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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 23,773 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Should the Devonian Basins of Northeast Queensland Continue to be Ignored?

J. J. Draper, S. C. Lang

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

..., Queensland University of Technology 2 Devonian to Early Carboniferous rocks contain significant source rocks world-wide. Lower Middle Devonian rocks...


Vaca Muerta … Los Molles Multiple Formation Landing Zone Sweetspots, an Emerging Frontier Play for Unconventional Shale Exploration. Puesto Parada (Vaca Muerta)-Punta Senillosa (Los Molles) Discoveries Case Study, Southern Neuquen Basin

Alfonso Mosquera, Alan Buchanan, Ricardo Veiga, Alejandra Galan, Sebastian Olmos, Ailin Lopasso, Hector Villar

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... Parada and Punta Senillosa unconventional concessions and Los Bastos conventional production contract (Figures 1&3). Two main East- West sticking...


Tectonic Controls of Basin Evolution in Argentina and Bolivia

A.J. Tankard, M. Turic, F. Fernandez-Seveso, P. Aukes, M. Cirbian

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... prospectivity of the South American basins is due largely to their composite form, multiple intervals of Paleozoic and Mesozoic source rocks, and the formation...


Oil Families of the Western Canada Basin

J. Allan, S. Creaney

CSPG Bulletin

... fingerprints of the oil families are presented. The families are derived from a number of source rocks ranging in age from Middle Devonian to Late...


Tectonic Setting of the World's Giant Oil and Gas Fields

Paul Mann, Lisa Gahagan, Mark B. Gordon

AAPG Special Volumes

.... A second period of hydrocarbon formation occurred from Triassic through Tertiary, with Middle Jurassic source rocks and Upper Jurassic reservoirs. Migration...


III Columbia Oil & Gas Investment Conference: Conventional & Unconventional Hydrocarbon Resources - Abstracts

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... here might serve as analogs for reservoirs in non-U.S. basins. The availability of production data from several thousand wells in unconventional...


Hydrocarbon Play Concepts for the Irian Jaya Fold Belt

Richard D. Kendrick, Kevin C. Hill

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... molasse buries potential Mesozoic source rocks to >5km, currently in the oil window and charging foothills and southern IJFB structures, and perhaps...


Chapter 2: Geologic Framework and Petroleum Systems of Cook Inlet Basin, South-Central Alaska

David L. LePain, Richard G. Stanley, Kenneth P. Helmold, Diane P. Shellenbaum

AAPG Special Volumes

... and sandy reservoirs; and (3) an unproven Mesozoic-reservoired oil system, wherein oil generated from Jurassic and / or Triassic source rocks might occur...


Chapter 2: Petroleum Geochemistry of the Cenomanian–Turonian Eagle Ford Oils of South Texas

John Zumberge, Harold Illich, Lowell Waite

AAPG Special Volumes

... Cretaceous) in the Middle Magdalena Valley, Colombia, in J. G. Palacas, ed., Petroleum geochemistry and source rock potential of carbonate rocks: AAPG...


Chapter 12: Basin Analysis Applied to Petroleum Geology in Western Canada

Kirk G. Osadetz

CSPG Special Publications

... in northern Interior Platform, north of the Keg River - Slave Point barrier reef. Conventional, thermally mature source rocks appear to be present...


Shale Resource Systems for Oil and Gas: Part 1Shale-gas Resource Systems

Daniel M. Jarvie

AAPG Special Volumes

..., Triassic oils and potential Mesozoic source rocks, Peace River arch area, western Canada Basin: Organic Geochemistry, v. 16, no. 13, p. 295305, doi...


Geology of Mesozoic Basement Rocks from Well Cores in Santa Maria Basin, Santa Barbara County, California: ABSTRACT

Lynn D. Gray

AAPG Bulletin

... of the Santa Maria area. Deep-water, middle Miocene sediments were deposited in this newly formed basin in contact with the Mesozoic rocks. End_of_Article...


Kinematic, Thermal, and Petroleum Modeling of the Northern Emirates

Jean-Paul Callot, François Roure, Jean-Luc Faure, Mihai Tarapoanca

AAPG Special Volumes

... of time, from the Permian (Khuff Formation) to Middle Cretaceous (Thamama Formation). They form the main reservoirs to which intervening source rocks...


Middle and Upper Magdalena Basins, Colombia: Chapter 10

Steven Schamel

AAPG Special Volumes

...Middle and Upper Magdalena Basins, Colombia: Chapter 10 Steven Schamel 1991 283 301 M 52: Active Margin Basins The Magdalena River flows northward...


Climate Controls on Petroleum Systems: The Pennsylvanian of Eastern Wyoming and the "Sinking Reservoir" Model

T. S. Ahlbrandt, J. L. Clayton, C. J. Schenk

Special Publications of SEPM

... prolific hydrocarbon reservoirs occur in the 3rd Leo (Middle Missourian) cycle, where eolian sands intertongue with very rich black-shale source beds...


Source Rocks: Global and Regional Control on Organic Matter Accumulation: Middle East Examples; #30456 (2016)

A-Y. Huc

Search and

... Early Paleozoic tectonic features. Mesozoic source rocks accumulated within shallow carbonate intra-shelf basins (ISB) along the southern rim...


Shallow, Low-Permeability Reservoirs of Northern Great Plains--Assessment of Their Natural Gas Resources

Dudley D. Rice , George W. Shurr

AAPG Bulletin

... source rocks for the thermal gas. In contrast, natural gas from tight reservoirs in the northern Great Plains is in thin, discontinuous beds...


Chapter 17: Depositional History and Petroleum Habitat of Qatar

F. S. P. van Buchem, N. Svendsen, E. Hoch, R. Pedersen-Tatalovic, K. Habib

AAPG Special Volumes

...–Qusaibah system, the Mesozoic Arab-Hanifa, and the Middle Cretaceous–Hanifa systems. The crest of the Qatar high hosts both the Khuff gas reservoirs...


Hydrocarbon accumulation processes in the Dabei tight-gas reservoirs, Kuqa Subbasin, Tarim Basin, northwest China

Xiaowen Guo, Keyu Liu, Chengzao Jia, Yan Song, Mengjun Zhao, Qingong Zhuo, and Xuesong Lu

AAPG Bulletin

... recently shifted radically away from conventional reservoirs to focus on unconventional reservoirs, such as tight oil and gas, shale oil and gas...


The Permian Gas Potential of the Taroom Trough, Queensland: New Ideas to Unlock a Multi-TCF Play

Gareth Cooper, Greg Channon, Pete Bekkers, Neil Young

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

... of the Late Permian Tinowon Formation, form the main Palaeozoic source rock in the trough for both conventional and unconventional hydrocarbons...


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