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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 29,215 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Stratigraphy, Lithofacies, and Reservoir Distribution - Tengiz Field, Kazakhstan, by L. James Weber, Brent P. Francis, Paul M. (Mitch) Harris, and Michael Clark, #20059 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
Use of Sequence Stratigraphic Concepts to Correlate Across Nonmarine Successions without Thick Coals in the Pennsylvanian of Southeastern Ohio, #41038 (2012)
Kevin D. Kallini, Elizabeth H. Gierlowski-Kordesch
Search and Discovery.com
... to correlate across the region where coals are thin or absent. INTRODUCTION PALEOGEOGRAPHY Traditional approaches to mapping the Pennsylvanian strata...
Depositional Environments and Paleogeography of the Upper Ordovician, Lower Silurian Carbonate Platform of Central Nevada
John B. Dunham
Pacific Section SEPM
...Depositional Environments and Paleogeography of the Upper Ordovician, Lower Silurian Carbonate Platform of Central Nevada John B. Dunham DEPOSITIONAL...
Upper Howard (White Cloud) Limestone Trend in Western Sumner County, Kansas
Rod Andersen
Kansas Geological Society
... County, Kansas. These studies included regional subsurface mapping using several horizons, various isopachous maps, and the use of computer graphics...
Oligocene Paleogeography of the Northern Great Plains and Adjacent Mountains
David Seeland
Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)
...Oligocene Paleogeography of the Northern Great Plains and Adjacent Mountains David Seeland 1985 187 205 Early Oligocene paleogeography was inferred...
Clear Creek: T. 1-15 S., R. 6-7 E., SLB&M: Carbon & Emery Counties, Utah
Carol N. Tripp
Utah Geological Association
.... McPhillips, 1983, Early Late Cretaceous Paleogeography of East-central Utah, in Reynolds, M.W., and E.D. Dolly, eds., Mesozoic Paleogeography of West...
Sedimentology and Lithofacies of the Eocene Skookumchuck Formation in the Centralia Coal Mine, Southwest Washington
Romeo M. Flores, Samuel Y. Johnson
Pacific Section SEPM
... value in regional mapping and correlation. The Skookumchuck Formation developed within an active convergent continental margin, and volcanic topography...
Carbonate Facies and Paleogeography of the Blackjack Creek Formation (Pennsylvanian), Missouri: REPLY
William J. Neal
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...Carbonate Facies and Paleogeography of the Blackjack Creek Formation (Pennsylvanian), Missouri: REPLY William J. Neal 1970 Vol. 40 No. 2. (June...
Episodic Development of Helderbergian Paleogeography, New York State, Appalachian Basin
P. W. Goodwin, E. J. Anderson
Dallas Geological Society
...Episodic Development of Helderbergian Paleogeography, New York State, Appalachian Basin P. W. Goodwin, E. J. Anderson 1988 553 568 Recognition...
Episodic Development of Helderbergian Paleogeography, New York State, Appalachian Basin
P. W. Goodwin, E. J. Anderson
CSPG Special Publications
...Episodic Development of Helderbergian Paleogeography, New York State, Appalachian Basin P. W. Goodwin, E. J. Anderson 1988 553 568 Recognition...
Ruby Orogeny - A Major Early Paleozoic Tectonic Event
Ronald Willden
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... northwest from Eureka, Nevada, and recent mapping in the Welches Canyon quadrangle (Evans, 1974b) shows that the formation reaches a thickness...
Chapter 1: Introduction - Geological and Petrophysical Characterization of the Ferron Sandstone for 3-D Simulation of a Fluvial-Deltaic Reservoir (MP-02-6)
Thomas C. Chidsey Jr., T.A. Ryer, T.H. Morris
Utah Geological Survey
... insufficient to adequately model the reservoir. Work on the Ferron Sandstone assumed that detailed mapping of petrophysical and geological properties...
