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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 4,800 Results. Searched 197,740 documents.
Empirical relationship between gas composition and thermal maturity in Eagle Ford Shale, south Texas
Tongwei Zhang, Xun Sun, Kitty L. Milliken, Stephen C. Ruppel, and Daniel Enriquez
AAPG Bulletin
... with little alteration of gas chemistry as might be affected by petroleum expulsion and migration. As such it provides an ideal natural laboratory...
Hydrodynamic stagnation zones: A new play concept for the Llanos Basin, Colombia
Mark Person, David Butler, Carl W. Gable, Tomas Villamil, David Wavrek, Daniel Schelling
AAPG Bulletin
... hydrodynamics on secondary oil migration within the Llanos Basin at the regional scale using mathematical modeling. Our analysis is limited to the central Llanos...
Chapter 6: Structural Interpretation of Seismic Geologic Reality, Perspective, and 3-D Thinking
Peter Boult, Brett Freeman, Graham Yielding
AAPG Special Volumes
... mathematical computation (Plato 360 BC). While in conversation with Socrates, he stated: “The body which is large when seen near, appears small when seen...
An immersed boundary topography approach for TTI acoustic propagation
Edward Caunt, Rhodri Nelson, Tim MacArthur, Fabio Luporini, Gerard Gorman
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... is paramount for the robustness and quality of imaging algorithms including full-waveform inversion (FWI) and reverse-time migration (RTM) (Borisov et al., 2018...
The Environmental Safety of Underground Infection of Oilfield Brines in Louisiana
Conger, Robert M.
GCAGS Transactions
... for use in secondary and enhanced recovery techniques, has been applied for simulation of pressure effects and vertical migration potential for underground...
New Generation of Uncertainty Analysis in Basin Modeling; #42508 (2020)
Pierre Hacquard, Mathieu Ducros, Renaud Traby, Veronique Gervais, Nicolas Maurand
Search and Discovery.com
... and in-depth analysis of the results as none of them can truly represent the reality. Current methods are based on advanced mathematical and statistical...
Modified Higher-Order 3D Displacement Discontinuity Method for Prediction of Fracture Propagation
Serhii Kryvenko, George Julius Moridis, Thomas Alvin Blasingame
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... significantly improve the numerical accuracy of the solution. The mathematical formulation of the 2D DDM was firstly developed by Crouch (1976) and Crouch...
Modeling secondary oil migration with core-scale data: Viking Formation, Alberta basin
Elise B. Bekele, Mark A. Person, Benjamin J. Rostron, Randal Barnes
AAPG Bulletin
...). The migration of mathematical particles resembles that of a continuous oil mass because particles in close proximity have similar coordinate positions...
High-resolution angle gather tomography with Fourier neural operators
Sean Crawley, Guanghui Huang, Ramzi Djebbi, Jaime Ramos, Nizar Chemingui
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... is akin to traditional migration velocity analysis (MVA), but it uses a neural network in place of a back projection operator. It can iteratively...
A History of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists: 1965-1991
Edd R. Turner
AAPG Non-Technical and Memorials
... Chapter 2. Funding of AAPG Activities The History of the AAPG Foundation from Birth to 1991 James E. Wilson, Jr. Chapter 3. Governance...
Assessing the Roles of Tectonism and Eustasy
John M. Dennison
Special Publications of SEPM
... by a plethora of new terminology. Another powerful influence on stratigraphic thought is application of mathematical laws of engineering physics...
Restoration of Barrier Islands Overlying Poorly-Consolidated Sediments, South-Central Louisiana
Julie Dean Rosati, Gregory W. Stone, Robert G. Dean, Nicholas C. Kraus
GCAGS Transactions
... future maintenance renourishment. A newly-developed two-dimensional (cross-shore) mathematical model was applied to investigate the dependence of beach...
A Methodology to Quantify the Volume-of-investigation in DFIT Design for Shale Gas Wells
Zhiming Chen, Hongyang Chu, Xuefeng Tang, Lingyu Mu, Peng Dong, Jiali Zhang, Haoshu Chen
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
.... First, a mathematical model of DFIT with NFFMs is developed. With this mathematical model, pressure behavior is calculated during the DFIT...
