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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

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Ferron: T. 20-21 S., R. 7 E, SLB&M: Emery County, Utah

Carol N. Tripp

Utah Geological Association

...: Intermountain Association of Petroleum Geologists Symposium Ryer, T.A., and M. McPhillips, 1983, Early Late Cretaceous Paleogeography of East-central Utah...


Shallow Marine Facies Of Middle Miocene Klandasan Beds And Its Reservoir Potential In The Southern Kutai Basin

Ikhsansyah Putra Pratama, Adi Gunawan, Iqbal Fardiansyah

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... identifying (Geological mapping, outcrop observation & Measuring Section) B. Paleocurrent measurement (lateral facies distribution, correlation) C...


Combined AVO and Spectral Decomposition Analyses to Characterize Gas Sand Reservoir Below Tuning Thickness Condition

Julian Saputro, Jaenudin, Alexis Badai Samudra, Enik Puji Lestari, Sugiono, Aldis Ramadhan, Yosi Hirosiadi

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... the amplitude tuning cube are a useful tool for defining and mapping reservoir thickness. Slices from the phase spectrum volume are helpful in mapping geological...


Geological Evaluation of Natural Gas Sandstone in the Snyderville Shale Member, Oread Limestone Formation, Medicine Lodge-Boggs Field, Barber County, Kansas; #20343 (2016)

Keithan Martin, Benjamin Crouch

Search and

... the basis for mapping of sandstone thickness, porosity, resistivity, hydrocarbon saturation, productivity, and structural interpretations...


Multidisciplinary Characterization and Modeling of Mississippian Carbonate and Silica-Rich Reservoirs, Northern Oklahoma, #51231 (2016).

Matthew Pranter, Anna Turnini, Kurt Marfurt, Deepak Devegowda

Search and

..., Northeastern Anadarko Shelf, Oklahoma: M.S. Thesis, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, 81 p. Blakey, R.C., 2014, Paleogeography: Colorado Plateau...


Re-Evaluation of the Sedimentology and Evolution of the Kais Carbonate Platform, Salawati Basin, Eastern Indonesia: Exploration Significance

Awang Harun Satyana

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... on the distribution, paleo-environments, and age of the Kais reefs and carbonates, based on regional seismic re-mapping, newly acquired seismic data...


Paleogeography of Mississippian Turbidites in South-Central Idaho

Tor H. Nilsen

Pacific Section SEPM

...Paleogeography of Mississippian Turbidites in South-Central Idaho Tor H. Nilsen PALEOGEOGRAPHY OF MISSISSIPPIAN TURBIDITES IN SOUTH-CENTRAL IDAHO...


Stratigraphic Architecture and Paleogeography of the Oread Cyclothem in the Subsurface, SE Kansas and NE Oklahoma

Michael Bruemmer, Wan Yang

Kansas Geological Society

...Stratigraphic Architecture and Paleogeography of the Oread Cyclothem in the Subsurface, SE Kansas and NE Oklahoma Michael Bruemmer, Wan Yang 2003 8...


Structure and Late Miocene Paleogeography of Southern Ridge Basin, Southern California

Leonard T. Stitt

Pacific Section SEPM

...Structure and Late Miocene Paleogeography of Southern Ridge Basin, Southern California Leonard T. Stitt STRUCTURE AND LATE MIOCENE PALEOGEOGRAPHY...


Transgressive Development of Miocene Reefs, Salawati Basin, Irian Jaya

C. Gibson-Robinson, H. Soedirdja

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... Paleogeography During the Miocene the Salawati Basin was the site of carbonate deposition in an embayment that was probably open to the northwest (Fig. 5...


Regional Eagle Ford Modeling: Integrating Facies, Rock Properties, and Stratigraphy to Understand Geologic and Reservoir Characteristics

David Hull, Philip Chapman, Dave Miller, David Ingraham, Nicole Fritz, Nicholas Kernan

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... models. The distribution and shape of these surfaces is primarily controlled by paleogeography, particularly the interplay of the San Marcos Arch...