The Effects of Paleolatitude and Paleogeography on Lower Paleozoic Carbonate Sedimentation in West Texas ; Part I: Pennsylvanian
D. A. Walker, J. Golonka, A. Reid, S. Reid
West Texas Geological Society
... and paleogeography mapping are very useful in explaining regional facies patterns. Combining the orientation of tectonic features, ancient latitude...
Sangatta Delta Evolution with an Updated Miocene Paleogeography
Purnama A. Suandhi, Prihatin T. Setyobudi, A. Bachtiar, Endi Nurjadi, Andi Mardianza, B. Dody Harisasmita, M. Arifai, Dwi Hendro H.N
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...Sangatta Delta Evolution with an Updated Miocene Paleogeography Purnama A. Suandhi, Prihatin T. Setyobudi, A. Bachtiar, Endi Nurjadi, Andi Mardianza...
Discovery of Subtle Traps in Early Cretaceous Formations of Kuwait through an Integrated Study, #50753 (2012)
Shaikh Abdul Azim, Salah Al-Anezi, Mariam Al-Blayyes, Sarah Al-Qattan, Bader Al-Saad
Search and Discovery.com
... to transgressive systems tracts in an intensely faulted anticline. An integrated method of fault mapping from seismic signatures including coherency...
Abstract: Environmental Geology and Genetic Mapping
L. F. Brown, Jr.
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
...Abstract: Environmental Geology and Genetic Mapping L. F. Brown, Jr. 1972 1 2...
Mapping Reservoir Continuity Using Crosswell Data
Y.T. Chon, J.H. Queen, B. Mandal
CSPG Special Publications
...Mapping Reservoir Continuity Using Crosswell Data Y.T. Chon, J.H. Queen, B. Mandal 1994 126 126...
Mapping the Downdip Limits of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs: An Integrated Approach
D. B. Neff
CSPG Special Publications
...Mapping the Downdip Limits of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs: An Integrated Approach D. B. Neff 1994 272 272...
A Volumetric Mapping Technique for Variable Terrigenous Sediments
A.W.E. Bell
CSPG Special Publications
...A Volumetric Mapping Technique for Variable Terrigenous Sediments A.W.E. Bell 1994 67 67...
The Neoproterozoic Windermere Supergroup: A Decade of Mapping the World’s Largest On-Land Turbidite System
Gerald M. Ross
CSPG Special Publications
...The Neoproterozoic Windermere Supergroup: A Decade of Mapping the World’s Largest On-Land Turbidite System Gerald M. Ross 1997 241 241...
Triassic Paleogeography and Petroleum Systems of the North West Shelf, Australia: Key Insights from a New Regional Study
Jarrad Grahame, Emma Cairns, Stephanie Roy
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
..., 1D and 2D modelling of key wells and seismic sections, plate reconstructed paleogeography and play mapping. Of key relevance to this study...
Paleozoic Systems of the Rocky Mountain Region; Frontmatter
Mark W. Longman, Mark D. Sonnenfeld
Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)
... Mary Carr-Crabaugh and Thomas L. Dunn Influence of Highstands and Lowstands on Virgil and Wolfcamp Paleogeography in the Denver Embayment, Eastern...
Understanding the Pennsylvanian-Age Granite Wash Play Fairway through Log and Core Data: Anadarko Basin, Oklahoma and Texas, USA, #11005 (2017).
Jesse Koch, Thomas P. Bulling, Kristy Whitaker, Kim Koepke, Sara Maloney
Search and Discovery.com
... of permeability, and a narrow spread on porosity. Regional mapping of the marine shales allowed for the building of isopach maps that define...
Stratigraphic Variability of the Desmoinesian Marmaton Group across the Lips Fault System in the Texas Panhandle Granite Wash, Southern Anadarko Basin
Patrick D. Jordan
GCAGS Transactions
.... Mapping at the fifth-order scale documented previously unpublished faults, and showed that movement occurred during two separate fifth-order cycles...
Bryan L. Roth, Roth Exploration Geoservices, Westerville, OH
Ohio Geological Society
... details from seismic reflection configuration and the regional geologic setting interpreted from seismic mapping...