tippecanoe unconformity. A new approach in this work uses traditional field mapping combined with highresolution (< 1 m point spacing) airborne...


Plio-Pleistocene Paleogeography of the Florida Gulf Coast Interpreted from Relict Shorelines (1)

Charles D. Winker, James D. Howard

GCAGS Transactions

...Plio-Pleistocene Paleogeography of the Florida Gulf Coast Interpreted from Relict Shorelines (1) Charles D. Winker, James D. Howard 1977 Vol. 27...


Stratigraphic Architecture of the Bone Spring Formation (Leonardian), Delaware Basin, New Mexico and Texas: An Interim Report

David L. Carr

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

..., which is comprised of a multitude of “formation tops” that define the eight geological mapping units distinguished in the BSPG, provides a framework...


The Updip Ordovician Pt. Pleasant Shale, Eastern Ohio, Appalachian Basin, USA

J. J. Melick, Thomas P. Bulling, Jesse Koch, Simon Thomas, Ted Diehr, Frederick Davison

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... in the overall succession. Detailed regional stratigraphic correlation and mapping of the Lexington and Pt. Pleasant Formations document apparently...


An Eocene Shelf Margin: San Diego County, California

John M. Lohmar, John E. Warme

Pacific Section SEPM

... Diego County (study area in Fig. 1). The purpose of this report is to reconstruct the paleogeography of the Eocene shelf margin from facies relationships...


The Tectonic Framework and Paleogeographic Evolution of the Upper Kutei Basin

Tony Wain, Bernard Berod

Indonesian Petroleum Association

.... Tertiary sedimentation and paleogeography of the northwestern part of the Kutei Basin Kalimantan, Indonesia, Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual...


Tectonic, geodynamic and surface process driving forces of Australia's paleogeography since the Jurassic

L. Harrington, S. Zahirovic, T. Salles, C. Braz, R. D. Müller

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... paleogeography from Struckmeyer et al. (1990) converted into a paleo-elevation model applying the mapping as described above (Table 1, Paleotopography...


Evaluation of Coal Bed Methane Potential of Bentian Besar, Kutei Basin

Abdul Haris, Anang Mujiantoro, Rudy E Kurniawan

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... totally about 50 TCF. Based on previous study of coal surface mapping and characteristics, the Bentian Besar and Siluq Ngurai District is ones having...


A Depositional Model for the "Main" Interval, Upper Cibulakan Formation: Its Implications for Reservoir Distribution and Prediction, ARII ONWJ

Sena W. Reksalegora, Yohan Kusumanegara, Philip Lowry

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... for understanding, mapping and predicting reservoir distribution. Two major types of sandbodies occur in the "Main" interval. The first type is sharp-based...


Unraveling the Reservoir Heterogeneity of a Complex Hybrid Play by Integrating Results from Core, Outcrops and Well Logs: A Case Study from the Bakken Formation in Williams and McKenzie Co., ND Williston Basin

Sarah A. Edwards, Anna S. Phelps, Michael H. Hofmann, Samuel D. Fluckiger

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... Formation analog combined with our understanding of the paleogeography during the Late Devonian aided mapping of key facies in the Middle Bakken (Figure 12...


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