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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 29,215 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
The Effects of Structural Lineament Reactivation on Antrim Shale Natural Gas Development; #51201 (2015)
Cameron J. Manche, William B. Harrison III
Search and Discovery.com
... and extrinsic geological influences on the Antrim Shale Formation. References Cited Blakey, R., 2007, Library of Paleogeography: Web Accessed October...
Eogenetic Dolomitization in the Pre-Tertiary of the Great Basin
K. M. Nichols, N. J. Silberling
Special Publications of SEPM
... be careful distinguished mapping EXAMPLES OF EOGENETIC SECONDARY DOLOMITE Star Peak Group mites of eogenetic Triassic Secondary dolo origin occur...
Tectonic Development of the Idaho-Wyoming Thrust Belt: Authors' Commentary: Part III. Middle Rocky Mountains
S. S. Oriel, F. C. Armstrong
AAPG Special Volumes
... Association Publication 13, p. 21-34. Anderson, T. H., G. B. Haxel, L. T. Silver, J. H. Stewart, and J. E. Wright, 1984, Late Triassic paleogeography...
The Sierra Nevada Magmatic Arc
R. A. Schweickert
Pacific Section of AAPG
...., Mesozoic paleogeography of the western United States: Soc Econ. Paleontol. and Minerals., Pacific Sect., Pacific Coast Paleogeography Symposium 2, p...
Integrated Approach to Search for Stratigraphic Traps: Geologic Exploration Methods
D. C. Swanson
AAPG Special Volumes
...) reconstructs the paleogeography, and (6) predicts where stratigraphic traps ought to be. The exploration hypothesis subsequently is tested...
Lithic Mannville: Significant New Oil Opportunities; #51354 (2017)
Leonard Stevens, Richard Wierzbicki, Dan Potocki, Frank Palmai, Gregg Milne
Search and Discovery.com
... section per channel. Therefore, in many areas, lithic channel stacking can dramatically increase potential oil reserves. Understanding the paleogeography...
Around the World in 59 Stages
Richard Tyson, Amanda Galsworthy, Getech
GEO ExPro Magazine
... 82 Reducing Exploration Risk through Modeling Building Tool-Sets for Global Exploration: Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology and Source Rocks...
The Mississippian Antler Foreland and Continental Margin in Southern Nevada: the Eleana Formation Reinterpreted
Patricia H. Cashman, James H. Trexler Jr.
Pacific Section SEPM
..., eds., 1991, Paleozoic Paleogeography of the Western United States-H: Pacific Section SEPM, Vol. 67, p. 271-280. 271 Copyright © 2012 Pacific Section...
A Skeptic’s Conclusion: The Model-based Clastic Sequence Stratigraphic Paradigm Was and Is Fatally Flawed, by William E. Galloway, #70020 (2006).
Search and Discovery.com
Temporal Evolution of Fluvial Style within a Compound Incised Valley, Ferron Notom Delta, Henry Mountains Region, Utah; #50198 (2009)
Weiguo Li, Janok Bhattacharya, Chris Campbell, and Yijie Zhu
Search and Discovery.com
... of the Ferron Notom Delta in the Henry Mountains region, Utah. Field correlation and mapping show that these fluvial facies are contained within a wide...
Thickness and Extent of Clay Layers in the Pleistocene Tulare Formation near Elk Hills, California: Implications for Water Disposal Operations and Timing of Structural Growth, #30496 (2017).
Paul Bowles, Janice Gillespie
Search and Discovery.com
... of the southern San Joaquin basin and formation of sandstone reservoirs in the Elk Hills area, California, in A.E. Fritsche, ed., Cenozoic paleogeography...
Abstract: The Application of Engineering Geological Mapping in the Design and Construction of Roadways
Muhinder Singh, Mogana Sundram
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...Abstract: The Application of Engineering Geological Mapping in the Design and Construction of Roadways Muhinder Singh, Mogana Sundram 125...
Paleogeography of the Lower Cretaceous Mannville Group of Western Canada
Paul C. Jackson
AAPG Special Volumes
...Paleogeography of the Lower Cretaceous Mannville Group of Western Canada Paul C. Jackson 1984 49 77 M 38: Elmworth: Case Study of a Deep Basin Gas...
Table of Contents
Rex E. Crick
Fort Worth Geological Society
... Tracts, and Mapping Strategies for the Subsurface Middle and Upper Pennsylvanian of the Eastern Shelf, North-Central Texas Arthur W. Cleaves...
Excelsior Formation, West Central Nevada: Stratigraphic Appraisal New Divisions, and Paleogeographic Interpretations
Robert C. Speed
Pacific Section SEPM
... provides the only record in that area of pre-Upper Triassic paleogeography and tectonics. Major progress in the analysis of the Excelsior Formation...
Tectonic Transect of Sierran Paleozoic Through Jurassic Accreted Belts
R. A. Schweickert, H. L. Bogen
Pacific Section SEPM
..., origin, and paleogeography of many of these sequences have recently been the subject of controversy, but published studies and work in progress...
Extended Abstract: Animated, High Resolution Plate Tectonic Reconstructions of SE Asia Based on the Geognostics Earth Model (GEM) – a New Base for Paleogeographic Mapping
Jon Teasdale, Jan Bon
Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)
... for Paleogeographic Mapping Jon Teasdale, Jan Bon 2018 1b SE Asia is the most geologically complex region on Earth due to the three-way convergence...
A Mesozoic Stratigraphic and Plutonic Framework for Northwestern Stikinia (Iskut River Area), Northwestern British Columbia, Canada
Robert G. Anderson
Pacific Section SEPM
... including: regional mapping; stratigraphic studies; mollusk, conodont and radiolarian biochronology; K-Ar and U-Pb geochronology; structural and metamorphic...
Abstract: Some Puzzling Questions about the Cretaceous Cenozoic Geology of West Borneo and the South China Sea
N. S. Haile
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... could this be further investigated? b) Australian-Indonesian mapping in West Kalimantan along the strike continuation of the Lupar Line shows...
Work of Soviet Geologists in the Arctic: Regional Arctic Geology of the USSR
V. V. Menner
AAPG Special Volumes
... was mapping, especially of "blanks" in Soviet Arctic areas. Now that general maps have been compiled, the work is quite different. Although no data...
1993 Southwest Section Meeting, February 21-23, 1993, Fort Worth, Texas, - Abstracts, #90994 (1993).
Search and Discovery.com
Structural History of the Andean Foreland, Peru, and Its Relation to Subduction Zone Dynamics, by Alex Bump1; Lorcan Kennan; and Jessica Fallon, #30062 (2008).
Search and Discovery.com
Paris Basin: Quantitative Oil Potential Evaluation
Search and Discovery.com
Chapter 5: Fossils in Basin Analysis
T. P. Poulton
CSPG Special Publications
..., 617 p. Jeletzky, J.A. 1971. Marine Cretaceous biotic provinces and paleogeography of Western and Arctic Canada: Illustrated by a detailed study...
AAPG Pacific Section Meeting, April 27-29, 1994, Ventura, California, - Abstracts, #90981 (1994).
Search and Discovery.com