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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 29,215 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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ABSTRACT: Tectonic/Paleogeographic model for Oligocene Clastic Producing Trend, Central Range, Trinidad, and Implications for Neotectonics; #90017 (2003)

James Pindell, Roger Higgs, Lorcan Kennan

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... paleogeography, because the Caribbean Plate/Prism then lay far to the west, and correlative facies belts to the south are shaly, lacking sandy channels...


Abstract: Recognition of Intra-field Variability in Contact Styles, an Example from the Hoadley Barrier Complex in South-central Alberta; #90174 (2014)

J.J. Dunn

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... extends northeast-southwest for approximately 200km along strike and is more than 25km wide. The paleogeography of the Glauconitic Formation in southern...


Abstract: Detrital Zircon Provenance of the McMurray Formation, Alberta, Canada; #90187 (2014)

Christine Benyon, Andrew Leier, Dale A. Leckie, Andrew Webb, Steve Hubbard, and George Gehrels

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.... These three signatures suggest a complex provenance history that evolved throughout McMurray deposition. Regional mapping of the McMurray sub basin, based...


ABSTRACT: Salt Tectonics and the Influence on Sedimentation Patterns, North-Central Green Canyon Area, Gulf of Mexico

David L. Pope

GCAGS Transactions

... the central Green Canyon Area are presented, and some geologic models are discussed. Regional mapping of salt bodies and welds are used to interpret salt...


Aspects of Basin Modelling - Application to Petroleum Exploration

N.S. Haile

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

...: 1. COllection of primary data, such as seismic, gravity/magnetics, well data, and data from surface mapping and remote sensing. 2. Analysis...


Accommodation, Sediment Provenance and Paleo-Drainage on the Basal Cretaceous Unconformity across the Canadian Western Interior Basin, #30483 (2016).

Steve Hubbard, Dale Leckie, Garrett Quinn, Ben Daniels, William Matthews, Bernard Guest

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... Gehrels, 2016, Sandstone provenance and insights into the paleogeography of the McMurray Formation from detrital zircon geochronology, Athabasca Oil...


Regional Geology of the Southwestern San Joaquin Basin, California

Tor H. Nilsen

Pacific Section of AAPG

... and mapped by Davis and Namson, Consulting Geologists, on the basis of unpublished mapping for Santa Fe Energy Resources in 1991-1992...


3D Palinspatic Reconstructions of Rajamandala Carbonate Complex as Implication of Paleogeography in the Western Java, Indonesia

Benyamin Sapiie, Dardji Noeradi, A. M. Suryanugraha, Wendy Kurniawan, Toni Simo, Dwiharso Nugroho

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... to interpret the paleogeography and for verifying tectonic evolution of the region. The result of structural mapping in the RajamandalaCarbonate Complexindicates...


Integrated Study of Regional Tectonics, Geologic Structures, and Paleogeography Reconstruction to Develop CBM Cleat Model in Tanjung II Block, South Borneo

Dian Larasati, Sunarli Ardi, Gathuk Widiyanto, Fikri M. Fiqih, Djedi S. Widarto, Agus Guntoro

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...Integrated Study of Regional Tectonics, Geologic Structures, and Paleogeography Reconstruction to Develop CBM Cleat Model in Tanjung II Block, South...


Geophysical Evaluation of the Kakapo Miocene Prospect, Taranaki Basin, Offshore New Zealand, #10581 (2014)

Kathleen Dorey, Brad Hayes

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..., and paleogeography are presented as a backdrop to the geophysical mapping of the prospect within the basin. The 2D seismic mapping is discussed and AVO analysis...


Chapter 9: Creating Spatial-Based Paleogeography from Plate Reconstructions: A Methodology

L. Watson, A. Escalona

AAPG Special Volumes

...Chapter 9: Creating Spatial-Based Paleogeography from Plate Reconstructions: A Methodology L. Watson, A. Escalona 2021 347 356 Memoir 123: South...


Explore New Insights in Mature Basin Using Play Based Exploration and Common Risk Segment Map: A Case Study of Sunda Basin, Indonesia

Belmesty Kamila, Iin Muhsinah, Endro Hartanto

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... collected from IHS Markit (IHSM) database. In addition, isolithology reservoir map and seal isopach map were from Bushnell & Temansja, 1986, paleogeography...


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