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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 29,215 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Abrar Ahmad, Mohsin Ali, Abid H. Baitu, Naeem Sardar

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... and paleogeography during Eocene time. Gross lithofacies interpretation also suggests the deposition of Ghazij Fm in tectonically active basin...


Abstract: Shelf to Basin Architecture and the Integrated Stratigraphic Framework of the Cretaceous Strata, Scotian Basin, Offshore Eastern Canada; #90213 (2015)

Mihaela Ryer, Robert Sullivan, Jim Dyess, Carl Kaupp, and Saverio Spagnuolo

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... on understanding the shelf paleogeography during times of maximum regressions. This has important implications regarding mapping of sediment fairways...


Abstract: New Insights on Late-Ordovician Glacial Reservoirs Using Spectral Decomposition; #90313 (2017)

Andrea Moscariello, Francisco J. Bataller, Neil McDougall

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.... This approach helped us to improve the detail mapping of glacial erosion morphologies and validate spectral decomposition responses using well core...


Reef Exploration in Michigan Basin: Problems and Solutions: ABSTRACT

James Lee, Ron Budros

AAPG Bulletin

... and carbonates that effectively act as both seal and source for the hydrocarbons. Geological studies of Niagara and Cayugan paleogeography and regional...


Abstract: The Notikewin - A tough NotŽ to crack!; #90174 (2014)

Carlos J. Salas and Marc Charest

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... deltaic/nearshore paleoenvironments where reservoir is better developed. Recent advancements in completion technologies, drilling and seismic mapping...


Paleogeography and Petroleum Exploration

John Emery Adams

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...Paleogeography and Petroleum Exploration John Emery Adams 1943 Vol. 13 No. 3. (December), Paleogeography in a broad way controls the deposition...


Kerogen Type and Its Distribution Map of the Lower Baong Formation as a Source Rock Potential by Using a Combination of Geochemical Data And Paleogeography in the North Sumatera Field, North Sumatera Basin

Riko Susetia Yuda, Gema Wahyudi Purnama, Murthala Hatta

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... paleogeography. The third step was a combination of geochemical data and paleogeography mapping that is used to create a kerogen type distribution map...


Cenozoic Paleogeographic Reconstruction of the Foreland System in Colombia and Implications on the Petroleum Systems of the Llanos Basin, #30293 (2013)

Victor M. Caballero, Andres Reyes-Harker, Andres R. Mora, Carlos F. Ruiz, Felipe de la Parra

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...” which included new data and field mapping of facies and thickness distribution, balanced geological cross sections, paleocurrent measurements...


Ancient Sediment Studies

Daniel J. Stanley

Atlantic Geology

... distribution and paleogeography of the Silurian in parts of the Qlifebec Appalachians. A portion of this work has been integrated in a forthcoming joint...


Abstracts: Trend Mapping of Five Progradational Cycles in the Monteith Formation, NW Alberta; #90173 (2015)

Hailey Doney, Jesse Campbell, Ross B. Kukulski, and Stephen M. Hubbard

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...Abstracts: Trend Mapping of Five Progradational Cycles in the Monteith Formation, NW Alberta; #90173 (2015) Hailey Doney, Jesse Campbell, Ross B...


Cretaceous Paleogeography, Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy and Palaeoecology of Belize Basin, Belize

R. Ramanathan and E. Garcia

Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago

...Cretaceous Paleogeography, Foraminiferal Biostratigraphy and Palaeoecology of Belize Basin, Belize R. Ramanathan and E. Garcia 2nd Geological...


Regional-Scale Modelling of the Paleozoic Succession Beneath the Athabasca and Cold Lake Oil Sands Areas: Devonian Paleogeography, Evaporite Dissolution, and Controls on Cretaceous Depositional Patterns on the Sub-Cretaceous Unconformity; #51349 (2017)

Tyler E. Hauck, Jesse Peterson, Ben Hathway, Matthias Grobe, Kelsey MacCormack

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...Regional-Scale Modelling of the Paleozoic Succession Beneath the Athabasca and Cold Lake Oil Sands Areas: Devonian Paleogeography, Evaporite...


Silurian-Devonian of Northern Appalachians-Newfoundland: Chapter 36: Central Orogenic Belt

A. J. Boucot

AAPG Special Volumes

.... Boucot, A. J., and J. G. Johnson, 1967, Paleogeography and correlation of Appalachian Province Lower Devonian sedimentary rocks, in Symposium volume...


Abstract: The not so Passive Western Canadian Lower Paleozoic Cordilleran Margin … Plate Structure, Rift Basin (Misty Creek Embayment) and Alkalic Volcanism; #90172 (2014)

M.P. Cecile

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... Volcanism M.P. Cecile* rd Geological Survey of Canada, Geo-Mapping for Energy and Minerals Program, Calgary, 3303 33 St. N.W., Calgary, Alberta, T2L 2A7...


Regional Paleogeography and Implications for Petroleum Prospectivity, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand; #10432 (2012)

Dominic P. Strogen, Kyle J. Bland, Jan R. Baur, and Peter R. King

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...Regional Paleogeography and Implications for Petroleum Prospectivity, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand; #10432 (2012) Dominic P. Strogen, Kyle J. Bland...


Integration of Seismic Attributte and Sedimentation Concept for Paleogeographic and Sand Distribution Modeling in Seng-Segat Field, Bentu Block, Central Sumatra Basin

Afrizon Setiawan, Ronald Siregar, Dhimas Arief, Syahrial Rakimi, Arifin Sodli, Radig Wisnu Y, Hendarman

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... of well control to develop reservoir geometry models in this area. Due to this condition, regional depositional systems and paleogeography models...


"Exploration for Nisku Formation Isolate Reefs of the Wood River Area: A Stratigraphic Play-Type in a Structural World [Abstract]"

Dixon, R.J., Stoakes, F.A., Campbell, C.V.

CSPG Bulletin

... for later Nisku pinnacle reef development. Using detailed mapping of the Leduc paleogeography, combined with an understanding of the pattern of Ireton Shale...


Depositional Controls on Mesozoic Source Rocks in the Tethys

François Baudin

AAPG Special Volumes

...Depositional Controls on Mesozoic Source Rocks in the Tethys François Baudin 1995 191 211 SG40: Paleogeography, Paleoclimate, and Source Rocks About...


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