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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 29,215 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Integrated Basin and Play Assessment of Undiscovered Oil and Gas Resources in the Miskito Platform, Verolania Basin and Los Cayos Basin — Western Caribbean Sea
Search and Discovery.com
Analysis of Shallow Seismic Data for Improved Understanding of Sediment Geobodies
Search and Discovery.com
Sedimentology and Provenance of an Alluvial Fan Progradation, Middle Thumb Member, Horse Spring Formation, Western Lake Mead, Nevada
Search and Discovery.com
Silurian Lockport in Ohio – Basins, Reefs, and “Newburg� Traps
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Anatomy of a 2nd-Order Unconformity: Stratigraphy and Facies of the Bakken Formation during Basin Realignment; #90106 (2010)
Orion L. Skinner, K. Lyn Canter, Mark D. Sonnenfeld, Mark R. Williams
Search and Discovery.com
... complicates simplisitic lithofacies generalizations and requires detailed facies mapping with 1 or 2 ft contour intervals to unravel Middle Bakken...
ABSTRACT: Improving the Nomenclature of the Brookian Depositional System in Northern Alaska: the Role of Sequence Stratigraphy; #90125 (2011)
Wartes, Marwan A., Decker, Paul L., Gillis, Robert J.
Search and Discovery.com
... of geologic mapping. In this context, the criteria for formation designation were principally lithostratigraphic in nature and favored easily recognizable...
Abstracts: Anatomy of a 2nd-Order Unconformity: Stratigraphy and Facies of the Bakken Formation during Basin Realignment; #90173 (2015)
Orion Skinner, Lyn Canter, Mark Sonnenfeld, and Mark Williams
Search and Discovery.com
... complicates simplistic lithofacies generalization and requires detailed facies mapping with one or two foot contour intervals to unravel Middle Bakken...
Abstract: Characterization of Complex Facies and Stratal Architecture of Organic Rich Mudstones of the Upper Cretaceous Second White Specks Petroleum System, West-Central Alberta, Canada; #90224 (2015)
Nick A. Zajac and Per K. Pedersen
Search and Discovery.com
... of the Second White Specks Formation. Characterizing and mapping the reservoir properties of the various facies aid in identifying the various light...
Abstract: Leveraging the Outcrops The Key to Successful Exploration for Mesozoic Plays Offshore the Central Atlantic Margin; #90310 (2017)
Jonathan Redfern, Giovanni Bertotti, Aude Duval-Arnould, Jianpeng Wang, Remi Charton, Luc Bulot, Leonardo Muniz-Pichel, Mads Huuse, Tim Luber
Search and Discovery.com
... from openmarine ramp deposits to barrier reef, with the occurrence of evaporites and tempestites. Detailed mapping is yielding a better understanding...
Characterization of Kinderhookian and Osagean Strata of Northeast Oklahoma, #50514 (2012)
Doy L. Zachry, Xiangyang Xie, Ralph K. Davis, Shane Matson, Charles Wickstrom
Search and Discovery.com
... mapping, well log correlation, Formation Micro- Imager (FMI) log interpretation, core descriptions, outcrop studies, and geospatial analysis...
"Glauconitic" Oil Reservoirs in Southern Alberta Creating the Correct Geological Model to Guide Development Drilling
Search and Discovery.com
... mapping reveal important stratigraphic differences among these reservoirs, and show that some do not belong to the Glauconitic at all. Understanding...
The Case For LAteral Offset of the Overthrust Belt Along the Snake River Plain
Richard M. Pratt
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... the Snake River Plain (Fig. 2). More recent mapping in south central Idaho by the U.S. Geological Survey is summarized by Dovar (1980) and Skipp...
The Integration of Key Petrophysical and Geomechanical Play Drivers into Geologic Attribute Mapping: Getting Ahead of the Stampede; #40948 (2012)
Larry Brooks and Randy Montalvo
Search and Discovery.com
... systems and paleogeography. MAPPING MAPPING Finally Net PHIE-ft • Final mappable attributes are distributed over the study area. • Contoured maps...
