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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 9,124 Results. Searched 197,992 documents.
Integrated Reservoir Characterization of the Duvernay Play (Alberta, Canada): From Nanometer Scale to Regional Basin Scale
Search and Discovery.com
Re-Os Systematics in Petroleum Systems: What Are We Measuring
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New Approaches on Source Rock Analysis to Improve Hydrocarbon System Analysis — Optical Kerogen Analysis of Organic Rich Mesozoic Shales (Germany, Chile)
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Thermal Evolution and Maturation of Sinian and Cambrian Source Rocks in the Central Area of Sichuan Basin, Southwest China
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Depositional, Mineralogical, and Maturity Controls on Pore Types, Size, and Distribution in Mudstones
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Brazil Pre-Salt: Role of Seismic Technology in Full Cycle Hydrocarbon Maturation Process
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Integrating 3-D Basin Modeling Concept to Determine Source Rock Maturation in the F-O Gas Field, Bredasdorp Basin (Offshore South Africa)
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Critical questions of hydrocarbon generation: fluid composition and maturation determined from new techniques using maturity proxies
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Suppression of Vitrinite Reflectance by Bitumen Generated From Liptinite During Hydrous Pyrolysis of Artificial Source Rock
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Turning Rocks Into Oil: Understanding Fluid GOR and API Without Any Fluid
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Abstract: The Prrif Domain and its Forelands, Northern Morocco: Geology and Petroleum Play Concepts
M. Dakki, M. Hssain, M. El Alji, and R. El Abib
Search and Discovery.com
...%. Maturation of Lower Jurassic source rock may have started as early as end of Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous in deeper zones (troughs). On the other hand, maturity...
ABSTRACT Evaluation of Maturation and Petroleum Generation in the Eagle Ford Shale First Shot Field Texas, #90104 (2010)
Edman Janell D.; Pitman Janet K.
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT Evaluation of Maturation and Petroleum Generation in the Eagle Ford Shale First Shot Field Texas, #90104 (2010) Edman Janell D.; Pitman...
ABSTRACT Carbon and Hydrogen Isotope Systematics in Bakken Shale Gases: Prediction of Rock and Fluid Properties from Gas Isotopes as Guide to Mudgas Isotope Data Interpretations, #90104 (2010)
Schoell Martin; Lefever Julie
Search and Discovery.com
... suggest a gas‐oil maturation‐related petroleum system that is contained within the shale, meaning that we report here gas properties from...
ABSTRACT Passive Margin Deltas and Petroleum Systems, #90123 (2011)
Brian Russel Frost
Search and Discovery.com
..., and maturation/migration occur nearly simultaneously. Furthermore, as deltas prograde through time, the position and type of structural deformation, direction...
Abstract: Regional source rock maturation and petroleum migration of the Kurdistan Region, Iraq; #90254 (2016)
Balazs Badics, Adnan Aqrawi
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Regional source rock maturation and petroleum migration of the Kurdistan Region, Iraq; #90254 (2016) Balazs Badics, Adnan Aqrawi AAPG...
Abstract: Modeling Petroleum Expulsion/Retention from the Vaca Muerta Formation, Argentina;
Mei Mei, Alan Burnham, Noelle Schoellkopf, Johannes Wendebourg, Francois Gelin
Search and Discovery.com
... maturation process, adsorbed HCs always exceed free HCs retained in the source rock. Produced oils have similar composition to free hydrocarbons...
Abstract: Intermediate Hydrocarbon Species Identified in Naturally Matured Marine Source Rocks by Programmed Temperature Pyrolysis with Multivariate Curve Resolution; #91208 (2024)
Justin E. Birdwell
Search and Discovery.com
.... This is attributed to factors not related to thermal maturation, but instead differences regarding source rock formation. One of the S2 components...
Abstract: Relating the Composition of Rock Volatiles to Thermal Maturity Parameters Insights into Maturation and the Role of Structure on the Bakken Petroleum System; #91208 (2024)
Christopher M. Smith, Justin E. Birdwell, Paul C. Hackley, Clint Scott, Jennifer L. Nedzweckas, Michael P. Smith
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Relating the Composition of Rock Volatiles to Thermal Maturity Parameters Insights into Maturation and the Role of Structure...
Tar-Mat Samples as Timing Indicators of Episodic Fill-and-Spill Oil Migration History in an Albian Channel-Splay Complex from the Outeniqua Petroleum System, South Africa, by Christopher P. Davies, #10190 (2009).
Search and Discovery.com
Investigating Laboratory-Generated Pyrobitumen Precursors for Unconventional Reservoir Characterization: A Geochemical and Petrographic Approach, #80432 (2014).
Andy Mort, Hamed Sanei, Julito Reyes
Search and Discovery.com
... ([email protected]) Abstract Analysis of pyrobitumen generated during the artificial maturation of source rock and oil-saturated core samples using...
Source Rock Kinetics: Goal and Perspectives; #41822 (2016)
Mathieu Ducros
Search and Discovery.com
... maturation procedures in laboratories. All these experimental maturation techniques are performed either using isothermal or non-isothermal temperatures...
Loss of Organic Carbon from Source Rocks During Thermal Maturation: Past, Present, and Future; #42450 (2021)
Janell D. Edman
Search and Discovery.com
...Loss of Organic Carbon from Source Rocks During Thermal Maturation: Past, Present, and Future; #42450 (2021) Janell D. Edman PS Loss of Organic...
Maturation Patterns in the Eromanga Basin
A. J. Kantsler, A. C. Cook, M. Zwigulis
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
...Maturation Patterns in the Eromanga Basin A. J. Kantsler, A. C. Cook, M. Zwigulis 284 MATURATION PATTERNS IN THE EROMANGA BASIN A.J. Kantsler 1,3...
Characterization and Identification of Kerogen and Bitumen and Determination of Thermal Maturation by Means of Qualitative and Quantitative Microscopical Techniques
Dr. Pieter van Gijzel
Special Publications of SEPM
...Characterization and Identification of Kerogen and Bitumen and Determination of Thermal Maturation by Means of Qualitative and Quantitative...
Organic Petrology and Geochemical (Rock-Eval) Studies on Oil Shales and Coals from the Pictou and Antigonish Areas, Nova Scotia, Canada
W. Kalkreuth, G. Macauley
CSPG Bulletin
... are, in general, significantly lower and are thus not considered to be reliable measures of maturation. In these rocks, determination of fluorescence...