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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 29,215 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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The Role of Tectonic and Environmental Factors in the Origin & Distribution of Sediments

Dan E. Feray

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... in Jack and Wise Counties demonstrate facies relationships among sandstone, shale, and limestone. Study of this sequence, by mapping lithologic units...


A Maturing Mississippian Lime Play in the Midcontinent … A Perspective on What We Know and Need to Know, #80445 (2015).

W. Lynn Watney

Search and

... is and will be increasingly important toward resolving and mapping the high-resolution paleogeography needed to follow the “sweet spots.” Current...


Sequence Stratigraphy and Paleogeography of a Cenomanian Deltaic Complex: the Dunvegan and Lower Kaskapau Formations in Subsurface and Outcrop, Alberta and British Columbia, Canada

A. Guy Plint

CSPG Bulletin

.... For mapping purposes, this definition serves well. However, in order to analyze in more detail the depositional history and paleogeography of the Shaftesbury...


Local Paleogeography of the Sierra Blanca Limestone (Eocene): A Preliminary Report

Charles Elling Schroeter

Pacific Section SEPM

...Local Paleogeography of the Sierra Blanca Limestone (Eocene): A Preliminary Report Charles Elling Schroeter LOCAL PALEOGEOGRAPHY OF THE SIERRA BLANCA...


Sedimentological Tests on Geometric Tectonic Modesl for the Tertiary of Southern California

C.L. Lane

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... was not the source for these clasts and 2) silicon, potassium, and sodium trend mapping (Baird and others, 1979), when compared to XRF analyses from...


Seismic Stratigraphy and Geologic History of Middle Jurassic Through Lower Cretaceous Rocks, Deep Eastern Gulf of Mexico

David A. DeBalko , Richard T. Buffler

GCAGS Transactions

...' paleogeography and geologic history. Earliest Upper Jurassic (Oxfordian?) sediments were deposited in a gently sloping ramp-type setting, which evolved...


Abstract: Application of Computer Mapping and Modelling Procedure in Epmi's Development Drilling Activities

Lee Kam Hoong

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

...Abstract: Application of Computer Mapping and Modelling Procedure in Epmi's Development Drilling Activities Lee Kam Hoong 288 Geological Society...


Underwater Imagery by Mapping Sonar: ABSTRACT

Edward F. Haye

AAPG Bulletin

...Underwater Imagery by Mapping Sonar: ABSTRACT Edward F. Haye 1973 783 783 57 4. (April) The unique long range of the mapping sonar now allows sea...


Upper Elk Point subgroup paleogeography and evaporite distribution with implications for evaporite dissolution, karstification, and carbonate diagenesis in northeastern Alberta

Tyler E. Hauck, Matthias Grobe

CSPG Bulletin

...Upper Elk Point subgroup paleogeography and evaporite distribution with implications for evaporite dissolution, karstification, and carbonate...


Tectonic Influence on Development of the Permian-Triassic Unconformity and Basal Triassic Strata, Paradox Basin, Southeastern Utah

J.E. Huntoon, R.F. Dubiel, J.D. Stanesco

Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)

... Survey Bulletin 104, 81 p. Blakey, R.C., 1980, Pennsylvanian and Early Permian paleogeography, southern Colorado Plateau and vicinity, in Fouch, T.D....


A Southern Antler Foredeep Submarine Fan: The Mississippian Eleana Formation, Nevada Test Site

James H. Trexler, Jr., Patricia H. Cashman

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... reconstruction of the Eleana basin paleogeography. The stratigraphically lower part of this Mississippian submarine fan comprised mainly channel...


Geologic Evolution of North Sea and Its Tectonic Framework

P. A. Ziegler

AAPG Bulletin

.... Jahrb., v. 85, p. 861-900. Boselli, A., and K. J. Hsu, 1973, Mediterranean plate tectonics and Triassic paleogeography: Nature, v. 244, p. 144-146...