A New Method of Making the Thickness Map of the Shallow Sand Body Constrained by Seismic Attribute, #42092 (2017).
Ming Jun, Zhou Xuefeng, Liu Xuetong, Pan Yong, Li Wenbin
Search and Discovery.com
... of the mathematical interpolation algorithm. To solve the above problems, a new method for making the shallow sand body thickness map is proposed. The shallow sand body...
Long-Range Petroleum Migration in the Illinois Basin: Chapter 26: Part I. Illinois Basin: Oil and Gas Systems
Craig M. Bethke, Jackie D. Reed, Donald F. Oltz
AAPG Special Volumes
...Long-Range Petroleum Migration in the Illinois Basin: Chapter 26: Part I. Illinois Basin: Oil and Gas Systems Craig M. Bethke, Jackie D. Reed, Donald...
Geological and Computer Modeling of Upper Jurassic Smackover Reef and Carbonate Shoal Lithofacies, Eastern Gulf Coastal Plain
Ernest A. Mancini , William C. Parcell , D. Joe Benson , Hannah Chen , Wen-Tai Yang
GCAGS Transactions
... Annual Research Conference, Gulf Coast Section, Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists Foundation, p. 1-17. Benson, D.J., L.M. Pultz...
A Geological Model Log Analysis Technique for Complex Lithologies
George L. Fisher, James P. Wallace
Indonesian Petroleum Association
.... Bertozzi, W, Ellis, D.V. and Wahl, J.S., 1981, The Physical Foundation of Formation Lithology Logging with Gamma Rays, Geophysics, Vol. 46 No. 10, p...
Current Trends in Geophysics
H. E. Stommel, J. M. Graul
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... with multiplexed transmission, has reduced, in a major way, the "cable noise" problems of yesteryear. The emergence of 3-dimensional migration...
Abstract: Reverse Time Migration of Prestack Elastic Data; #90224 (2015)
R. Ferner and M. D. Sacchi
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Reverse Time Migration of Prestack Elastic Data; #90224 (2015) R. Ferner and M. D. Sacchi Datapages/Search and Discovery Article #90224...
Application of Artificial Intelligence Tools for Fault Imaging in an Unconventional Reservoir: A Case Study from the Permian Basin
H. Garcia, L. Plant
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... areas. In the current study, we used a pre-trained convolutional neural network. This foundation network can be applied to the data without providing any...
Heat flow and surface hydrocarbons on the Brunei continental margin
Gary W. Zielinski, Malvin Bjoroy, Robyn L. B. Zielinski, Ian L. Ferriday
AAPG Bulletin
..., thermal-maturation parameters indicate no causal connection between megaseep heat flow and thermogenesis. Invariant parameters, less affected by migration...
Geological Techniques Applied to Engineering Practice in Southern Saskatchewan
E. Karl Sauer
Saskatchewan Geological Society
... are associated mainly with slope stability, foundation stability, seepage and groundwater control, location of gravel aggregates and excavation...
Iterative Modeling and Imaging of Seismic Data in Depth to Help Delineate Petroleum Reservoirs in the Utah Overthrust Belt
Alvin K. Benson
Utah Geological Association
... a cross section of the subsurface. For mathematical details, see Chapter 5 of Seismic Migration: Theory and Practice (1986) by Stolt and Benson...
Tracking Migration by Molecular Geotracers in Comparison with Other Geochemical Properties, Summan Exploration Area, Northeast Saudi Arabia
Khaled R. Arouri, Yunlai Yang, Donald H. Williams, Saroj K. Panda, Adnan Hajji
AAPG Special Volumes
...Tracking Migration by Molecular Geotracers in Comparison with Other Geochemical Properties, Summan Exploration Area, Northeast Saudi Arabia Khaled R...
Factors Necessary to Define a Pressure Seal
David Deming
AAPG Bulletin
...: mathematical modeling of intergranular pressure solution, styolites, and differential compaction/cementation, in I. D. Meshri and P. J. Ortoleva, eds...