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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 29,215 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Stratigraphic Analysis and the Search for Oil

Dr. L. L. Sloss

Panhandle (Texas) Geological Society

... of conditions and events in a given area during a specific span of geologic time and thus contribute to an understanding of paleogeography...


Stratigraphic Analysis and the Search for Oil: Abstract

L. L. Sloss

Tulsa Geological Society

... of conditions and events in a given area during a specific span of geologic time and thus contribute to an understanding of paleogeography and historical...


Glacial Lithofacies of Neogene Yakataga Formation, Gulf of Alaska: ABSTRACT

John M. Armentrout

AAPG Bulletin

... glacial sequence defines the late Neogene paleogeography of the Yakataga district. This mapping suggests that the late Pliocene and Pleistocene...


Abstract: Developing Stratigraphic Traps … A Semi-Automated Approach; #90317 (2018)

Nadeem Abbas, Ahmed S. Al-Ghamdi, Paul A. Titley

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... continuous reflector of Dhruma shale interpreted to represent paleogeography during deposition of the Faridah Reservoir units. Interpreted well data...


Abstract: Integrating Basin Evolution and Plate Tectonics in SE Asia

Jon Teasdale, Bob Morley, Tim Debacker

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... to adequately address these questions starts with a good regional tectonic model that is a base for understanding paleogeography, basin evolution...


Abstract: Linking onshore to offshore in Myanmar: Predicting sediment input through time using tectonostratigraphy, paleogeography, provenance & drainage studies; #90294 (2017)

Enrico Santoro, Steven Beynon, Thomas Coates-Harman, Andy Racey

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...Abstract: Linking onshore to offshore in Myanmar: Predicting sediment input through time using tectonostratigraphy, paleogeography, provenance...


ABSTRACT Marine Processes in the Northern Lobe of Mahakam Delta and Marangkayu Spit Bar: Implication on Paleogeography Model in the Subsurface, #90103 (2010)

Andang Bachtiar, Armein Sulaiman

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...ABSTRACT Marine Processes in the Northern Lobe of Mahakam Delta and Marangkayu Spit Bar: Implication on Paleogeography Model in the Subsurface...


Abstract: Reservoir Quality Trends and Paleogeography in an Ancient Deepwater Environment: The Carneros Turbidite Systems, San Joaquin Basin, California; #90311 (2017)

Gregory Gordon, Emily Fisher, Gary Myers, Jim Boles

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...Abstract: Reservoir Quality Trends and Paleogeography in an Ancient Deepwater Environment: The Carneros Turbidite Systems, San Joaquin Basin...


Late Proterozoic Paleogeography of the Eastern Great Basin

Marjorie Levy, Nicholas Christie-Blick

Pacific Section SEPM

...Late Proterozoic Paleogeography of the Eastern Great Basin Marjorie Levy, Nicholas Christie-Blick LATE PROTEROZOIC PALEOGEOGRAPHY OF THE EASTERN...


ABSTRACT: Detailed Geologic Mapping in the Kavik River Area, Eastern North Slope, Alaska: New Constraints on Stratigraphy and Structural Style; #90125 (2011)

Loveland, Andrea M., Wallace, Wesley K., Wartes, Marwan A., Gillis, Robert J., Decker, Paul L., Reifenstuhl, Rocky R., Delaney, Paige

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...ABSTRACT: Detailed Geologic Mapping in the Kavik River Area, Eastern North Slope, Alaska: New Constraints on Stratigraphy and Structural Style...


Frontmatter: Stratigraphy and Depositional Environments of the Cincinnati Group of Southwestern Ohio

Gregory A. Schumacher, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey, Fountain Square, Bldg. B, Columbus, Ohio Douglas L. Shrake, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey, Fountain Square, Bldg. B, Columbus, Ohio E. Mac Swinford, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey, Fountain Square, Bldg. B, Columbus, Ohio C. Scott Brockman, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey, Fountain Square, Bldg. B, Columbus, Ohio Lawrence H. Wickstrom, Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological Survey, Fountain Square, Bldg. B, Columbus, Ohio

Ohio Geological Society

... 1 Ordovician paleogeography 1...


Abstract: Lower Cretaceous Paleogeography, Big Muddy-South Glenrock Area, Southwest Powder River Basin, Wyoming

W. R. Merschat

Earth Science Bulletin (WGA)

...Abstract: Lower Cretaceous Paleogeography, Big Muddy-South Glenrock Area, Southwest Powder River Basin, Wyoming W. R. Merschat 1985 64 Vol. 18 (1985...


Geology of the Kavik River Area, East-central North Slope, Alaska: Preliminary Results of the 2006 Statemap Project - Abstract

Marwan A. Wartes, Andrea Loveland, Wesley K. Wallace, Robert Gillis, Paige R. Peapples, Rocky R. Reifenstuhl, C. Gil Mull

Alaska Geological Society

... of the first 1:63,360-scale geologic mapping in the area, provide insight on the complex deformation history in the region. The southern, well exposed...


Abstract: Current coal geoscience research at the Nova Scotia Department of Mines and Energy

J. H. Calder, K. S. Gillis, D. J. MacNeil, R. D. Naylor, W. D. Smith

Atlantic Geology

... includes: coalfield mapping, sedimentology and stratigraphy projects, seismic surveys, coal, peat, and oil shale resource evaluation projects...


Abstract: Exploration for Unrecognized Sandstone Targets in Well-Explored Basins: Central North Sea

N. S. Haile

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... of all available wells. 3) Seismic mapping and seismic stratigraphy. 4) Sedimentological interpretation. Integration of the data from these disciplines...


Climate Control of Cretaceous Coal Distribution: ABSTRACT

Dale C. Beeson

AAPG Bulletin

... on coal formation is determined by mapping coal distribution relative to paleogeography and coal abundance and quality. The quantity and quality of North...


Facies and Paleogeography of Middle Silurian Bisher and Lilley Formations, Adams County, Ohio: ABSTRACT

Donna M. Herring

AAPG Bulletin

...Facies and Paleogeography of Middle Silurian Bisher and Lilley Formations, Adams County, Ohio: ABSTRACT Donna M. Herring 1984 486 486 68 4. (April...


Implications of Offshore Northern Alaska Geology for Origin of Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean: ABSTRACT

Arthur Grantz, Steven D. May

AAPG Bulletin

.... (February) Geologic mapping and petroleum exploration in northern Alaska and seismic surveys offshore suggest that 2 pulses of rifting created...


ABSTRACT Depositional Megacycles in the Woodford Trough of Central Oklahoma, #90104 (2010)

Althoff Christopher D.

Search and

... of the Woodford is largely dependent on the paleogeography of the shelf, the timing of faults, and structural movement. Large areas  and volumes...


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