Petroleum System Analysis of Small Scale Miocene Troughs in the Pannonian Basin, Results of a 3D Basin Modeling Case Study from Southern Hungary, #30674 (2020).

Viktor Lemberkovics, Edina Kissne Pavel, Balazs Badics, Katalin Lorincz,

Search and

... Top Karpatian SR4 Maturity maps ➢ ➢ Detailed paleogeography ➢ Paratethys Petroleum Systems - AAPG European Regional Conference - Vienna, Austria...


Abstract: Cooperative geological mapping strategies across Canada

Simon Hanmer

Atlantic Geology

...Abstract: Cooperative geological mapping strategies across Canada Simon Hanmer 140 AGS Abstracts – 2004 Colloquium & Annual General Meeting...


Abstract: Cooperative Geological Mapping Strategies across Canada (CGMS): public geoscience, exploration and development

Simon Hanmer

Atlantic Geology

...Abstract: Cooperative Geological Mapping Strategies across Canada (CGMS): public geoscience, exploration and development Simon Hanmer Atlantic...


Abstract: New surficial mapping initiative in New Brunswick

Serge Allard

Atlantic Geology

...Abstract: New surficial mapping initiative in New Brunswick Serge Allard atlantic geology . volume 47 . 2011 10 New surficial mapping initiative...


Abstract: Quantitative mapping in the Parry Sound domain for structural analysis

Peter J. Regan

Atlantic Geology

...Abstract: Quantitative mapping in the Parry Sound domain for structural analysis Peter J. Regan Atlantic Geology . Volume 48 . 2012 44...


Abstract: Advanced Lidar Mapping in the Coastal Zone and Freshwater Aquatic Environments

Tim L. Webster

Atlantic Geology

...Abstract: Advanced Lidar Mapping in the Coastal Zone and Freshwater Aquatic Environments Tim L. Webster Advanced lidar mapping in the coastal zone...


Depositional Sequence Analysis and the Characteristics of some Confined Clastic Aquifers, Upper Cretaceous, Alabama

David T. King, Jr.

GCAGS Transactions

... are recognized in the outcropping marine section. Analysis of depositional-sequence paleogeography and the facies relations within depositional sequences...


Depositional Facies of Mississippian Clastics, Antler Foreland Basin, Central Diamond Mountains, Nevada

Dwight W. Harbaugh , William R. Dickinson

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... The basin fill thus contains a full record of the foreland subsidence that accompanied and followed the Antler orogeny. Detailed facies mapping indicates...


Multichannel Mapping Techniques: ABSTRACT

R. O. Lindseth

AAPG Bulletin

...Multichannel Mapping Techniques: ABSTRACT R. O. Lindseth 1970 560 560 54 3. (March) (No submitted) End_of_Article - Last_Page 560...


International Mapping Activities of the World: ABSTRACT

Frances M. Delany

AAPG Bulletin

...International Mapping Activities of the World: ABSTRACT Frances M. Delany 1982 963 963 66 7. (July) (No ) End_of_Article - Last_Page 963...


The Effects of Late Paleozoic Paleolatitude and Paleogeography on Carbonate Sedimentation in the Midland Basin, Texas.

D. A. Walker, J. Golonka, A. M. Reid, S. A. Tomlinson Reid

West Texas Geological Society

...The Effects of Late Paleozoic Paleolatitude and Paleogeography on Carbonate Sedimentation in the Midland Basin, Texas. D. A. Walker, J. Golonka, A. M...


Prediction of Carbonate Sweet Spots from 3-D Seismic: A Case History from Krisna Field

Mary L. Welker-Haddock, Robert K. Park, Sudarmono M.

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., and determination of paleogeography from isochron mapping and seismic morphology. We have compared the predictions of the inerpretation to actual well results...


Geological Data Acquisition During 3D Seismic Operation in Mutiara Field Area, Kalimantan, Indonesia

Andang Bachtiar, Edy Kurniawan, Yulie Purwanti

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., 399-421. Geological Data Acquisition (GDA) is referring specifically to mudlogging and wireline logging of the seismic shotholes and surface mapping...


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