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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 9,105 Results. Searched 196,410 documents.
ABSTRACT: Potential Extent of Subsalt and Deepwater Plays in the Gulf of Mexico, by J. S. Watkins; #91021 (2010)
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Abstract: The Study on the Contributing Factors of Phase State of Condensate Gas: Examples from Tarim Basin, by X. Zhou, H. Wang, Y. Chen, and Z. Xu; #90939 (1997)
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Interpretation of Conodont Color Alteration and Thermal Maturation in Amadeus Basin, Central Australia: ABSTRACT
J. D. Gorter, Robert S. Nicoll
AAPG Bulletin
...Interpretation of Conodont Color Alteration and Thermal Maturation in Amadeus Basin, Central Australia: ABSTRACT J. D. Gorter, Robert S. Nicoll 1983...
Use of Fission-Track Annealing Systematics in Constraining the Thermal Evolution of Sedimentary Basins: ABSTRACT
Shari Kelley, Ian Duncan, David Blackwell
AAPG Bulletin
... range for petroleum maturation. Compared to vitrinite reflectance measurements and other techniques currently used to monitor thermal histories...
Influence of Basin History on Reservoir Quality of Sandstones: Upper Cretaceous of Northern Mexico: ABSTRACT
Earle F. McBride
AAPG Bulletin
... and associated organic matter underwent normal maturation events. Shale water was expelled in stages, organic matter evolved to produce liquid...
Abstract: Deep Water Hydrocarbon Potential of the South Caspian Basin, by P. Frydl, J. Cline, and I. Guliyev; #90942 (1997).
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Abstract: The Impact of Synorogenic Strata on Hydrocarbon Generation in the Denver Basin, by R. G. Raynolds; #90946 (1997).
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A Model for Evolution of Small Pull-Apart Basins: ABSTRACT
Jean A. Andrews, Walter C. Pitman, III
AAPG Bulletin
... for the evolution of small extensional or pull-apart basins is presented. The very rapid subsidence, sediment accumulation, and hydrocarbon maturation...
Effect of Radiation on Particulate Organic Matter Associated with Roll-Front Deposits: ABSTRACT
Karl W. Schwab, Douglas Perry
AAPG Bulletin
.... (April) When multiple maturation populations are observed in organic materials derived from core and/or outcrop samples, the common assumption...
Maturation History and Thermal Evolution of Cretaceous Source Rocks of Bighorn Basin, Wyoming and Montana: ABSTRACT
E. Sven Hagen, Ronald C. Surdam
AAPG Bulletin
...Maturation History and Thermal Evolution of Cretaceous Source Rocks of Bighorn Basin, Wyoming and Montana: ABSTRACT E. Sven Hagen, Ronald C. Surdam...
Abstract: Petroleum Exploration Strategies in Mobile Belts, by Roure, François; #90934 (1998).
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Abstract: Kinematics of the Deformation and Petroleum System Appraisal in Mobile Belts, by Roure, François; #90934 (1998).
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A Geochemical Strategy for Identifying Lower Paleozoic "Source" Units, Using Ellenburger Group of West Texas as a Case Study: ABSTRACT
Ravindra S. Tipnis
AAPG Bulletin
... can organic maturation in lower Paleozoic rocks be determined? Conodonts and acritarchs, as well as sapropelic organic matter, can be used to determine...
Uses of Vitrinite Reflectance in Determining Thermal History in Sedimentary Basins: ABSTRACT
John R. Castano
AAPG Bulletin
... and burial t me are used to evaluate the relationship of depth to log VR obtained directly. The time and temperature required for maturation...
Thermal Subsidence of Santos and Sergipe-Alagoas Basins, Brazil--Application to Hydrocarbon Exploration: ABSTRACT
Hung K. Chang, Renato O. Kowsmann
AAPG Bulletin
... windows for potential source rocks in various parts of these basins. Maturation profiles are in good agreement with observed vitrinite reflectance...
Interior Provinces in Alaska: ABSTRACT
C. E. Kirschner, M. A. Fisher, T. R. Bruns, R. G. Stanley
AAPG Bulletin
... geochemistry, thermal maturation, paleontology, and petrography are some of the disciplines being used to evaluate the basins as well as to compare them...
Abstract: The Kazhdumi Hydrocarbon System Of The Northern Arabian Gulf, by L. V. Moore; #90928 (1999).
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Abstract: Subglacial Groundwater Flow During the Last Glaciation in the North Sea, by Carl F. Gyllenhammar; #90914(2000)
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Geology, Thermal Maturation, and Source Rock Geochemistry in a Volcanic Covered Basin: San Juan Sag, South-Central Colorado
Robbie Rice Gries, J. L. Clayton, and China Leonard
AAPG Bulletin
...Geology, Thermal Maturation, and Source Rock Geochemistry in a Volcanic Covered Basin: San Juan Sag, South-Central Colorado Robbie Rice Gries, J. L...
Abstract: Porosity Evolution in Permian Deep-Water Carbonates, Permian Basin, Texas & New Mexico, by S. J. Mazzullo; #90914(2000)
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ABSTRACT: Modification of Petroleum Systems by Movements on Transform Faults, by James S. Jackson; #90906(2001)
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Gas Shale Resources—Role of Organic Matter, by S. Ramos; #90902 (2001)
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ABSTRACT: Charge Analyses of Oil and Gas Fields within the SECC Block, Columbus Basin, Trinidad and Tobago, by Hertig, Stephen P.; #90026 (2004)
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Abstract: Thermal Evolution of the Ouachita Mountain Belt, Arkansas and Oklahoma, by J. Piper; #90094 (2009)
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