Shallow-Marine Facies of the Orange Walk Group, Miocene-Pliocene, Northern Belize (Central America)

David T. King, Jr., Lucille W. Petruny, Kevin O. Pope

GCAGS Transactions

... of the Orange Walk group of northern Belize and to analyze the likely paleogeography of this unit. Ours is the first modern sedimentologic study...


Cenozoic Paleogeography of Arizona

Dale Nations, Jan C. Wilt, Richard H. Hevly

Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)

...Cenozoic Paleogeography of Arizona Dale Nations, Jan C. Wilt, Richard H. Hevly 1985 335 355 The Cenozoic paleogeography of Arizona is interpreted...


Abstract: The relationship of actively migrating sand bodies to the tidal streams and eddies in the Bay of Fundy - new insights through combined mapping and modeling

John E. Hughes Clarke, Susan Haigh, D. Russell Parrott, Garret Duffy

Atlantic Geology

... mapping and modeling John E. Hughes Clarke, Susan Haigh, D. Russell Parrott, Garret Duffy atlantic geology . volume 44 . 2008 17 The relationship...


Correlation of Early Tertiary Rocks Across Kalimantan

P. E. Pieters, D. S. Trail, Sam Supriatna

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., J.C. Collart, M., Joubert, M., Nagel, J.L. and Paupy, A. 1982. Geological mapping and mineral exploration in north-east Kalimantan. Rapport du B.R.G.M....


Stratigraphic Analysis and Interpretation of the Mississippian Copper Basin Group, McGowan Creek Formation, and White Knob Limestone, South-Central Idaho

Paul Karl Link, Ian Warren, John McAfee Preacher, Betty Skipp

Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)

..., in J.D. Cooper and C.H. Stevens, eds., Paleozoic Paleogeography of the Western United States-II: Pacific Section, SEPM, Publication 67, v. 2, p. 271...


Redefinition of the Gazelle Formation of the Yreka Terrane, Klamath Mountains, California: Paleogeographic Implications

Nancy Lindsley-Griffin, John R. Griffin, E. Timothy Wallin

Pacific Section SEPM

... stratigraphy, structure, and paleogeography of the Yreka terrane. Melange According to Bates and Jackson (1987, p. 410), melange is defined...


Indonesia Exploration: New Strategies for Further Exploration of Western and Eastern Indonesia

Shinta Damayanti

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., and seismic facies analysis. These methods, combined with an understanding of paleogeography, have been utilised for reliable velocity estimation, as part...


Tectonostratigraphy of the Ordovician Tennessee Mountain Formation, Permian Sunflower Formation, and the Poorman Peak Sequence, Wild Horse Area, North-Central Elko County, Nevada

D. L. Schwarz, W. S. Snyder, T. J. Hutter

Pacific Section SEPM

... are depositional. In Cooper, J.D., and Stevens, C.H., eds., 1991, Paleozoic Paleogeography of the Western United States-II: Pacific Section SEPM, Vol. 67, p...


Abstract: Construction of geological databases from regional surveys

J. P. Hayes

Atlantic Geology

..., Newfoundland AJB 4J6, Canada Regional geological bedrock mapping involves airphoto reconnaissance, ground and helicopter traverses followed by office...


Structural Geology of the Triangle Zone, Oldman River to Chain Lakes, Southern Alberta (NTS 82G/16E and 82J/1E): Implications of New Mapping and Seismic Interpretation

Glen S. Stockmal, Paul A. Mackay

CSPG Special Publications

...Structural Geology of the Triangle Zone, Oldman River to Chain Lakes, Southern Alberta (NTS 82G/16E and 82J/1E): Implications of New Mapping...


Structural Geology of the Triangle Zone, Oldman River to Chain Lakes, Southern Alberta (NTS 82G/16E and 82J/1E): Implications of New Mapping and Seismic Interpretation

Glen S. Stockmal, Paul A. Mackay

CSPG Special Publications

...Structural Geology of the Triangle Zone, Oldman River to Chain Lakes, Southern Alberta (NTS 82G/16E and 82J/1E): Implications of New Mapping...


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