Santa Monica and Santa Ana Mountains--Relation to Oligocene Santa Barbara Basin: DISCUSSION
Mark R. Cole
AAPG Bulletin
... fault "south of Santa Cruz Island conforming to the generally accepted interpretation" (Truex, 1976, p. 73). Recent mapping by Vedder et al (1974...
History of Lower Devonian Basin-to-Platform Transects in Nevada
J. G. Johnson, J. M. Bird
Pacific Section SEPM
.... In Cooper, J.D., and Stevens, C.H., eds., 1991,1 Paleogeography of the Western United Statec-Oi Pacific Section SEPM, Vol. 67, p. 311-315. 311...
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: “Reservoir Mapping and Characterization Made Easier and Faster on Windows NT using SMART” (System for Mapping & Analysis in Real TimeR)
Rocky Mottahedeh
CSPG Special Publications
...EXTENDED ABSTRACT: “Reservoir Mapping and Characterization Made Easier and Faster on Windows NT using SMART” (System for Mapping & Analysis in Real...
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Reservoir Mapping and Characterization Made Easier and Faster on Windows NT using SMART” (System for Mapping & Analysis in Real TimeR)
Rocky Mottahedeh
CSPG Special Publications
...EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Reservoir Mapping and Characterization Made Easier and Faster on Windows NT using SMART” (System for Mapping & Analysis in Real...
Memorial: Charles Schuchert (1858-1942)
E. H. Sellards
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
... a l e and under the influence of his teaching experience that Schuchert developed the broader field of his life work, paleogeography. Heretofore he had...
Paleogeography during the Aptian Albian in the Neiva Subbasin (Upper Magdalena Basin,Colombia)
C. Osorio, M. De Freitas, G.Téllez, J. Amaral
Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
...Paleogeography during the Aptian Albian in the Neiva Subbasin (Upper Magdalena Basin,Colombia) C. Osorio, M. De Freitas, G.Téllez, J. Amaral VIII...
Abstract: A Four Billion Year Journey through the Circumpolar Region: Paleogeographic Perspectives Provided by the Geological Map of the Arctic Database; #90172 (2014)
Christopher Harrison, Marc R. St-Onge
Search and Discovery.com
... circumpolar region. Results provide a useful overview of Arctic paleogeography through most of Earth history. Introduction Since 2006, the Commission...
Ouachita Foredeep Basins: Regional Paleogeography and Habitat of Hydrocarbons: Chapter 15
Lawrence D. Meckel Jr., David G. Smith, Leon A. Wells
AAPG Special Volumes
...Ouachita Foredeep Basins: Regional Paleogeography and Habitat of Hydrocarbons: Chapter 15 Lawrence D. Meckel Jr., David G. Smith, Leon A. Wells 1992...
The Effects of Paleolatitude and Paleogeography on Late Paleozoic Carbonate Sedimentation in West Texas; Part II: Permian
D. A. Walker, J. Golonka, A. Reid, S. Reid
West Texas Geological Society
... of northeast prevailing winds. Paleolatitude and paleogeography mapping are very useful in explaining regional facies patterns. Combining...
The Paleogeography of the Beagle Sub-Basin, Northern Carnarvon Basin, Australia
A.E. Stephenson , J.E. Blevin , B.G. West
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...The Paleogeography of the Beagle Sub-Basin, Northern Carnarvon Basin, Australia A.E. Stephenson , J.E. Blevin , B.G. West 1998 Vol. 68 (1998), No. 6...
Extended Abstract: Source-to-Sink Analysis for Prediction of Deep-water Submarine Fan Location: Application to the Paleogene Wilcox of USA and Mexico
John W. Snedden, Luciana De la Rocha
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... sediment sources upon Mexican deep-water strata. To explain sedimentation in Mexico’s deep water, a three-phased approach was employed: 1) mapping...
Stratigraphic Analysis of Upper Permian and Lower Triassic Strata in Southern Utah: REPLY TO GLENN S. VISHER
C. Dennis Irwin
AAPG Bulletin
..., 10 of them on the Colorado Plateau, I am acutely aware of the necessity of establishing time units for the reconstruction of paleogeography...